O/T, but only slightly: I will be very disappointed if impeachment resolutions against Merrick Garland are not introduced in the next Congress and pursued by the Republican majority. Even if conviction is impractible, he deserves this stain on his record.

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Meloni... wow, just wow! I never would have expected her to level such a broadside against Macron and France. My admiration for her just increased exponentially. Like you say, Mark, now just do Ukraine! And then have her come and give a symposium on illegal immigration to a few of our Republican Senators:


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What you said at the beginning about Trump was spot on. I totally agree. We have been waiting for someone to say this. This is where the battle is, where they are attacking.

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Trump is a plant and hack for the same cabal/Davos crowd in control of much else - prove me wrong.

saying this to spark original thought

him running fills the space that someone else truly independent might fill

I'm not able to cite the many instances where Trump's acts in hindsight show a lack of wisdom/courage/intelligence but we all know there are many, but we all excuse them -- why not just say, in totality and objective hindsight, they more accurately show he did what his bosses directed him to do.

now, he plays the role and fills the void, pulling us all into his current and to hope he's the white knight

Trump is a distraction.

prove me wrong -- I contend if we think of past actions by him we could fill a book of decisions that 'dont make sense' until we add the factor he was following orders.

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"him running fills the space that someone else truly independent might fill"

Have you identified such a person, if so, please share since I am having trouble finding such a person so; does such a person exist?

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I appreciate your question. This ship has probably sailed, but I have been a fan of Mark's since Nov 2020 and wanted to put in some effort on context and thinking.

I’m an average political observer at best, so have no unique observations on who else might be better, other than the point already stated, by selecting him now so soon we may eliminate the ability of other candidates emerging; how many of us knew about K. Lake a year ago, or could foresee Desantis becoming the rock star he is due to his Covid term decisions; and how might he grow if there was space and encouragement for him. If some people aren’t willing to consider those options, ok, but I hope to have other options to consider.

The broader point is, as has been made here and other places many times, we can give great credit to Trump for disrupting the status quo and thereby awakening many of us, certainly me, to the many corruptions and deceptions hiding in plain sight; without taking the time to detail them all, why wouldn’t we also apply that critical view at Trump himself, that he may not be the person we want or believe him to be; these are not binary views, good v bad, my guy or not my guy; he can be as good a my guy as there is, but still very flawed, and yet I need to live with that best option; but he can also be very flawed and yet there is time and ability to seek, build and advance a better option. We are 2 years out – it seems premature to anoint him as the guy.

A final point that’s also been made here and others places – we could have a block of wood as a candidate but if we decide to focus on collecting ballots into the machines, and not as much anymore on debates and quality of candidates, we might win; yes it would be great to have both, but having the candidate alone is no longer sufficient.

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prove me wrong = whatever, Bunnyman


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"Prove me wrong."

You didn't provide a single shred of evidence in support of your opinion. So there is nothing to prove. This is lazy thinking. As Christopher Hitchens once said: "Whatever can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

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ok, so it was meant to spark discussion not meant to be a summation or mike-drop.

Whitney Webb makes a fairly strong case Trump and Epstein go way back; and that E may have had a role in grooming Mrs. Trump to be his wife; if JE was a CIA asset of some type, is it too far to imagine there are ties to Tr?

But, beyond that, looking to Tr's acts or non-acts as I suggested -- and I haven't been keeping a list but off top of my head:

- C.A.Fitts has been sounding the alarm for years about the law Trump passed that cemented the hidden lost money that was about to be made public in the days around 9/11 -- here is a clip from an article I just pulled up:

We are talking about the new rule from the Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board (FASAB rule 56) that took government accounting dark. Fitts explains, “If you look at FASAB rule 56, it was approved by both the (Trump) Administration and the bipartisan (Congress) on the same week that everybody was screaming about Judge Kavanaugh. It was passed we had all the hearings on Mr. Kavanaugh’s teenage sex life. At the same time everybody supposedly looks like they are fighting, we had a bipartisan Congress and Administration pass this very quietly underneath the attention given to the Kavanaugh hearings.”

