This exchange is also relevant to today's post:

Mccabe's Porsche on Blocks:

"If Durham has a massive conspiracy case, for him this is just an opening salvo letting the thus far uncooperative soft targets know it's their last chance.

"I can't think of a softer target than Robby Mook, and he's been awfully quiet."

SWC: "Dan Jones and Glenn Simpson on the outside."

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Hadda laff at this exchange:

HICKAMANIA: "Sussman wants to go to trial ASAP."

SWC: "They always say that.

"And its always not true."

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I have always assumed Baker knew exactly who Sussman was representing in that meeting. Baker pretended not to know, and Sussman pretended not to tell. Baker had to cut Sussman loose, however, once it became clear to him the entire Alfa Bank story was fabricated by Sussman and his clients.

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No pushback from me. The alternative is to assume Baker is stupid--which he isn't.

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Nice summary Mark. Put's it more clearly in perspective for me with these various threads you've woven. Makes it easier to understand. HRC was well informed and approved of the whole operation. Don't forget Brennan's brief to Obama in summer of 2016 too about the HRC/DNC camps shenanigans. Obama is complicit too IMO.

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Interesting tidbit:


This is interesting, in light of Trump delegating declassification authority to Durham for anything he needed to declassify.

Not clear what classified evidence there would be that goes to the simple question of whether or not he lied to Baker about the info not being on behalf of any client.

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Plus wasn't it SWC who suggested Sussman wouldn't want a trial? I'm confused.

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Yes. He's reiterating that. Sussmann can't possibly want a trial because he'd be totally unable to take the stand and defend himself--he'd open himself up to too much from the pros on cross. I don't see any alternative but to do a deal. Hey, I just went out on a limb.

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He could confess on the stand to genocidal-level crimes, and still be pardoned by Biden.

But, more likely, he'll shut up, get convicted, and be pardoned by Biden.

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TechnoFog has a drop on his Twitter feed about this...

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Tx. Getting hard to keep up again.

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Presumably the case the FBI opened re Alfa was a CI case. The defense would want to see opening docs for sure.

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The Maté’ post is at Consortium News, along with a worthy Readers' comment by Marshall T Smith.

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The Maté’ post is at Consortium News, along with a worthy Readers' comment by Marshall T Smith.

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They just wated to get rid of the camelbacks, but they put too much explosives in the blasting caps. Now the underground structure is crumbling, water is pouring in, the mine is collapsing, and the CYA is raising to the roof just like the water. Since they can't all CYA with the daylight coming in, the rats will come streaming out also, telling their stories. The mine is caving in. Yay!

It looks like they are about to fall into the traps they built. I say Amen! God is still on His Throne!


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Sep 22, 2021
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Ya think? LOL!

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Sep 22, 2021
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I'd be amazed if there are any willing to throw Hillary under the bus.

They likely all expect pardons.

Taibbi today, in "Russiagate, More Like Watergate", concludes:

"Dick Nixon’s low-rent escapades... all paled in comparison to the massive, ongoing campaign of fake news stories — political sabotage — planted by Clinton campaign figures in 2016 and beyond.

The fact that the accompanying program of illegal surveillance was effected by lying to obtain FISA authority, instead of a “third-rate burglary” and a bug, doesn’t improve the situation.

If the target had been anyone but Donald Trump, no one would bother *even trying* to deny how corrupt all this was, and continues to be."

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I swear I never read that article before I wrote anything today.

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Sep 22, 2021
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"Even the Democrats would *love* to be rid of the Clinton and Obama influences...."

Any Dems who seek such results are in dreamworld, esp. on Obama.

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