Postol's basic message is right on, but several comments to the Davis interview of Postol point out that the professor radically underestimates the capacity of recent Russian progress in developing a satellite early warning system called EKS Kupol (Kupol means "dome"), which got underway with a launch in 2015. See Wiki. The EKS "Tundra"satellites are equipped with advanced infra-red sensors and in the near future will have ultraviolet sensors as well. Six out of ten total satellites have been put into orbit so far, and they are said to have an excellent view of rocket plumes around the world except for the Pacific area, and a new operation center in the far east of Siberia is currently under construction and will be completed soon. In addition, several geostationary satellites will also be added as a further "failsafe" layer of protection. When EKS is completed, some Russians claim it will be fully as capable as the US SBIRS early warning system, but it is already quite powerful. Thus it seems that Postol may be underestimating Russia's current capabilities, although his basic assertion that drone-attacking the two Russian early-warning radar facilities was incredibly stupid and dangerous is accurate and very important. I'm not a physicist, so I won't say more. I learned a lot from the following article, which I recommend. If you're busy, just read the last section, entitled "Capabilities," which gives a good summary. See: https://www.thespacereview.com/article/4121/1

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I know that Postol says in one of the two interviews that under Putin the Russians have once again made a big push for space based early warning. Unless I'm mistaking that for something I read elsewhere. But I'm pretty sure I heard Postol mention that. His primary concern in these interviews is, understandably, the present status.

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Mr. Wauck, here is Andrei Martyanov's view of Professor Postol's controversial statement about Russia's lack of an early-warning satellite system. Martynov has often proved right when it comes to the latest Russian military technology, so I think he is worth listening to. If what he says is accurate, then Russia has already achieved early-warning parity with the US with the launching of its first 6 of 10 projected EKS Kupol satellites. This is important, because it probably means that Russia won't be trigger-happy with their nukes because they have faith and confidence in their new early warning system. Let's hope at least a few people in the Pentagon are aware of Russia's new EKS early-warning system, since that would cause them to think twice -- or thrice -- about the dangerous concept of making a first-strike nuclear attack on Russia or China. If you have time, please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34v5DGzbgjs

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I'll watch it, probably tomorrow. It will be reassuring if true.

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It must be in the second interview. I'm going to watch that, too. Thanks for mentioning both interviews. In the interview with Davis he says that the Russians haven't been able to develop infrared sensor technology to a high level, but the new EKS Kupol satellite system is based on new Russian infrared technology and will soon utilize ultraviolet technology as well. The article I mentioned suggests that parity with the US will probably be reached in 5-10 years, though the basic imbalance has already been fixed at present except for attacks coming from the east (the Pacific), which will be fixed soon. The Wiki article on EKS Kupol at the very end also mentions this as a reference: https://www.russianspaceweb.com/eks.html Thanks again for bringing up this important topic.

https://www.russianspaceweb.com/ I thinkeks.html

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Strike the last line. Sorry, I forgot to delete it.

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I read Stephen King's "The Stand" oh so many years ago, and it gave me nightmares. This video interview with Postol brings images of just such a scenario. Nightmares ahead.

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He should write a new one about the neocons: "Last Stand"

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I’m a bit perplexed, do I file this under “Unintended Consequences of Stupid Actions”, or do I file it under “I Can’t Believe That These Dumb Shits Actually Did This”.

Here I was thinking that they couldn’t possibly be more reckless and foolhardy than they have shown themselves to be up to this point, obviously I was wrong.

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I filed it under, "Invest in brown trousers asap", SMH! We've often debated on our esteemed host's pages whether these people are doing this on purpose or because they are just stupid. I believe it is both. Let's hope that some glimmer of sanity is creeping into their fogged up brains.

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The foolish recklessness of this administration is breathtaking. I fear that they grossly underestimate the determination of Putin and Russia while simultaneously wildly overestimating their own intelligence and ability to control events. The world is lucky that Putin has been as patient as he has been.

And Mark your efforts in assimilating such a wide variety of sources and materials is quite amazing, and your summaries and thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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Second that. Quite a massive donation greatly appreciated.

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