Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Very encouraging!

Will be interesting to see what the Supremes do on the Harvard and UNC cases in October. Was disappointed in Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett (Roberts, too, but no great surprise there) by their refusal to vacate a 4th Circuit stay of a District Court ruling that a new admissions policy at a local, specialized high school for science and tech (often rated best HS in the nation) affirmatively discriminated against Asian Americans.


The policy change was most-obviously NOT about "undoing white supremacy." A school that was 71% white in 2000 had changed to 66% Asian American by 2020, simply as a result of which kids did best on the admissions test. Both as a local taxpayer and as an American, this is what I want--our best resources being made available to our brightest minds, regardless of what other descriptor appears before the hyphen in "_______-American." In a world where an increasing portion of seats at MIT, Caltech and the like are going to foreign nationals, it really comes down to promoting our own national interest...for once.

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The only caveats are that people can test well, but aren’t really the best minds; and, second, late bloomers are penalized by an artificial academic timetable.

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The public school system has to go. It serves no purpose. It doesn't educate our kids. Every homeschooled kid is another kid saved from evil leftwing propaganda.

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The only solution is to kill all teacher’s and all other public employee unions.

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Now, now!

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OK--I picked up on the apostrophe.

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Right. Badly constructed sentence

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What is up with Substack comments lately? I keep getting a "Something went wrong" message.

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Not sure, it seems to be substack.

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Despite the warning, the last comment actually went through. It happened yesterday as well. Could be Substack server growing pains.

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Having moved to AZ in 2021 and become a precinct committeeman, I have been shocked by how many RINOs exist at the state and county level governments. The GOP majority is extremely tenuous with the senate and legislature so finely balanced that a single RINO defection can torpedo legislation.

I suspect that many of the Dem losses of state houses during the Obama years were actually not as bad for the Dem agenda as one would have expected. We kept hearing about how Obama was a disaster for his party. I'm not at all sure anymore. Analysts that simply looked at the -R vs. -D after the name, underestimated Dem power. RINOs who sandbag good legislation are worse than Dems. They figuratively pull the chair out from under good ideas at the last minute after all the time and effort has been expended. Then, the media holds them out as examples of "good Republicans," reinforcing the passive aggressive behavior.

America First principles MUST become the litmus test for every elected position in the country. RINOs need to be identified, hounded, and routed.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 16, 2022
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I think Reagan is the only reason why Trump got as far as he did. Setting the table, so to say. Now my hope is that someone will take the gains made by Trump (including those from 2024-2028) and go the next step and truly save us from those who want to destroy us.

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Heads we win, tails you lose, right?

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