I haven’t gotten involved to any great extent—except in general terms—with the many legally oriented developments since the Faux Election of 2020. The Big Picture is fairly clear. The DC Ruling Establishment, including the Deep State and the auxiliary movers and shakers, suffered what they feared was a near death experience with the election of Donald Trump in 2016. All their actions from then to the present have been geared toward crushing the double threat to their Regime: Trump and Normal Americans. We saw that with the Covid Regime, which heavily targeted the electoral process and successfully changed it in many states. We saw that with the electoral irregularities centered around the illegal movement of money in the 2020 election. We saw that also with the coordinated censorship through government and Big Tech collusion of non-approved opinions of ordinary Americans. And we saw that with the management of the Russia Hoax—the Bluto Barr - Bull Durham slow walking of the investigation.
With the successful removal of Trump from the White House, but the unsuccessful attempt to remove him from the political life of the nation, we have seen also the unleashing of the FBI against political opposition to the Zhou regime: the J6 show trials and the military occupation of the Imperial City on the Potomac, the unleashing of the FBI against normal parents concerned about schooling and against Catholics and other normal pro-life people, and finally the D-Day reenactment at Mar-A-Lago.
Today TGP has run a fine summary of the lawfare cases that the Zhou regime has launched against Trump to try to derail his drive for the GOP nomination. The TGP post centers around a 20min+ Rumble discussion between Steven Bannon and Mike Davis. I can’t embed Rumble here, so:
Davis does an excellent job in the video of articulating the Big Picture of what’s going on with the lawfare cases against Trump—I mean, beyond the obvious “Get Trump” motivation. What Davis hones in on is the involvement of the very top levels of the Zhou regime in most, if not all, of these lawfare moves. His presentation follows on and feeds off the revelations of Zhou’s personal involvement in the MAL raid and the revelation that the Bragg case has been using federal money—which has led to Jim Jordan’s oversight.
As I said, I can’t embed the video, but it’s well worth the view at the link. Immediately before the video TGP provides this intro:
But at the 11:00 minute mark, Davis discusses the five bogus attempts to get President Trump. This was an excellent overview.
At this point Davis makes it clear that President Trump had the right to have documents at Mar-a-Lago, classified or not but Biden had no right to have classified records in his possession while he was Vice President.
At the 14 min mark, Davis discusses the Mar-a-Lago situation more in-depth.
It’s very clear – Biden had to wave executive privilege for Trump. He green lighted Garland’s unprecedented, unnecessary, unlawful home raid on Trump, his political enemy…
Davis argues that Biden wanted to get back documents showing the Clinton, Obama, and Biden connections to Russian collusion and Garland did the raid to cover up for Biden. Only Biden could wave Trump’s executive privilege.
Bannon at the 17:00 mark points out that the timelines show The Regime knew about Biden’s issues with classified documents being held illegally and this is why they went after President Trump.
When this comes out there is going to be impeachable crimes by President Biden…he weaponized the Justice Department to go after Trump…This is impeachable.
The key point here is that the bogus MAL Raid—bogus, because the Zhou regime and its corrupt and weaponized DoJ knew there was no legal basis for the raid—never could have happened without Zhou’s personal involvement. This is important to understand. The bogus theory used was that Zhou waived Trump’s executive privilege so that the FBI could do their D-Day reenactment. Nobdy but the president personally can waive executive privilege—not the WH Counsel, not the VP, not the AG. Only the president personally. That means that somewhere there is a document with Zhou signing off on the waiver—personal involvement. The corrupt purpose behind the waiver was to continue the coverup of the Russia Hoax, and the willingness to go to this extreme extent speaks volumes about the sense of desperation among the DC Establishment.
Davis also goes into some detail regarding Alvin Braggs desperate attempt to sue Jim Jordan and stop his oversight investigation of Braggs Manhattan “Get Trump” operation. The breaking news is that, as Davis predicted, this bogus legal move has gained zero traction. The federal district court in Manhattan has declined to issue a temporary restraining order as requested by Bragg. That amounts to the court saying: Hey, heads up, Alvin—you lose!
Mike Davis 🇺🇸
Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's (frivolous) lawsuit against House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is already off to a bad start for Bragg:
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York declined to even enter a temporary restraining order.
