The “oldies” don’t have to get out in the street to defend their pensions, vacation homes, vaccine status (vaxxed and boosted) because the politics of fear worked! Nevertheless, and considering the huge abstention rate of about 30%, Macron’s share of the vote fell by 10%, while Le Pen’s increased by same. So a vote for Le Pen was a voice against Macron, and a good number who voted for him did so gloomily. Going forward, I think it will not be smooth sailing for Macron - of course by cleverly killing off both Left and Right challengers, he himself bears the brunt of responsibility in so dividing France (cf Obama)…re Le Pen, she can’t win the presidency. France is in dire straits.

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Interesting long term strategy to retain power: have fewer babies.

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NATO and USA and Ukraine.... criminals whose actions caused child mass murder.

Russia has blame, but far, far less.


but NWO wants war. They love war and crisis

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Might be closer to home than most realize. Very few aging people in the US who have not planned and banked on federal largess of the Social Security Admin for retirement. "I paid for it!!!" they declare. It was a bad bet. My outlook has always been that I have contributed generously, but wd be a fool to count on it alone (if at all).

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