EXCLUSIVE: Footage of Putin being arrested in Mongolia by ICC and Ukrainian MFA demands.


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I would like to be "arrested" myself upon my arrival in Mongolia !!!

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Looks like Erdoğan has finally made up his mind. Next, he should act towards making a clean break, pitch the Neocon Anglo-Zionist Imperialist Air Force (NA-ZI AF) out of Incirlik AB, and then withdraw from NATO. A quick aside: Vladimir Putin is visiting Mongolia today to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the decisive Soviet and Mongolian victory over the Imperial Japanese at Khalkhiin Gol. The Japanese decided to focus their efforts elsewhere after that defeat, dropping plans to invade Siberia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_Khalkhin_Gol

Vlad ain't worried about the ICC arrest warrants, despite Mongolia's status as a member state: https://www.rt.com/russia/603315-putin-mongolia-icc-warrant/

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Ah, thanks. I saw that Putin was visiting there and that the Mongolians were ignoring the warrants--as expected. But I didn't realize the occasion.

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Very interesting, thanks. No peaceful words to describe my disappointment in sending our LEOs to Israel to learn domestic counter-terrorism skills. Because their Palestinians are just like our Scots-Irish.

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Glenn Diesen @Glenn_Diesen

It is the current government that supports German tanks yet again invading Russia, a genocide in Palestine, and speaks about banning the opposition while beating protesters

- Some context to Germany's first "far-right" electoral victory since WW2

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Will they change the name?

zerohedge @zerohedge


8:09 AM · Sep 2, 2024

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They build some Chevy's in, of all places, Uzbekistan.

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Same crap different country.

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Speaking of geopolitics, I just finished listening to Tucker Carlson’s interview with “amateur” historian-podcaster Darryl Cooper — someone Tucker characterizes as the most important public historian of our age (I tend to agree). Recently I recommended Dave Smith’s recounting the history of Zionism and founding of Israel. Smith was relying on Cooper’s 26-hour [!] podcast series on the subject. He is no fact collector, but someone intensely interested in the humanity of those he studies and is willing to push against received wisdom, sacred cows and myths. Anyway, his convo with Tucker weaves in and out of topics related to American history (egs., Jonestown Cult, Labor history, demographic transformations) and European history (esp World War II). A few highlights on the latter topic: Churchill was one of the chief villains of that war. Also, a la Rene Girard, the Nuremberg Trials were the founding “sacrificial” event of our currently unravelling postwar order. The conversation is 2 hours long, but well worth it for lots of thought provoking insights into our past and our present.


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I wonder what the blowback will be?


I thought the Biden Administration was trying to stay on Maduros good side to keep oil cheap before the November election? Seizing his jet director “sanctions” seems shortsighted.

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Election political maneuver IMO. Tough on foreign corruption. Lol

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I think that's alarmist. India has also played a huge role in facilitating exports of Russian oil around the world, thus completely undermining the sanctions. It's all more complicated ...

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And Iranian oil.

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Yes. A lot of India's energy imports go under the radar as far as official stats go. India is heavily dependent on the Gulf, which will limit it as the Gulf states move toward BRICS.

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Isn't India the "I" in BRICS?

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