"Sorry to inflict my mood of the day on others, but that’s pretty much how I’m feeling today. Thinking about the post from "...

Mark I'm usually here 3-4 times a day reading your work and everyone's comments. In the last few weeks I've quit going to most every news site I'd normally frequent and I am only here once every few days... Not because of your product but because the context of the world within your product.

Just about anything happening today makes me want to flip a desk and kick kittens.

Your mood is very understood...

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"... for the long term it’s impossible to hold out hope as long as a secular world view retains its grip on the public. What can break its hold?"

Only the Lord Jesus. Only God.

What is our job? Casting down every stronghold, every high thing that stands against the knowledge of God.

- Chuck

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I think that in their 4th Generation Warfare Game of smearing by association or politically intimidating by association (Non-hater of Trump = Insurrectionist) they clearly, clearly, clearly have gone a bridge too far on this one. To wage a campaign this brazen against all unvaccinated people of all stripes and there are many stripes, is to court a complete and utter loss of support, to risk a coalescing of many and various powerful social forces in opposition, and to risk possibly even the opening of eyes previously thought unopenable.

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I actually had an experience this morning that cheered me up a bit. I went to a doc office and had a maskless experience from beginning to end. Nobody asked, much less suggested, hey, where's your mask? I was asked if I was vaxxed and ... that was it. Nobody badgered me or even suggested that I do it. It was like being in a time machine. It felt really good. Normal.

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I share Mark's general gloom. As to what can shake the grip of this prevalent nihlism i can only cite the thing that has cured humans of their delusions: suffering, and lots of it. Take your pick of historical examples. Off the top of my head, let's see... the Israelites needed 40 years of wandering and the death of a whole generation to get their collective minds right. The Romans needed successive barbarian invasions. Etc....

We're no different. We're in for alot of suffering. Hopefully there are enough of us left at the end to revive a culture worth preserving.

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The West is in the process of committing cultural suicide. My prediction, which I won't live to see one way or the other, is that the United States looks like Mexico in 100 years. And that is me being optimistic. It could easily look like Zimbabwe.

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If this be any consolation, here in New England the weather is as fitful as the mood of the day most of us are in right now.

For those not familiar with the Moynihan Letters at insidethevatican dot com, Dr. Moynihan interviews Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in a series of 18 question and answer videos in which Vigano addresses the crisis that now confronts us relevant to secularism, Modernism, and the Enlightenment and the "unattainable paradise" all the crazy people well have rolled up their sleeves for.

Question #15: What is your view on the promises of the Enlightenment – primarily liberty, equality and fraternity. Were these promises authentic? Or were they deceptions to corrupt and subvert the monarchies, the aristocracy, and the Church?

 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Like everything that does not come from God, so also Enlightenment thought is mendacious and false, since it promises an unattainable paradise on earth, a human utopia based on an immanentism that contradicts the objective reality of a personal and transcendent God. (...)

Here is the link to the video transcript: https://rumble.com/vmyl0b-the-vigan-tapes-15-an-unattainable-paradise.html

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There are some hopeful signs there is an awakening. Nicki Minaj pushing back on covid vaccines, and particularly her right to even talk about them, Rihanna's "think while it is still legal" T-Shirt statements being a couple pop culture examples. Those two in particular are big problems for Democrats considering they reach a large number of African Americans who are otherwise not engaged in politics. BLM siding with the right on vax policy? The Dems seem to be having some coalition problems, to put it mildly.

Democrats have played the anarchy strategy of destabilizing society in the hopes that it can be torn down and remade in their image, but I see a distinct possibility that the forces they unleashed just might destroy them first before they have their chance to tear down our democracy.

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All the while churches of all denominations appear to be succumbing to the mind numbing capitulation of basic truths and values they once held. A perfect recent example from the protestants is the promotion of a transvestite as an arch-bishop in the ELCA. And on the Catholic side a Pope that fits right in with the globalist/socialist/Marxist agenda, requiring 'vaccine passports' to enter Vatican City. When these institutions publicly break from more than two thousand years of biblical teaching, is it any wonder they are losing their once faithful parishioners to secularism?

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2021
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