Yesterday in The Real War: The World Banking Cabal Front we featured Barbara Boyd’s analysis of Treasury Secretary, and very wealthy person, Janet Yellen’s genius scheme to rule the world. Boyd’s analysis focused on an address that Yellen gave to the Atlantic Council just a week ago. The address was a kind of leadup to the big IMF confab this week. The Hill has an account of Yellen’s remarks at a press conference, under the telling headline:
Yellen: European ban on Russian energy may do more harm than good
One can almost hear the Germans, for example—who are experiencing energy related inflation on new products of 30%—saying: Duh!
Yellen seems to be trying to rival Kama Sutra:
“Proceeds from sales of oil and gas are an important source of income for Russia.
Check—Janet, master of the bleeding obvious.
It would be very useful to try to devise a way to reduce Russia’s proceeds from those sales,” Yellen said.
“That really is the proper objective of a ban. But if we could figure out a way to do that without harming the entire globe through higher energy prices, that would be ideal. And that’s a matter that we’re all trying to think through together,” she continued.
Right. And what would be really ideal would be to think that one through before egging your chump Zelenskiy into leading us into war with Russia. As Alexander Mercouris was explaining recently:
But the globalists are drunk, euphoric with what they were planning to do at the Munich Security Conference--they're driving the world off a cliff and laughing as they do it.
Back in February there was still the possibility of stepping back from war, but no. And now they’re trying “think through together” the business about not driving the world off a cliff.
No doubt we’ll be hearing more about Yellen’s jaw dropping performance tomorrow.
If there was only some way to get the Russian oil and gas and not pay them for it. Sounds like a sound plan!
These two cats look just like our two cats. Ours only sit on top of the fridge, don't get in it.