Piggybacked on this I just read a great piece over at American Greatness by Victor Davis Hanson about the Obama/Biden/Hillary work that led to this and what Trump had done to keep Putin at bay. TRUTH has been lost and the historical record ignored. Gawd are my Countrymen ignorant.....and willfully to! If we had a media that was not the Propaganda Ministry of Truth.........

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The two broad aims would seem to be a) preserving American hegemony at all costs, and b) The Great Reset. Both of these are zero sum games and involve provoking Putin into rash actions that will justify full scale war and the Gestapo society that the Great Reset demands. As we saw with Covid, a crisis justifies everything that Davos wants.

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Thank you Mark.

You use a wide angle lens and I'm still on a 50mm.

Came across this passage from Dreher following the links ...

"Indeed, if you had set out to destroy the happiness and stability of a people, it would have been hard to improve on our current formula: remove yourself as far as possible from the natural world; repudiate the continuity of your culture; believe you are wise enough to do whatever you happen to want and not only get away with it, but have a right to it — and a right to silence those who disagree; minimise the role played by a common body of belief; actively attack and dismantle every social structure as a potential source of oppression; and reject the idea of a transcendent set of values."

So much of how we went wrong in a nutshell.

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The Remnant also posts their videos to YouTube. Here’s the link to the video Mark cites above:


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The Revenant video is well worth watching. I was raised Catholic and this Pope gives me the creeps. It didn't sit well with me how Benedict suddenly decided to step down. And now I'm wondering why they made that movie The 2 Popes. Was that a PR exercise?

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I stopped being a Catholic the day that this fool said "Who am I to judge?" about homosexuality. I'd left protestantism exactly to avoid that kind of moral equivalence.

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My view is that those who view the world through those colored glasses, and enable and encourage others to do so, are the ones who have stopped being Catholic or Christian. I remain. Mt. 5:19 It's like Athanasius said--they have the buildings, but we have the faith. I understand, of course, that it's not quite so simple as that, but it's where we need to start.

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Lol! I'm not going down that rabbit hole!

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Biology Teacher Reinstated After Refusing To Use Trans Student Pronouns

A biology teacher who was suspended last week after refusing to use transgender students' preferred pronouns was reinstated after over 400 people showed up at the school's auditorium last Wednesday - most of whom were there to support the educator.

Biology and anatomy teacher Daren Cusato was suspended by officials at South Side Area School District in **rural Beaver County, PA,** despite citing religious beliefs for his refusal use the trans students' pronouns.

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There are some good things happening too.

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I believe the Chinese Nuke Number is not 350.

Per this article 1,000 seems more likely:


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Removed (Banned)Oct 10, 2022
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The stupidity doesn't end there. If they get rid of Putin, they aren't going to get some Westernised liberal milquetoast like Navalny; they're going to get a good old fashioned Soviet Union style type pol or soldier who won't hesitate to go all the way against the West.

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I quote liberaltarians all the time--I take truth where I can find it. Luongo is only one example. But I don't quote them for liberaltarian ideology. It's not about individuals, per se.

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