As I've mentioned here before, I came to Mark's site quite a few years ago now because I sensed that he shared my deep curiosity regarding how 'they' (we really didn't understand who they were, or at least I didn't) managed to control the use of all of the government's police, intelligence, investigative, prosecutorial, judicial and legislative powers during and after Trump's campaign to attempt to destroy him. Who were 'they' and how did they operate and why were they doing it?

In the beginning, I was curious how Mrs Clinton got away with wiping her servers clean of classified information while under subpoena and how she got away with sliming Donald Trump with an unbelievable and totally false and made up dossier (the Steele Dossier), which the MSM peddled to an unsuspecting public as evidence that Donald Trump was a Russian agent.

As time went on, it became increasingly apparent that many of the actions I was witnessing and didn't understand could not have been the work of Mrs Clinton alone, and required participation and agency not only by the FBI, the CIA, and the DoJ, but by numerous additional agencies of government. It wasn't just Mrs Clinton trying to avoid indictment or use disinformation to win an election, there was something deeper and more nefarious likely going on. Who, for example, was telling Jim Comey or John Brennan or Peter Strzok (remember him?) to do what he was doing?

For some period of time I was inclined to believe that Barack Obama had taken over such great control of the levers of power that he was in effect the grand puppeteer. I no longer believe this. As the Endless War has spun out of control in Ukraine and Israel, and as the authoritarian policies of the Covid 19 pandemic unfolded, and as censorship has increased around the world, and as we hqave witnessed several assassination attempts on conservative, nationalist politicians, I have to believe that there are even deeper and more nefarious forces at work.

I have long suspected that these deeper and more nefarious forces must have motivations far more powerful than seeing Mrs Clinton elected and that the most elemental forces of human nature -- the quest for power and money...and money and power -- must be (and will be found to be) present.

Mark's post above about federal agency accounting standards and possibly lost or hidden trillions of dollars sounds at first blush to be fantastic and impossible. How could the federal government simply 'disappear' $21 trillion? I certainly can't answer that question, but when you look at the growing mountain of lies and crimes that seem undeniable which 'they' are using to stay in power (and keep Donald Trump out of power) you really do have to wonder who 'they' are and to what lengths they will ultimately go...I'm inclined to say (at least this morning) that there is so much which we still don't know.

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You know who they are, Cass. When you wrote, "Who, for example, was telling Jim Comey or John Brennan or Peter Strzok (remember him?) to do what he was doing?" Who do you think it was? We, through alternate media, have learned from many brave writers who are giving us well researched information that blows the cover off these nefarious players. All one has to say most of the time is follow the money and Austin-Fitts has done just that. I came across a blog under the non-de-plume of "A Lily Bit" on substack that presents some very disturbing information and the tentacles that our the Anglo-Zionist oppressors have around the world have been at it for years and often it reaches far and wide with many players getting in on the rape of the world of it's wealth and resources by these nefarious creatures you refer to. I invite you to read part one:

https://www.alilybit.com/p/welcome-to-the-grand-tour-of-the and part two: https://www.alilybit.com/p/the-shadow-syndicate-that-runs-america

Pretty eye opening stuff and gives credence to CAF's video Mark Linked to on this the article related to missing trillions.

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Here's a bit of a glossary to help better understand what Ms Fitts is actually saying. I think I've got it right.

FASB = Financial Accounting Standards Board

FASAB = Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

FASAB is not FASB. FASAB is an advisory committee that develops accounting standards for government agencies. According to FASAB, it serves the public interest by improving federal financial reporting through issuing statements of federal financial accounting standards (SFFAS) and providing guidance after considering the needs of external and internal users of federal financial information.

FASB, on the other hand, is a private standard-setting body that develops accounting standards for public companies and nonprofit agencies following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

SFFAS 56 is an accounting standard applicable to government agencies which was adopted in 2018 by the FASAB "to balance the need for financial reports to be publicly available with the need to prevent the disclosure of classified national security information or activities in publicly issued General Purpose Federal Financial Reports". SFFAS 56 allows financial presentation and disclosure to accommodate user needs in a manner that does not impede national security."

The FASAB 56 referred to in Ms. Fitts' post is more properly referred to as SFFAS 56.


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Will Schryver @imetatronink

Jun 18, 2023

In order to understand the world as it really is, you must come to grips with the fact there really are people with great power willing to destroy entire nations pursuant to their own selfish interests.

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.

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Would that Trump could serve up that last paragraph to Kama-catastrophic tonight and catch her in her utter complicity with the “unelected machine.”

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Love Catherine’s work, the missing money is an interesting topic. Some speculate that it is being used for underground bases while others conjecture a secret space program.

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Whereas I think it's behind the wild weaponization of the dollar and is being used to buy off regimes around the world to subject them to the global Anglo-Zionist Empire.

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And manning, equipping and maintaining 800 foreign military bases ain’t cheap, either! Without raising taxes!

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That would be a pretty good guess, Mark. What was interesting was the comment made by an unnamed head of large hedge fund who stated back in the late 90's they had given up on this country and was pulling their money out of the USoA. It would be intersting to know who that was and it might give us even more clarity on this shocking revelation.

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Yeah, I puzzled over that from a number of perspectives. The mid 90s was when the Neocons solidified their grip over US foreign policy. I speculate that that included funneling big money through the CIA for all sorts of projects--not just paramilitary and para-diplomatic but also through NGOs and big corporations. It was a definite move toward outright Deep State oligarchy aimed at world domination.

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Yes! I was pretty blown away by the chart in your article on the Ukraine that depicted the areas and value of the various resources within the borders of the Ukraine. It's become very clear to those who have taken the time to be informed of how deeply we have been deceived and what is driving both the war on Russia and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. My earliest years at university while studying economics you learn about the scramble for scarce resources and how war is one avenue to acquire them. Thanks for taking the time to send me your reply. I love your work!

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So, $20 trillion plus $1 trillion equals $21 trillion missing. That's approximately 60% of the current amount on the debt clock, which is $35.36 trillion.

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