Why did both parties “quietly” pass FASAB rule 56 that makes federal budgets secret? Fitts says, “Since WWII, we have been building secret financial operations, whether it’s the ‘Black Budget’ or what some people call the ‘hidden system of finance.’ Secrecy is a huge financial addiction.

I have heard her talk about the ramifications on this; if this is news to anyone and you want me to dig for those, just say.

- his handling of Covid and the Vax efforts -- prior to Cv in 2019/2020, he had selected Bobby Kennedy JR to lead a vax health board of some type, but big pharm caught wind, gave him a $1M donation, and he abandoned that effort; his non-handling of Fauci? his inability to make stick the advice of his own team, such as Dr. Atlas or others? his continued credit-taking for the Vax?

- he continued the deep state activities in UKR which lead to this debacle; if he were innocent of ties and able to think on his own, I would hope he (and his team) would have anticipated this outcome and put alternate paths into place; there are plenty who saw this coming, and what did he do?

my overall point is what has he said or done recently to show he's really a different or more enlightened/courageous/effective than the prior term? and not that I won't support him if he's our ultimate option, but it seems he comes up short on many issues and I'm suggesting we look at him more cynically.

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Your first statement is couched as a statement of fact: "Trump is a plant and hack for the same cabal/Davos crowd in control of much else - prove me wrong." Then you challenge the readers of the website to waste their time in pointless argumentation when you haven't done any due diligence in backing up your claim with verifiable facts. And the length/wordiness of your reply demonstrates you still don't understand the hollowness of your original claim.

If you have ACTUAL evidence of Trump's complicity with Davos, then put that data forward. The readers of this fantastic blog would be open to hearing verifiable facts in this regard. Otherwise, please don't waste other people's time.

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In hindsight and on reflection, I may have gone overboard to call him a hack, point taken; I was trying to inject a proposition he may not be the savior we want or need, and that in many instances he has made decisions that warrant deeper questions and suspicions.

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Many of us are aware he may not be the savior we are hoping for, but you offered no such person(s) to spark a debate.

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Davos would have been much happier if Hillary had won. Trump is patriotic, which is anti Davos. He set their efforts back considerably, especially with his judicial legacy. I wish he had done more, but it’s amazing what he did with the opposition and backstabbing he endured.

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Wow - what a weasel.

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Didn't WaPo just have an article essentially admitting that there was nothing to the contents of the ridiculous raid? How is the nypost staking out a more deep state position than Wapo?

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Oh what a tangled web they weave! James Howard Kunstler’s latest rant includes a thorough survey of Sam Bankster-Fraud’s familal ties. SBF and FTX are a time bomb about to go off near the very heart of the establishment. Here’s Kunstler:

“The Bankman-Fried extended family is the quintessence of Woke aristocracy. Dad Joe Bankman and mom Barbara Fried are both law professors at Stanford. She also acted as a money-bundler for the Democratic Party and ran two non-profit “voter registration” orgs (against the IRS laws which only permit non-partisan organized voter registration). Brother Gabe Bankman-Fried headed a non-profit named Guarding Against Pandemics (funded by Sam), which lobbies Congress to construct new platforms for medical tyranny. Aunt Linda Fried is Dean of Columbia U’s Public Health school, and is associated with Johns Hopkins, which ran the October 2019 Event 201 pandemic drill (sponsored by the Gates Foundation) months before the Covid-19 outbreak.

Sam’s girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, ran the Alameda Investments arm of the FTX empire (that is, FTX’s own money laundromat). Her dad, Glenn Ellison, is chair of MIT’s Econ School. His former colleague on the MIT Econ faculty, Gary Gensler, who specialized in blockchains there, is now head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency that Sam Bankman-Fried was attempting to rope into a regulation scheme to eliminate FTX’s crypto-currency competitors. Caroline’s mom, Sara Fisher Ellison, is an MIT econ prof specializing in the pharmaceutical industry (fancy that!). Caroline Ellison is currently on-the-run.”

Read it all at: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/a-smoldering-fuse/

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I love JHK but we'll have to wait and see whether this is the one that finally holes the Deep State below the water line. We were told the same thing for Epstein, Hunter, etc.

