yep. voice of the wise in this day and age....wait and see.

A smart move for the Israelis to operate from Cyprus. Out of normal Radar ISR surveillance pattern Harder to detect and much harder to counter strike. The missies would have to fly long distance and you have the Aegis systems in US Med Fleet to content with.

But not so smart for Cyprus. I wonder how much the Israelis and Uncle Sam are shelling out in. payoffs to Cyprus to make this happen.

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The PM/Pres? in Cyprus seemed rather alarmed when Hezbollah warned Cyprus that they'd be held accountable--I guess they were counting on there never being a war. Lots of us were. I saw that Turkey is conducting ISR flights over the northern half of Cyprus and also wants to join BRICS. Obviously monitoring US/UK/IL air traffic.

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The distance from Beirut to Akrotiri air base in Cyprus is 250km, about the same from Beirut to Tel Aviv, much less to other Israeli targets. The AEGIS was operating when Iran dropped ballistic missiles on heavily defended Israeli bases. Cyprus has reason to be concerned.

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Replying to comments while responding to 5 yr. old questions about his favorite card games.

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Enjoy the Grand kids. It is what makes all this craziness worth it!

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Tucker and Glenn Greenwald


I did not realize the Israeli issue got the ticktock ban into law:

Fascinating interview with a lot of focus on U.S. free speech, and the Israeli exception.

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That's what it was totally about.

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The interview mentioned the accusations against Tucker for anti-semitism.

The intensity of attacks surprised and hurt him, especially from long term friends and acquaintances, so this interview highlights how powerful the anti semitic card is for keeping people in line from any dissent on Israel. And how this violates the U.S. basic rights of freedom of speech.

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Hi Ray

To my mind, the interview also illustrates the relative freedom Glenn G and Tucker felt to openly criticize the Israel Lobby and the Zionists. Guaranteed they wouldn't have done so with quite such candor before the IDF reprisals on Gaza...and...who knows what the response will be from those who may not be criticized.

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Glenn Greenwald I view as untouchable on the anti semitism accusation.

For Tucker, I wonder if they will double down. The video may be shadow banned on YouTube, views seemed low.

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I hear you re Glenn. But don't fall off your chair if someone gets assigned to go after him. The game they're now playing is for all the marbles.

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You are right, so many strange deaths.

- Jack Ruby after visit by cia Dr. of mkultra fame. And he associated with

- Epstein

- Maxwell

- Seth Rich

Strange coincidence, they are all of Jewish descent. I did not realize that of Seth Rich and Jack Ruby.

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Perhaps it also highlights how often people aren't really friends, but rather people seeking to cultivate and influence people like Tucker.

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Too late now. Just up on zero hedge. Israel General Staff just approved war planes to invade Lebanon.

The US will probably be sucked into this.

Now it is basically confirmed, why those ICBM Radar systems in Russia were hit. They were a precursor target to facilitate a future action. This invasion unfolding now, was planned months ago.

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Wait and see. They've been basically saying an attack was imminent for months now. US still is opposed. My initial guess is that this is another attempt to pressure the US to commit, but US still doesn't opposes a broader war. While that's our official line and could vary from the real line, various writers argue that a Middle East war would suck up all our ISR resources and give Russia a free hand. Not to mention China.

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Seems like Hezbollah has learned maskirovka while fighting with the Russians in Syria.

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Hi Mark. I'm a little lost regarding the extent of the success of the Iranian April 14 missile attack. How many actually got through and what was the actual damage caused? John Mearsheimer in his Australia talk made it sound negligible, whereas I had the impression it was more serious. He also made little of the fact of all the advance warning given, and the fact that Iran were on the moral high ground, especially in avoiding killing people despite the Damascus provocation. Thanks if you can help.

And yay, go Hezbollah!!

Hope the new windows are good.


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I saw that video and was also a bit baffled by M's presentation. My recollection was that he failed to adequately distinguish between the three broad categories of attack vehicles that Iran used: drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles. Advanced Air Defense systems are able to take out the first two categories at a fairly high rate. Drones and cruise missiles, when launched against advanced AD, are often used more as a distraction to overload defenses. The main point of the Iranian attack was demonstrate that their ballistic missiles--the most powerful of the vehicles by far--could hit Israeli targets with high accuracy. They were very successful in that goal. The last I heard they scored at least nine hits against the most heavily defended sites. At at least one site--a very sensitive installation in the Golan Heights--I heard that there was considerable damage and casualties.

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Thank you. That was pretty much my understanding.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Small drones are very hard to detect. I’m surprised none have been used in any assassinations yet.

Planes are in open area and not covered. Israel is not following best practices that have come out of Ukraine for dealing with drones. Image if Hezbolla used a Russian Lancet, a Russian anti armor suicide drone.

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Message sent via drone--no longer note in cleft stick or via carrier pigeon.

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