We should not be in favor of 25th amendment. It uncuffs the Dems handcuffs linked to Zhou. Creates more uncertainty and risk.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I'm not defending Biden in any way, nor am I remotely a fan of his. To try to remove him via the 25th Amendment is a joke. First of all, we're closing in on four months until election day. Second, The 25th Amendment doesn't exist for the whims of a party with an incumbent who may be heading for a shellacking. Third, he has cognitive decline, but he isn't totally gone*.

*Conceding that he probably had as many drugs in his system that night as Carter has liver pills.

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Who's in Charge?

Here's my two cents. I give you...

The catch phrase of Tweek from the TV show Buck Rogers.*

*(Bidi, Bidi, Bidi) 😇

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Good question about who's in charge. Who knows? I'll just call them the Puppeteers.

I'm inclined to stick with my prediction that the Puppeteers won't throw Joe overboard unless and until they come up with a strategy and a candidate who they think can and will 'win'. If and when they do this Joe will 'step aside' for whatever reason the narrative writers assign to him. No, Dr Jill is not in charge.

Coming up with a strategy and a candidate at this stage who they (and their donors) think can beat Trump will be no easy thing, however, and if they can't, I think they'll leave Joe in place to shuffle on to November and then blame the whole debacle on him. They survived Hillary's loss and they can survive another. After all the Deep State is nothing if not entrenched. Trump may not even be as big a threat to them if he wins this time now that he has climbed aboard the AIPAC train with Widow Adelson and presumably understands better the many limitations on his powers as POTUS in our post-Constitutional system.

Nevertheless, I'll also prognosticate that the Puppeteers will not hesitate to dump Joe and go with Kamala if they can convince themselves that there is a combination of money, spin and election chicanery behind her that is likely to result in a 'win' in November. In other words, there is nothing about her lack of qualification, light-weightedness, or unlikeability which is disqualifying if the Puppeteers and the Money decide she has a likely path to 'victory'.

Certainly, it is totally irrelevant what 'we' think about her suitability to serve as POTUS. If Joe can be spun to be competent to serve as President, anybody can.

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Cass, you wrote, "Good question about who's in charge. Who knows? I'll just call them the Puppeteers."

I think if you watch Abbott and Costello's Who's on First routine, you'd find just as good an answer as you get from anyone.

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This truly is one gigantic mess that “whoever the hell ‘THEY” are, have created. I’m totally convinced that the story of Biden being on top of things for about 6 hours a day is just more gaslighting to create a distraction and provide a little breathing room while the “new” narrative is formulated.

As you have speculated about who actually is in charge, one thing for certain is that they are not going to relinquish control/power without a fight. The golden “perfect storm” that brought them the opportunity to seize the Whitehouse and it’s occupant, as you point out, isn’t likely to happen again anytime soon, so what do they do to maintain control? This is where, with apologies to Ray Bradbury, something evil this way comes and how it manifests itself is the big question. We are talking about people who are ruthless and have no regard whatsoever for the Constitution or the rule of law, so if maintaining power is the objective, I can’t see them letting anything stand in the way of accomplishing the that goal.

As has been pointed out many times on this blog, it is an eternity until Election Day and surprises await.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Here’s Tucker’s take on the debate and dementia. Bottom line - they all knew Joe was suffering from the early stages of dementia when he first began his run for president. I recall commenting to a friend in 2020 that Biden’s mind wasn’t working right. It was plain to see by comparison to the earlier Joe that we all had heard speak so many times before. What’s sad is that his protectors, namely his wife, should put a stop to this for his sake and for the sake of the country.


Also check out https://www.eugyppius.com/ for a German’s perspective on Biden’s dementia. There are a couple of good substack articles there.

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Roger Kimball is very good today:


He politely savages Justice Amy and is, IMO, sound on the possibility of removing Zhou.

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(has much wider applicability, ie beyond the shores of the US).

<<It used to be that the FBI and other members of the law enforcement fraternity would discover a crime and then pursue the perpetrators. Now, as the dragnet sparked by the January 6 protest shows, “law enforcement” means identifying people the regime doesn’t like and then combing through the statute book to see what laws might apply, or be twisted to apply, to them. It’s a refreshed, Americanized version of the venerable principle articulated by Stalin’s head of the secret police, Lavrentiy Beria: “Show me the man,” said Beria, “and I will show you the crime.”>>

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ACB may be a Sandra Day O’Conner, an unreliable conservative.

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Unfortunately, her job requires balls.

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