Something interesting to ponder regards the permanent medicalisation of trans patients, which in my view is a giant transhumanist experiment:

*6 people killed by transgender shooter in Nashville (2023)

* 5 people killed by “non-binary” shooter in Colorado Springs (2022)

* Denver shooter was transgender (2019)

* Aberdeen, MD Rite-Aid shooter was transgender (2018)

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Late to the game - for some reason I am being asked to sign in every time I open up. Oh well.

Anyway, my only comments re: this evil are; The Nashville PD made me proud to be a retired LEO. They reacted EXACTLY in accordance with their training and duty to protect. Move out and go to the sound of gunfire. I noticed one of the cops literally pushing guys forward, forcing them - and himself - into action. Loud commands forcing men to respond. Once they found the evil-doer they gave them what they sought - death. The scumbag made a choice when they entered that school. Once that happens they should only come out in a zippered up, heavy-gauge plastic bag. That video will be used as a training aide for years and the first department that should view it is in Uvalde, Texas.

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"Those who love money are fierce in the pursuit of it, like wild animals pursuing their prey. They betray, cheat, or exploit their closest friend when there is gold and silver to be gained. They learn to make their consciences as numb as fingers on a cold day. Their eyes become blind to the suffering they cause, and their ears deaf to the cries of those whose lives are ruined by them." --St. John Chrysostom

As has been throughout human history, it takes good people to push back/fight back against this evil. We all may not lead the battle on a national, state, or local community level, but we can influence those around us by our actions and how we orient our lives. It’s like in today’s Readings where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar (who commanded his subjects to worship a golden statue instead of God), "There is no need for us to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If our God, whom we serve, can save us from your white-hot furnace and from your hands, O king, may he save us! But even if he will not, know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue that you set up."

I consider sites like Mark’s (and its commentators) in this same defiant vane…properly oriented and engaged against the evil that is increasing its grip on our society’s institutions as we slip away from truth.

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I personally spend way to much on healthcare and I am healthy. Most of the health practices I take part in, insurance does not cover, so it is out of pocket. Unhealth is covered by insurance, health is on you. How do these kids and young adults pay for all this trans stuff?

Are the wealthy, fat, Pritzkers or the others mentioned dropping the dime for these kids? I asked my Naturopath Dr (she mentioned she was getting a new client who was trans) this same question. She thought possibly as influencers on social media. My stuff is fairly common, accupuncture, supplements, chiropractic, etc and am amazed at what they must be spending to be trans.

I guess its possible they forgo the physical tranformation for time and just act their chosen sex. Anyway, seems sad to me when those that say my head is right, my body is wrong, and choose to address the dichotomy by physically altering their bodies. And they are in this pharmceutical nightmare for life.

Havent'seen alot of happy content trans lately. Well maybe biden's fashion thief - the balled guy. Other ones are wrecking buildings, screaming, hiding in masks, school shootinfgs, attacking others, shooting cops, rioting.

They are so happy to be trans they are promoting a Trans Day of Vengence. Yep, happy folk.

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Wealthy weirdos working to wreck the world! Through philanderthropic foundations are their dirty deeds accomplished.

It's a shame that interstate political meddling is allowed, it is also a shame that for profit publicly held corporations are able to give away anything of value. Endowments, charitable foundations set up by long deceased persons, and the like are a menace to society. Too bad that the following provision of the Texas constitution is apparently of no effect insofar as corporate entities are concerned: Art. 1 Sec. 26. PERPETUITIES AND MONOPOLIES; PRIMOGENITURE OR ENTAILMENTS. Perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free government, and shall never be allowed, nor shall the law of primogeniture or entailments ever be in force in this State.

I would argue that so called foundations are both perpetuities and monopolies.

