With the right incentive, Jill will get Zhou to do anything, including resign.

All those weekends in Delaware mean that non-govt doctors can visit and not show up on govt facility (inc. WH) access rosters. Pump him full of whatever, and he's even more loony than ever.

I've thought from the beginning that part of what drives Jill is the recognition that most of the men in her family - husband, sole remaining son, brother in law, niece - are all vulnerable if investigated for influence peddling. Zhou and Hunter moving cash back and forth at will without paying gift taxes for anything >$10k alone would be a huge stink and investigation, yet if anything from the laptop is to be believed it appeared to be SOP.

As far as who is running the administration, Obambi's sycophants hold the levers of power. Not the distracting PC-picked loons like the tranny Navy admiral in the Health service and the zero qualification cross dressing functionary in the Dept of Energy (nice legs, though), but everyone that counts: Defense, Justice, FBI, State, etc.

All orchestrated by Susan Rice as the head of domestic policy in the NSC.

They truly screwed up with Kamala, possibly because no one realized what a liability she is, but clearly Obama's choice. The deal they cut with Clyburne led him to believe it would be someone else - what black political leader in America would have chosen Kamala? - so he's probably fuming. She is simply a creature of the California Dimm donor class, and had never been challenged or tested under real public scrutiny.

I think they hold their nose until after the midterms, and if they get stomped, there's a decent chance Zhou resigns for personal 'health' reasons before the new Congress is convened, and they try to place a Newsome or someone else in as VP to get them some exposure on the national stage. If the powers that be and polls convince Obambi Kamalaugh has to go, he'll let them throw her under the bus in a minute.

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Hillery said about Bengazi "what difference at this point does it make?" What difference the 2020 election makes at this point is we have a government without a people and a people without a government. Washington and the Globalists will get their Great Great Depression,and will lord it over all of Washington DC. Do the trolls realize that the majority of the country is of the opinion that the 2020 election was stolen and will continue to believe this until proven otherwise. They don't trust the government on Covid, the economy and foreign policy. Dumping Biden will only put the future occupant of the White House in the hot seat and not gain the trust and loyalty of the people necessary if this country is ever to come together again.

What difference does it make? Those Americans with the virtues of self-reliance, community, family values and a willingness to work will weather the tough times ahead. Those dependent on government will starve. And the big shots engineering all this will find themselves a whole lot poorer.

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If you don't have a solution you don't have a problem. The Brandon problem has no immediate solution. They are out of competent people.

Down the road, I believe we got Presidential term limits after FDR. My guess is that after Brnadon, we're getting changes to the Constitution, and quite possibly a Constitutional convention.

I'll spare you the essay on why I think we're getting a Constitutional convention before the decade is out, and simply say that one of the changes will have to do with the succession. There has to be a way to remove a President in the way Prime Ministers can be removed in a Parliamentary system. At the moment we have impeachment, 25th Amendment, coup d'etat, and assassination. There are problems with all four. The next Constitution will look more like a Parliamentary system

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There's one thing I we don't think of when discussing Biden's voluntary removal: Dr. Jill. I think she'll got bizerk at any attempt to remove her husband. And her behavior and attitude could seep rapidly into the public newsstream.

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I think she's pretty cold-blooded, and will want to go quietly in order to get a good deal for herself and her family. None of her behavior will seep into the mainstream media unplanned. It is all being choreographed.

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"...will seep into the mainstream media unplanned." Completely agree. That's why I said "public newsstream," which include the hundreds of guys like Mark.

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Am I the only one who found it interesting that Gavin Newsome just happened to show up at the Whitehouse looking so smug? Kamala drops out for “personal reasons”, Gavin is in as VP, and viola!

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With his Auntie Nancy as the SOTH? Sure, nothing fishy at all!

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Nothing is that easy. How do you figure "Gavin is in as VP?" What--without a vote in a Senate that's 50/50 with the tie-breaker having resigned?

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You are right. It isn’t straightforward. But I can’t help thinking something like that is in the works, whatever the actual mechanisms will be.

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If this whole thing wasn’t such a colossal disaster for the country, it would be hilarious!

These people are so incredibly incompetent that it takes your breath away. As my father used to say, “Everything they touch turns to sh@t and yet they keep doing the same things again and again. It’s impossible for me to believe that his handlers didn’t foresee the disaster that Biden’s Middle East trip could turn into, but, apparently they didn’t.

I used to reserve the Lady Macbeth trophy for Hillary, but with Tucker’s revelation about Dr. Jill and the “pill pushers”, afraid Hillary will have to settle for Honorable Mention at best. Dr. Jill is truly an evil unscrupulous individual who happily threw the country under a bus to get what she wanted. At least Bill Clinton was sentient .

