It's the DoIJ - the Department of InJustice. They specialize in that. Corrupticians, Corrupticrats, Corrupti-lawfarians.

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If memory serves, wasn't it Chris Christie who advocated for and nominated Christopher Wray to Trump? It's remarkable how many people in Trump's 'inner circle' straight-up f***ed him, and the American people.

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If I knew that Wray was a crook, why didn't Trump? For a supposedly hard nosed business man from the NY jungle, he was very naive.

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You knew Wray was a crook? How's that?

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Wait! Don’t look at Ukraine losses or Biden/Deep State corruption! We’ve served up a spectacular 37 count gonna get him this time for sure Trump indictment and to top it off, simultaneous Canadian wildfires that were all caused by better eat bugs climate change!

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At what point and how do the FBI and DOJ ever get held accountable for their corruption in refusing to investigate the crimes of the Biden family? Who police’s the policemen?

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I'm sure that Barr and the DoJ are very scared.

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Bluto Barr occasionally plays bagpipes. Takes a lot of wind to play them, Bill is indeed full of hot air.

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Why do I have the impression that Trump is actually encouraging his own indictment, that he is engaged in the biggest sting operation in history? When in December 2020 he declared he would get our Country back I assumed it would be after returning to power with our help. But yesterday during his address in North Carolina, Trump declared, “This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country.”

The indictment puts him back on the national stage and gives him a platform where he will be justified in presenting facts and evidence highly damaging to very important figures in Washington. Stay tuned.....

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This has often been the argument about Trump and his real situation. Is he some master 4D chess player heading up a team of secret patriots in high places, or is he just a well-meaning blunderer who is constantly outplayed by the DS? I used to believe the former, but now believe it's more of the latter. I think we need to stop wasting energy on believing that anyone can save this situation from the White House, and use to start building better alternatives at ground level.

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I am perfectly prepared for the only alternative, which is to have as little to do with the government as possible. They hate me and will never do anything to further my interests. We must concentrate on self-preservation, and not engage in any practices that could be interpreted as against the regime. This would be dangerous and unlikely to accomplish anything.

It didn't take much genius for Trump to realize that as President going after the swamp would likely not succeed, and he needed them to enact his programs. The geniuses now running things have written us off, and don't understand that we are essential if they are to accomplish much in the real world. We are probably the majority and certainly the most capable. Good luck building your ships and planes at an unbelievable rate as we did during WWII with your woke snowflakes, or expecting them to win your battles.

In their arrogance many in power have committed crimes, and if there is any remnant of legality in our system are highly vulnerable. Trump is now the victim, and in his defense much could come out. Even with a gag order, others could reveal evidence of wrongdoing. Even the NYT and WAPO would likely print all the dirt, to rebut it of course. The opportunity is unique. Being powerless is sometimes better than being in power. Trump might just pull it off, and get our government back for us. It will not be appreciated.

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Only needed the tapes of one phone call, “a perfect phone cal,” for the first impeachment of Trump. Now we have two taped phone calls that I’m pretty confidant aren’t so perfect. What gives with the GOPe? Impeachment hearings should have begun yesterday. Useless grifters and posers. They’ll use their outrage to raise money, and blab on Faux News, but not actually jeopardize their position to actually do anything. We ain’t voting our way out of this mess. Never happen.

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I don't know if any here have read The Fourth Turning (What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny) by William Strauss and Neil Howe, but I'm reading it now. Copyright 1997, this book foresees the next major war or national event occurring in or near the year 2025. With all that is happening nationally and internationally, I would not bet against their prediction.

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I'll read it, err rather listen on audible.

From the "about" comments, I'm reminded of this saying:

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make bad times.

Bad times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

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That cycle of event explains it all, Sandy. That's what we need to remember when we get knocked around, dazzled and befuddled by daily events. We are between Stage 3 and Stage 4

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Whoops where did my comment go……read it a few years ago and we’re in the late innings now. Eerily prescient.

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Ok, Grassley knows this stuff for a fact, so just what the hell is he pussyfooting around about? I’m so sick of hearing “bombshell, bombshell!!” and not a frickin thing happens!

BTW, did anyone else realize that the copy of the 1023 that Wray allowed the committee to see was redacted? WTH??? My understanding is that this was not a classified doctor so how does slimeball Wray get away with this and why didn’t McCarthy call him on it? More blue smoke and mirrors and no one figured we’d notice or give a rat’s ass.

Is there anybody in the House or the Senate with a set of testicles? These guys wouldn’t last five minutes in the real world. DAMN this is infuriating.

Speaking of infuriating, does Barr think he helped himself by admitting that he knew about all this crap and didn’t bother to tell the President? Words fail me at this point.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Dear Shaking - Senator Grassley has to work a political engine, not a legal one (as if!). That means he has to acquire budgetary leverage, and Acts-of-Congress leverage. The budgetary path is forestalled until 2025 (but can certainly be wound-up); but the friction Congress can generate is still considerable. We won't see direct examples often (although, have to hand it to the OtheR Chuck, discussing the facts inherent to the 1023 is unambiguously hard-core. Kudos to the good Senator G)

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For some reason, I'm both stunned and unsurprised.

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Stakes getting increasingly raised on both sides.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Drip....drip....drip....getting harder and harder for Joey to plug all the holes in the dike.

Trying to remember if recordings ever ended a presidency. Oh now I recall.

Also under the fruit of the poison tree category, Kamala needs to be changed out as well (remember Spiro Agnew).


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