Another beer hall putsch! Ah, the Germans. Be interesting to watch.

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God knows if any group of people have reason to overthrow their government it's the Germans, but whether it's that beer hall gag or Operation Valkyrie, the Germans do about as good at coups these hundred years as they do at winning wars. Remember that the last Turnip Winter really did produce some changes in Berlin so even if this one was fake there's always maybe a real attempt next time, just try to manage your expectations.

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Which is more believable, this or the Reichstag Fire?

I guess thru couldn’t find any anti immigrant types to set up. Or was this group the most convenient?

>Today the German government arrested 25

>“coup plotters”

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The US is a badly over-extended empire, and an increasingly ill-managed one, too. At some point, our blundering about the world is going to get punished harshly, our government's over-reaction will endanger all of us.

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Thank you for your writing. Thank you for a tectonic presentation that depicts the ebb and flow of various countries and "alliances" The USA continues to employ greater self dislike and the USA resources may ruin thin.

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Great writing as usual. I would like to make a point, Q was a psyop and a very successful one at that, awaking the masses. The ideology is from its followers and many of them are off the mark to put it mildly. You cannot bundle them together.

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A quick way to get up to speed on that, for those who might have missed it:


I'd only take issue with your verb tense. The most recent Q post was last week. https://qposts.online

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Yes thanks for correcting me... the operation continues. Good link, saved it.

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Thanks for this excellent update as to where the world is holding. You state "The biggest threat to the US is the wokist ideology of the ruling class and the lack of spiritual substance in the normal class with which to counter the ruling class." What has happened in the past few years is unprecedented, and old-timers like myself sadly can pledge allegiance to the flag and stand for the national anthem but have nothing but disrespect for our government. J6, indeed! After phony Russiagate Pelosi staged a Reichstag Fire to subvert any criticism of a stolen election and criminalize dissent. Jimmy Carter had his Presidency and may have made a mess of things, but his authority was unquestioned. Trump made things better for us, and the Office of the Presidency has been forever dishonored. By installing Biden they even made things much worse by installing someone clearly not up to the job. How do you counter the ruling class when they have corrupted our entire political process?

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Same here. I will pledge allegiance (every day at my school in Texas) and I wouldn’t dream of sitting for the anthem, but this country isn’t the country I grew up in. Sometimes I wonder if it ever was.

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well said!

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The fissures have been there for years. For example Turkey has been desperate to become a member of the EU bloc and has been jumping through hoops for years. Back in 2015 or 16 they made another attempt to have their application ratified and were told no in no uncertain terms. Of course this was around the time of the migrant influx from the Turkey camps. Erdogan was furious with the EU especially Germany who prevented him campaigning there for re-election (Germany has a large Turkish diaspora). He gave a speech along the lines of Europe will be Muslim in the future - European Muslims should have many children who they should educate to be Doctors and lawyers and politicians etc. It was very inflammatory and I'd hazard a guess that since that time Erdogan has been pretty much over the EU.

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Thank you. Great synopsis. And you're right: trying to predict how it will all unravel might not be best. Yet, there are many unaswered questions, from the point of view of China's intention to become a "world dominator". Have you considered the role that African countries may play in global security, if at all, considering how China has "moved in" into many African territories.

I live in Europe, but I come from Africa. I started a new life in China. And my head is a-bobble with fear about China and its influences. I recently learned about EMEA countries, and thought it an interesting move when it comes to trade and commerce, but from the point of view of your article that focuses on geopolitical security, do EMEA countries - as a group - have anything to offer in terms of softening the impact of the China-Russia-India vs US scenario and the stranglehold on global politics? In case you wonder, I ask this because - in my weird head - I'm trying to conceive of a solution that would make the US, Russia, and China back down from their aggression without resorting to filthy old tactics...

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Removed (Banned)Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022
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Sociopaths gonna sociopaths. Power gonna power. But if it was ever really a government by the People, then we're all responsible.

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I've been thinking about this a lot lately, mostly in the context of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have been taking a pounding because their governments have been corrupt forever. We have (so far) been spared the physical pounding, but it seems unavoidable that we're about to suffer a massive economic blow due to abject mismanagement by our leaders. But do We The People actually have any control over either domestic or foreign policy? Or do we really have the ability to impose controls but we are too easily convinced to abdicate, delegate? Or have we purposefully been distracted?

This is the existential question of my life time: is there anything that could galvanize We The People to rise up and halt the ruination seeping into every node of our national life? It's pretty clear to me now that the political process is not the path forward. We are up against 100 percent of the Dems and 50 percent of the GOP. Is it time to go John Galt?

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