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Only a little bit OT...

Today Simplicius The Thinker published on his substack a commentary on a report by the Kiel Institute, which is, according to Simplicius, a highly respected German think tank, describing the relative conditions of the Russian and German armaments capabilities based on observations relating to the prosecution of the Ukraine war. Suffice it to say, the think tank concludes that Russia has gained a significant advantage, not only in the Ukraine war, but in preparations for some NATO – Russia war which may be coming…

Simplicius’ analysis of the Kiel report is highly supportive of its conclusions. In my words, it looks like Russia has used the Ukraine war, not only to re-arm and strengthen its military capabilities, but it has also exposed glaring deficiencies not only in German/Western armaments manufacturing capabilities, but also in Western abilities to fight a 21st Century war against a sophisticated and heavily armed opponent like Russia. It is well worth reading.


Also worth reading are the comments from Simplicius’s readers, some of which seem quite sensible and thoughtful. One which stands out to me is more of a rant than a comment from a reader in New Zealand named Peter Taylor. To be honest, I had to laugh (in sympathy) at the earnestness of Taylor’s somewhat over-the-top recitation. Although a bit long (as perhaps the best rants are), its hard to say exactly where, if anywhere, however, that he has it wrong.

Due to it s length I’m going to quote/summarize his rant in another comment below (slightly edited for spelling and clarity), as it pulls together many of the threads Mark and his readership here on MiH have been (to some extent) struggling with over the last several years. I highly recommend it, although it may be NSFW... :-)

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Writes Peter Taylor:

Russia so deserves the kudos, all the kudos. They have smashed, finally, via this report the one sided bull shitzen we have been fed and asked to swallow for the last near 3 years since the SMO began.

I’m delighted, the West, especially the U.S. are truly loathsome, fools, self styled, aggrandising fools, arrogant, haughty beyond belief, idiots like Petraeus, his side Kick Uber f..kwit Ben Hodges, even down to the parrots at U.S. DoD under that other tosser, Austin, all of them, the entire DoD Corp, alpha gimps, this report proves and underscores the same.

Russia never asked for this War, the West we recall how they salivated, literally have gotten and being getting off on it… all for the primary reason we know of defending their now decrepit Financial System, the Bills 000,000,000, those like Soros et al, all together their partners in blood, rapacious Corporate rapists, plunderers and pillagers like Black-rock, State Street etc, supported by their media watchdogs and serial bullshitzeners led by Murdoch, Disney, AT and T et al, not to mention the political class comprised of the Biden’s, Pompeo’s etc… the whole lot, whores prostrating themselves, selling themselves for the crumbs thrown at them, whatever they can scrounge, all in exchange for generations of Slavs to be wasted, but then hey, what’s a million or so Slavs dead and injured amongst friends.. right….. wrong, how wrong they’ve been, you can almost see, nay smell their fear as they talk it up, themselves up on the talk and news shows they are asked to comment on, always pushing, promoting death, 25 - 70 y. olds, why not, hey, let’s grab woman now, why not 18 - 25 y. olds, all to ensure their money, the spoils they think they deserve are secured, I say no, stick it to them Russia, bankrupt these arse holes… teach them the salutary lesson, it’s not yours until it actually is… whilst in truth money earned by endeavour … is far more rewarding than money received by any other means…

We know that collectively they represent the detritus and scum of humanity as they pontificate, perpetuate lies and propaganda, the issue as we well know is that they eventually will be found out, it always happens but sadly by then it’s too late, like the ghouls they all are and represent, they hope to have made their blood money, they, together the U.K, E.U. Governments and supporters of this foolish exercise are sociopathic and deranged, they represent governments now clinging for dear life to what vestige of hope they can muster whilst they exist in a state of perpetual denial…. all in order that their turgid and banal existences can have some sort of meaning, happy to sacrifice their once thriving economies in the vain hope and promise that they could print baby print, run up debt to levels heretofore unseen and not have to worry, I mean why worry Bro, we got this, Russia will cave, will return to 1990 Yeltsin days, spend baby spend 😂😂😂😂, all the while expecting that after a truly misplaced and misguided sense of victory, a faux victory that existed now as we know in mind only, these idiots spent and celebrated before the battle being fought had even been won.

Who can or ever will forget the delirium openly on display at the Munich security conference that preceded the SMO, E.U. and Western Leaders almost rabid with excitement, akin to being “high”, almost as if inebriated such was their intoxication on full display, the hubris, rehearsed tropes rolled out, indeed, such was the confidence at the prospect of the vast spoils that awaited them, Russia’s 70 Trillion worth of resources the payback to be divvied up amongst these voracious blood thirsty so called leaders of nations…. already spent, goodness they only had to turn up, Russian soldiers would run, scamper away, they have to scrounge washing machine parts, chips, they fight with shovels, their economy will be in tatters, tatters I tell you, they’ve run out of shells, they have no tanks left, they are out of missiles, every ridiculous scurrilous lie now put paid to, good job 😂😂😂.