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The clean up / censorship/ propaganda that has been done on:

- Epstein

- Seth Rich

- Russiagate

- Clinton Foundation

- Jab injuries

- Weiner Laptop

- Ivermectin and other treatments

- Jab effectiveness

- voter fraud

- Jan 6th

- Benghazi

- Hillary Bathroom Server

- Assange

- Ukraine Corruption

- China financial influence in the US (Feinsteins fortune…).

Does not give me a lot of hope.

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Touche. Thanks for bring me back to earth.

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Thanks for Kunstler article, it’s appalling.

The reason I don’t think much will happen, was he also made donations to Gop. Not as much. Interestingly, Sundance labeled them DeceptoCons, if I remember correctly.

$2.5 million Mitch McConnell

$45,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).

Max personal donations to:

Boozman, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, John Hoeven of North Dakota and Lisa Murkowski


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I consider President Trump must have had advance knowledge of the pending doj action, and thus determined that announcing his candidacy last Tuesday was a prudent act.

FWIW, I strongly agree, Mark, so would Lincoln, I suspect, 160 years ago:

"I can't spare this man, he fights!"

Trump is our modern - day Grant.

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That’s my gut feeling too. I expected him to do it after the Ga runoff, but the special counsel appointment explains it.

It also enables him to fight the censorship by Twitter, Facebook, etc.

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Re Meloni, yes, she’s going down a France-West Africa rabbit hole instead of focusing her ire on Davos/Ursula, and just now the revelation of the arrests of members of the Asov Battalion in Italy.

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The France West Africa relationship is a great way to attack France for its hypocrisy and show how un woke it is. The idea being always attack an enemies weak area.

Davos / Ursula have the ability to cause a financial crisis in Italy, and May be even topple the government. As was done in the UK.

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Nov 19, 2022
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I thought Italy and France were partners in that fiasco, with support from the UK, and the US leading from way behind. Hillary and Powers pushed for it, R2P? Responsibility to protect, no new Rwandas.

I have heard different things in why France pushed for this. Energy? Threat to Euro?

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Yep. Aspen Institute alumni are like that.

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Since Trump is no longer President and this is the worst the regime can do, he can now fight back.

With Mueller, and the first two Impeachments he had to worry about keeping the eGOP happy in congress. That tied his hands. And for the GOP that voted for impeachment, not many are left in Congress, and that is due to Trump.

What Clinton did to Ken Star’s reputation, will be child’s play to what Trump will do to the fbi, doj, and this special counsel reputation.

I agree with Andrea’s comment:

“The Biden administration is determined to use the process to destroy Trump. They’re fools because Trump has emerged stronger from every attack, and I’m betting he will this time too.”

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"I have to say, the more the Establishment goes after Trump the more I’m inclined to say: Whatever his flaws, we hafta back him."

I said this to myself when I read about the Garland special counsel and came here to say exactly that...exactly what you've said. I totally agree. I see Lawrence L. agrees, too. No question they are terrified of Trump.

And if Jim Jordan and the House go after Biden we can have 'political trials' of both of them ongoing at the same time as they contest the 2024 election.

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I support Trump as President, but he will never be President again, nor will any other real Republican. The Oligarcy adds to its crimes daily and has more to lose with each passing hour. They will steal the next election like the stole the last several.

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Agreed. Until election fraud is addressed, nothing will happen.

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Did you see how the R candidate for state treasurer in AZ got tens of thousands more votes than any other candidate in AZ, D or R? As someone else remarked, "Guess they forgot to push the corruption on button for the treasurer's office."

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"I have to say, the more the Establishment goes after Trump the more I’m inclined to say: Whatever his flaws, we hafta back him."

I have said (and thought) many disparaging things about Trump in the past several years. But I agree now. TPTB didn't understand the first cosmic "F**K YOU" and need to hear it again. And again. And again. Until their heads explode--preferably literally.

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Nov 19, 2022Edited
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Could be another one of Luongo's false trials. I don't know what to make of Meloni. Maybe she's the real deal, but I will trust and verify. As for Ukraine, there is an argument for doing nothing, because the situation there will unravel all by itself.

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Ukraine is high risk, low reward for Italy. The EU is just insane on the topic. Easier to wait till Russia forces change in the Ukraine narrative, which should be very soon.

She is picking immigration to fight on.

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Yep. Beat me too it.

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