In his discussion of this case Davis zeroes in on the role of Matthew Colangelo, former #3 at the DoJ (Associate AG), who stepped down from this Senate confirmed gig to … go to work for Alvin Bragg? This, along with the federal funding, looks like a very clear indication of a political motivation and Jordan has smartly warned Colangelo to preserve all communications. The likelihood that the trail will connect to the White House through DoJ.
Now, in that regard, Margot Cleveland takes a bit of a deep dive today:
Manhattan D.A. Enlisted A Who’s Who Of Biden Admin Buddies For Trump Takedown
It wasn’t just Colangelo:
A New York City law firm with “strong ties” to Democrats and the Biden administration, and a big-time fundraiser for both, lent the Manhattan district attorney three lawyers to help him take down Donald Trump. This cohort included former Special Assistant District Attorney Mark F. Pomerantz, whose leaked resignation letter appears responsible for the Manhattan prosecutor’s decision to indict Trump.
While Bragg’s hiring of Colangelo to reportedly “jump-start” the investigation into Trump further indicates the indictment was politically motivated, the Manhattan D.A. office’s unprecedented use of outside, Democrat-connected lawyers to investigate Trump pre-dates Colangelo’s arrival by nearly a year.
In early to mid-February of 2021, Bragg’s predecessor, District Attorney Cyrus Vance, arranged for private criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor Mark Pomerantz to be a special assistant district attorney for the Manhattan D.A.’s office. Pomerantz, whom The New York Times noted was to work “solely on the Trump investigation,” took a temporary leave of absence from his law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, where he had defended former Sen. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., against alleged campaign finance violations. But even before being sworn in as a special assistant to the Manhattan D.A., Pomerantz had reportedly “been helping with the case informally for months…”
Helping with the case “informally”? Wait, how does that work? How does a private citizen work on a prosecution “informally”? I think you get the picture here. This doesn’t happen without Big League political machinations going on. And there’s much, much more at the link.
Kim Dotcom
Joe Biden doesn’t recognize the little brown guy (Prime Minister of UK) and pushes him away to salute the old white guy. The look on the face of @RishiSunak is priceless
It's not about "Poor Trump," no one in the Beltway 'fears' him, and every minute spent discussing him is counterproductive. Per Angelo Codevilla, 9/23/2020, “Let there be no doubt: the ruling class’s focus on Donald Trump has been incidental. America’s potentates do not fear one pudgy orange-haired septuagenarian. They fear the millions of Americans whom they loathe, who voted for Trump, who gave his party control of House and Senate, and who will surely vote for folks these potentates really should fear." 9/23/20, “Revolution 2020,” Angelo Codevilla, American Mind...As to the 2020 election, per Tal Bachman, 2/9/2021: “In the two years prior to [Nov. 2020] election day, Trump repeatedly announced that Democrats were going to try to rig the 2020 election against him. He said it at rallies. He said it in interviews and tweets. If we take him at his word, he knew perfectly well an attempt was coming. And so I ask: What was Team Trump’s fraud prevention plan? What did he actually do to reduce the chances of ballot-stuffing, voting machine manipulation, fraudulent mail-in ballots, Chinese election-tampering, etc.? From what anyone can tell, the answer is: nothing. It should have pushed for the abolition of computerized vote-counting machines altogether, since their vulnerability to error has been amply documented for decades....Add to all this…an odd passivity underneath all the vituperative language.”…2/9/2021, “Tal Bachman: A Quick Post-Mortem.”...In 2016 Trump said to elect him because he was the one person who could bring bureaucrats to their knees. So we voted for him but he gave us the opposite, starting w. making Jared de facto pres. and being a worse neocon than McCain. If "Poor Trump" couldn't or didn't do what he promised 2016 voters-for whatever reason--and he cared about the country, he should've resigned and told his voters that US is a fake country, that it doesn't allow presidents any power. But Poor Trump didn't resign, created a new way to leech off small donors. His new job requires him to do nothing but keep his name in headlines 24/7 and millions will roll in for the "Poor Trump" industry, "institutes" and PACs stuffed w. Jared pals. The RNC/WinRed/Trump/Kushner Family & Girlfriends profit centers are a cancer that needs to removed.