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A radical transgender group said the transgender Nashville shooter felt "no other effective way to be seen" than killing six people at a private Presbyterian school." I copied that from Foxnews. We are a nation where snowflakes are coddled. In my youth transgenders only wanted to be left in peace. We Americans are a tolerant people, but now that is not enough. We must bend over backward to encourage deviant behavior, even to the extent of violating our own moral and religious tenets. That one is expected to somehow 'understand' such perverse and sub-human behavior as the taking of the lives of unknowns, strangers and innocents as somehow legitimized by the 'feelings' of the perpetrator is unconscionable. If society is to survive a means must be found to make the consequences of a crime so disagreeable to the perpetrator as to discourage it altogether. In this type of case where the criminal courts death, It may not be possible to strip her dead body naked and expose her to a public hanging or at least cremate her and scatter her ashes to the wind, but on no condition should it be allowed that she be given sympathetic treatment and allowed to "be seen" as a victim. She must be exposed as the monster that she was. A Judge Jeffries in England said centuries ago "We do not hang horse thieves because that is the proper punishment, but that there should be no horse thieves." We must understand that the primary purpose of the criminal justice system is that there should be no crime. If rehabilitation and humane treatment of criminals can be accomplished within this framework, so much the better.

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"the bedroom of that transgender shooter... looks like a NAFO HQ LOL" (pic is a messy bedroom, @geromanat, Telegram channel Geroman today). They laugh and mock us (as they mock the Bandera Ukrainian pervert poseurs) ...

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The face of evil:


California Democrats on Tuesday advanced a bill that will allow children as young as 12 to enroll in group homes without parental consent.

Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles), the woman behind this sinister bill known as AB 665, deceptively claims her legislation just helps disadvantaged children obtain mental health services, according to the Sierra Sun Times.

The ultimate goal of this bill, which a San Francisco lawyer dubbed ‘state sanctioned kidnapping,’ is to send gender confused children to a shelter where they will be brainwashed into taking puberty blockers.

California’s Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday approved the bill to allow children to enroll in the group homes without any claims of abuse or neglect.

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I suspect I share a pretty basic thing in reading about this: Heart break. The depravity of man shows it has no bounds. Please continue to Pray for these families and one another. (WrH)

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According to a report from the Daily Mail, Hale’s parents, church coordinator Norma, 61, and her husband Ronald, 64, “refused to let Hale – who had recently adopted the name Aiden and used he/him pronouns – dress as a man in their home.”

The transgender child killer would dress like a woman at home, then change clothes when she went out.

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Transgenderism has become a singular issue for me. I see them the same way as bipolar, schizo, or otherwise mentally ill people. Real, and in need of care and attention. But this ideology is sick and disgusting, and destructive in the extreme. I am amazed it has any currency with anyone, and I find its supporters subhuman scum. When reading about the trans surgeries... I cannot but conclude that the doctors who performed the procedures are little more than crimimals. Butchers. And those who enabled them.

Just thinking about it repulses me.

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There seems to be an ever-increasing wave of demonic evil engulfing our society at the moment. Of course, we all have a sliver of evil somewhere within us, but it's never been more important to decide which side of the fence we stand on. Speak out, whatever the cost, and above all, do what good we can.

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Disgusting filthy bastard perverts are being allowed to destroy the West.

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It is very hard to comment on this recent, horrific iteration of a school shooting. When I first heard the headlines (the next day, living in France, where, God knows, nothing is peaceful right now), something nagged, pulled at me: a young woman, 28 years old. Prime of life. Desire, longing for a family of her own. Murders young children?? And it dawned: she must have been trans, shipwrecked between male and female, being neither, and enraged that she could never have children of her own, having followed all prescriptions, taken all the hormones, and suffered the agony of adjacent treatments, therapies foisted on her…so she acts, and kills what others have, and love, and she can’t have. Sure enough…I pray for those Innocents and their families, and for Audrey.

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I'd say the problem is we each want to give in, and in our own circumstance say "yes ma'am" to the man in the dress, hoping the NEXT person will tell him "no sir". Thus, nobody ever says "no sir" because we're counting on the next person to do it and get us all out of this jam.

As happened with covid vaccine mandates, vast swathes of the public and private workforce are saying "yes ma'am" rather than banding together to say "no sir" and make it stick.

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