Just a guess, but first a quote from Sun Tzu: "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." He also said: "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."

I think Durham is holding his fire and proceeding methodically. What has happened is so big that any piecemeal attempt to reform things will fail. Trump could not choose good people and fire the rest, as so many suggest. He had Diogenes problem of finding an honest man in Washington. Should he come back he now can prove illegalities and implicate maybe three quarters of Washington. It will not be pretty. Without massive public support he probably wouldn't even be interested in trying. He may get that public support when we hit rock bottom.

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Could this have anything to do with Durham’s “screwup?” Simply outrageous:


I hope Trump’s team is on this!

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Hillary’s actions are water under the bridge, and there is zero chance anything will happen to her, sigh. How Hillary was treated just illustrates the double standard of the fbi / doj. Same with Hunter Bidens laptop, Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Democratic corruption in the Ukraine, Benghazi, US supplied missiles to Syria shooting down US helicopters in Afghanistan, Gov. Newsom’s pay to play, all the Covid lie’s especially on the Vax, etc.

Same whitewash is happening on Russiagate.

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My guess is Durham scope is limited, as Barr set it up that way to protect the FBI. And the Biden Administration has probably tightened the scope even further.

I appreciate the revelations from Durham, but I have low expectations on any meaningful indictments.

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Perhaps Durham is holding back the White Paper evidence to fry some "bigger fish" than Sussmann.

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There was the story yesterday about the Trump camp saying they expected big things from Durham, but that was a reference to the Danchenko revelation, not this. But I have no idea how much weight to give stories like that.

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