These morons we know just like whenst at the 1884 Berlin Conference convened to placate their by then anxious elites, scared of missing the bloodbath and resulting riches that was and comprised Africa together the vast sums of money to be had, you will recall another of histories sad sacks, Otto Von Bismarck, convened with his other turd mate, that other historical buffoon, Kaiser Wilhelm II a conference in Berlin attended then just as we know in these latter days had occasioned in Munich and thenst also as is well known, prior to Munich in the many secret cables and meetings exchanged between this loathsome lot, Bismarck and Kaiser convened another knees up, a conference to divvy up between them like Gentleman 😂😂😂😂, vampires would be a more apt descriptive, a meeting of the like minded to divide Africa…. too bad whatever Africa’s views were, why ask or be bothered with what they think…, who really cares, money to be made, get outta the way, which is probably and likely why, until the mid 1960’s and the many African States being granted the sham and faux independence they received, that by then tens of millions of Africans had died and perished at the hands of the gentlemen who literally raped, plundered, stole, beat, killed, murdered, defrauded Africa of their resources…yep, in Berlin at Bismarcks and Kaiser W’s conference, these assholes moved their chess pieces and regulated European colonisation and trade in Africa, thus in 1884/85 Berlin it was settled, just like Gentleman…. you know… my Darkies over here for three of your Darkies over there say what, another old boy, don’t mind if I do…. f..k them I say, and like the Theodor Herzl Zionists, still at it today in Gaza, they still haven’t learned… colonialism still afoot, why do you think Macron and the elites in Francais are so pissed… losing the Sahel, it’s not the territory they’re pissed at losing it’s the money, baby, the money…. why so? Because the Sahel, kept amongst the poorest in Africa, via their labour but most especially resources, underwrote so much of dear old putrid Francais debt, just look up and read the eco history on the African Franc and how that entire diabolical system worked in reality…

Anyways back to the main thrust of this rant…. Russia have proven, thankfully due a wonderful piece of writing …. again, by supremo Simplicius The Thinker, that there is no one, no nation on earth that can foot it militarily from a production and capacity metric with Russia, save likely their allies China…

Of core interest was the startling reveals in this report written in that nation we can say is undisputed in Europe together their masters to whom they are subservient… the U.S., the report thankfully authored in a nation of Nazi lovers and advocates for genocide, as if the lessons of the 1940’s under Adolf, Heinrich, Josef hadn’t been learned, nope here we go again, Uber Dolt Scholz, Baerbock, Harbeck, Pistorius, Van Der Leyen, led by other E.U. good volks like Jungle Josep, Charlie Michel, literally every Pole Dancing Politician, the practicing Nazis and liars in that sh.thole of losers and terrorists, Kiev, together their wannabe mates still suffering from a hangover that has lasted nearly 75+ years as they dream still of being a Superpower, as they endeavour to defy reality, a reality that occasioned post WW2, trying hard to still be a nation that means something😂😂😂, as they struggle to muster a military across all services that in terms of active personnel wouldn’t even fill Wembley, let alone Man U’s Stadium, 😂😂😂😂, whilst the U.K together the other newly minted lunatics that reside in the Baltics, it must be the Water up there, clearly they are deranged, completely out of touch with reality, too many long days/nights I say… yep, these idiots all counted their Moolah and chickens before they truly hatched…. meanwhile, Mother Russia, a nation proud, long in history of defending its blessed and righteous sovereignty again beats back fascism…

I say history will be correctly written this time around, Russia will not be cheated as it has been post its past successes and huge sacrifices the nation made WW2 again saving the world from fascist tyranny, nope, not this time, to the victor the spoils I say and proclaim, loudly… deservedly so.

I pray they, Russia will march inexorably onward to the victory that is assured, in the process totally destroying NATO, together the Western lying Hegemon, the vile Bretton Woods ponzi Scheme ……. which in essence is what this entire show down is all truly about, the involvement of Western politicians with their snouts in the Ukraine trough, for those so engaged a mere side hustle… Russia doing so and in the process taking full control of the 17 Trillions of natural resources in Ukraine adding to the estimated to date at current values, save that still to be discovered… which undoubtedly will be, Russia’s USD$70Trillions of natural resources that the Russian nation has been blessed with.

When all is said and done, this conflict like every other is down to money, power, authority in that order… it’s Russia’s time, it’s moment has come…. destroy what impedes you Russia, take Odessa, Transnistria, then across to Belarus, leave the Nazis a rump, an asshole State, if they are even by the time you’re done even able to hold that, something tells me the Pole Dancers, Romania and Hungary will be in on the final act, taking back historical lands, then we will truly witness for as long it takes save Hungary, on full display 😂😂😂😂, only as long as it takes to get our spoils ….

Then that truly evil and den of filth, Khazaria, will finally be obliterated, wiped off of the map, here’s hoping, take what rightfully is yours and deserved… Russia, multipolarity a new paradigm, long awaited, much wanted, the World awaits.

Kia kaha from New Zealand

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Wow, a true masterpiece of rant... sentences the length of which I never ever dreamed to witness... a phenomenological "tour de force"...a twisting of grammatical rules that E.E. Cummings would envy... all expressed in a stream of consciousness style and expression of such rage and passion that even Hunter S. Thompson could only dream to match it, even with the aid of artificial stimulants and firearms. Best of all, I agree with it! :)

Well done, Peter Taylor!

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“tatters, tatters I tell you”


I guess he watches Alex Christoforou.

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As "they" say..................Boom! An epic rant.

Thanks for posting, Cass.

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Didn’t know Kiwis were rappers! Extraordinary! Made my day! Tx for taking the trouble to share with all Cass.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same?

Times have changed since 1976 when Peter Finch ranted "I'm mad as hell, I'm not going to take it any more!" in the movie, Network.

And our understanding of what's wrong, and who's to blame has changed since then and its now probably closer to the truth.


But the sentiment, as expressed in 1976 and by Peter Taylor today, probably hasn't changed.

Nevertheless, I think that 'they' are counting on us, after we finish the rant, to sit back and click on amazon and buy another flatscreen tv to watch the nfl. Bread and circuses.

That's what they're counting on.

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Too and very true! But knowledge is power.

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