Have to agree with you and go two thumbs up, this-cannot-continue.

The Obama Brain Trust appears to have misunderestimated Joe’s abilities to “F” things up. Their incompetence is absolutely radiant.

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Let me remind commenters that the 25th Amendment requires a TWO THIRDS VOTE OF BOTH HOUSES. That's to remind you of just how much leverage the GOP has over this whole process.

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The easiest route for the donkeys to control the timeline is Joe resigning. But is Joe willing to do that? His high self-esteem and importance may not allow him to step down. In his mind, the nation needs him at this moment in history. And speaking of history, how will it look for Joe if he resigns? He would always be associated with Nixon, if for differing circumstances. And how will history judge the democratic party and news media for passing this ailing and addled man off on the American people and propping him up this long.

Anyway, if he should be convinced to resign and he can still read a teleprompter it will be quite the spectacle.

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I think it was two years ago now that I first began commenting to family and friends (and on the predecessor blog to this one) that none of this--ANY of it--was going to change until perpetrators began paying a very personal price for their malfeasance, malice, and mendacity. My comment was inelegant and our host admonished me and blocked the comment. I apologized, but I still assert that what I said was undeniably true. Now more so than ever.

The left has organized a passel of NGOs whose goal is the destruction of the professional careers of those on the right who support and serve conservative--and especially America First--objectives. Lives are ruined. Legal processes bankrupt the innocent for the crime of having differing political views. Names are put on DHS lists. "Fact checks" too numerous to defuse destroy reputations.

None of this ever happens to the left. And we on the right rarely even summon the courage to name names so the leftists remain in the shadows. Until THEY begin to pay a personal price why would they change? Even at this late date, we are still not at war. Breitbart would be disappointed in us.

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I meant to link this Richard Baris commentary. Watch as much as you can stand so as to realize that our political party's leadership is every bit as much a problem as the Dems are:


And Trump endorsed McCarthy...

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Obama and Clyburn pulling strings with Rice inside the Zhou admin.

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It was a Short term victory with getting Biden in office.

But at a huge cost in credibility and lost trust, that is increasing every day.

Food inflation is going to get worse.

Emeralds column is troubling:


What surprised me was I thought the overseas vote counting was discredited, and it was Sydney Powell going down a rabbit hole.

The timing of the juicing of Biden coming out, plus all Hunter iCloud founds like the campaign to drop Joe is in full swing. Makes you wonder how bad is Biden’s health.

My guess the uniparty wants a vote before the new congress on a new vp, while their is still a Democratic majority. I’m sure they can get enough Rinos, for the good of the country, to get the needed votes.

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Speaking of voting machine manipulation gets you shuffled off the conversation boards faster than crap through a goose, that's why people rarely mention it. I've always thought it was plausible. Still do. Call me a nut but...

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I know something happen, both legal, and my gut feeling is Trump was winning by so much, Plan A, B, and C were not working, so they finally ended up with Plan D. Voting Machine Manipulation seems to be part of it, and lots of insecurity, which are not being released. And Soros is involved. Even more red flags.

There has been so much FUD, threats of lawsuits, and actual Lawfare - you dare mention it if you are anyone, you get sued, and then the judge silences you during the proceedings from what I can tell.

I am very confused on who is actually the good guys on this, verses those that are deliberating over promising, and/or poisoning the well to discredit / taint those as election truthers. And the usual grifters.

And the eGOP is scared to even bring up the subject, except to fund raise.

And Jan. 6th investigation is using intimidation on Election Truthers also.

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I wonder who is chairing the 'Dump Joe' meetings and is Dr. Jill sitting in on them? Or is this a hush-hush behind the scenes coup. Would this be a coup? We know Joe could be sitting in on them and wouldn't have a clue as to what was going on. Unless Joe resigns, it would take congress to remove him, so at least Schumer and Pelosi must also be involved in the plot against their 'old friend.' And would Dr. Jill be wringing out a pardon for Hunter and Joe from the coup plotters, as needed? A lot of moving parts around an angry, slow moving and thinking cadaverous dolt who was foisted on this nation.

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Dr. Jill is enjoying being Flotus too much, as well as playing Edith Wilson to voluntarily go.

A couple of pardons would be part of any deal.

The goal of the dump Joe Biden is to make the “Keep Biden as President” decision makers an offer that can't be refused.

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"bonafide"? Does that come in a pill, or will it be administered intravenously?

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We think they're in a panic, and maybe those outside the inner circle are. But I suspect that the inner circle are just fine with having a senile grifter at the end of those puppet strings.

Burning down the world is part of the plan and they are confident that they hold the best hand to dominate on the other side.

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