"It is absolutely extraordinary to me that the US would rather.... rather than use its leverage to tell a very tiny country to stop waging an insanely immoral war, which by the way is also against their interests." It's only extraordinary if you are still sane and use logical reasoning to understand the world. For a regime that thinks a man can be a woman, and that borders shouldn't exist, this is par for the course. It's a triumph of ideology over sanity.

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Robert Barnes @barnes_law

With Trump on the Colorado ballot, Biden is a strong favorite to win the state. Take Trump off the ballot, and there is a good chance Biden loses the state to Robert Kennedy. Democrats might want to rethink their strategy.

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Smith is also jumping in with both feet. Let's hope the saner members of Scotus can throw all this garbage out asap.

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Russia, Iran, China, and yes Saudi Arabia (the BRICS, to be short) are just appearing to lay low in the strategic game. They are using Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Egypt as their leverage points in drawing the U.S. and the U.K into an unwinnable situation in the ME. They know that the hubris and colonialism of the U.S. and U.K. are avenues for their potential downfall. Putin isn't a judo black belt for nothing and the Iranians are not fools (unlike the U.S. President who released $6B to them in September).

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Agreed. Some have criticised their seeming lack of action. However, patience seems to be a winning strategy for them. We in the West simply don't have this weapon in our armoury today. Actions are dictated by the tempo of the 24-hour media cycle, the instant soundbite and whatever crazy idea people like Nuland wake up with of a morning. What doesn't produce immediate results isn't worth implementing.

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Bertrand is asking the same question that everyone here has been asking, “ WTH are these people thinking?”.

I think that you were spot on about the Houthi situation Mark, looks very much like this could be the one. As you delineated, there are umpteen things that can blow up in our faces with this situation and the Neocons are apparently in a big hurry to show us which one, or ones, it will be that brings things to critical mass. We’ve all been looking at 2024, we may not make it to the New Year before things go off the rails.

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I’m sure most here are aware, but the Colorado Supreme Court just disqualified DJT from being on the ballot for President.

Something about being guilty until proven innocent I think. Going to the US Supreme Court, so how does Roberts weasel out of this one? Wow

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I think the quote was that he is disqualified because he is disqualified. Lefty logic. That protecting Their Democracy thing.

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"He's disqualified because we decide". FIFY, DF.

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Are the US foreign policies in Ukraine and Israel...the same policy?


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Fascinating read.

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That's what I've been saying. Did you doubt me? It's about revenge. Tony Blinken doesn't give a rat's ass about America except as a vehicle for revenge. The Russians know this, too. Russians know exactly who's leading the war against them, and why.

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I certainly didn't *doubt* you...I guess my point, obvious or obscure as it may be, is that the two wars and the two policies are inextricably intertwined. And have nothing to do with America's basic national interests.

I wonder what Blinken has on Biden? Is it Epstein?

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Anything's possible, but my first bet would be money. Thanks for the article. I've known many people like that.

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Wouldn't the IC already know the whole Biden story...including every jot and tittle...and dollar? The same story that Comer is painstakingly putting together for the American people? I can imagine Biden is, and has been, substantially compromised since Day 1. No match for Blinken and friends.

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I won't argue with that.

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Really good:

The Destruction of Diplomacy How the US is its own Worst Enemy


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Interesting that Tucker likes Vivek Ramaswamy. He certainly says all the right things but is he the real deal?

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I feel the same as Tucker. Nikki Haley is a fraud and seeks to advance her own interests and those of the Zionist monsters who are creating chaos across the globe.

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She is the perfect uniparty candidate, which is why she is being pushed so hard. She ticks all the boxes for both sides: WEF controlled, warpig, open borders, won't do anything about Woke, easily manipulated.

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Yes, she is nothing more than Linsey Graham in drag.

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That's a visual image that will stay with me, Cosmo!

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It would be interesting what the Houtis' main backer, Iran, is saying to them.

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Merry Christmas S'21 - and Mark and MIH'ers around the globe!

My simple 'what would result' event question: Hypersonic Tech used by, say an Iranian agent, takes out the Carl Vincent. Past and ongoing deception, blame shifting and outright lies by the neocon and international cabal will struggle to simply blame Russia or China as then they'll need to back up said unreliable accusations utilizing a weak "Diversity empowered" war machine. Speculation, I know, but Mark did mention possible events may need some consideration, at least... Not intended as a distraction - but this thought has been on my mind since the US navy deployment 'into the ME area'. Best regards, as always. *Remembering the Reason for the Season* (WrH)

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Same to you, Wayne! Tricky question. The US could pull a Gulf of Tonkin incident and use it as an excuse to go all in. The problem is that "going all in" would almost certainly lose them a lot of ships and men. What a strange world we live in when the only people standing up against the Gaza genocide are some medieval Yemeni hill tribesmen and most of the world's population wants to see the US fleet at the bottom of the Red Sea!

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