Stunning and sickening. The document is essentially political and a call to action to investigate anyone not aligned to Democratic talking points on abortion doctrine, affirmative action doctrine, immigration doctrine, and LGBTQ doctrine; further, it is but a tiny hop from "radical traditional catholics" to ... everyone (see page 4 of the embedded doc, first paragraph under Outlook. Consider the last sentence of that paragraph = "During this same 12 to 24 month period, the overall RTC community is likely to remain stable or show modest growth based on potential dissafection with mainline Catholic churches on social issues in the aforementioned areas, providing RMVE a persistent Catholic-oriented base with which to interact" readily becomes "During this same 12 to 24 month period, the overall suspect Republican community is likely to remain stable or show modest growth based on potential dissafection with mainline social issues in the aforementioned areas, providing RMVE a persistent Republican-oriented base with which to interact". All of this seemingly drawn from an SPLC claim, two Salon web articles and an Atlantic web article. All of which are kinda-sorta-close to unhinged (nutter-talk). Tge scope is natiinal, based on the SPLC-identified groups. This is an acceptance-probe: can the DOJ/FBI use this as a hook to hang expanded politically motivated domestic-everybody surveillance on? Soon, we'll see positions counter to the doctrine of climate change included. Yep, that'ed be an excellent example of the National Security State in action, right there. Bravo Mr Wauck, although I am sorry you have to see your former fine institution as the exemplar.

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"The document that I’m going to excerpt cites the SPLC, Salon, and The Atlantic for the proposition that “RTC’s” indulge in anti-semitic and violent rhetoric."

I am not surprised that white nationalism and the false accusation of antisemitism especially when SPLC is involved. SPLC is a left-wing Secular Jewish hate organization that uses the excuse of antisemitism to destroy those they disagree with and hate, especially those of the Christian Faith. There is a definite pattern emerging here that any and all criticism of groups like SPLC, ADL, NEOCONS, et-al will be immediately called anti-Semitic, yet those on the right and specifically white Christian Americans are unrelentingly referred to as White Supremacists and White Nationalists implying Naziism. This is a disgusting double standard. David Horowitz warned us this impugning of white America and Christianity was going to be a major push by the left to destroy Christianity in the West and specifically in the US and he sure was right.

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Wonder how much SCOTUS' 2022 unanimous decision to uphold "state secrets" privilege above all else in the case involving FBI's mid-2000s use of informants in an Orange County (CA) mosque emboldened the FBI's pursuit of Catholics here. Either way, sickening...glad my father isn't alive to see this.

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When I saw "Latin massers", I thought they meant illegals gathering at the southern border. This is all very bizarre. You wonder how much more people in the West are going to take.

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off topic, but an interesting read on the Biden classified docs saga…


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Thank you, Mark.

Perhaps a forlorn hope, but one would pray the USCCB would engage bigly.

ArchBishop Vigano, please.

Somehow, 'holy hell' must be raised up. Millions of America's Catholics must stand tall. From every ambo in every church this attack on religious, Catholic liberty, must be identified and responded to.

Below, Tamsin paraphrased Lutheran Father Niemöller. Just so.

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I enjoy the daily podcast from Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., at the Station of the Cross.

More about Fr McT *

A year ago Fr McTeigue wrote this essay, recommended:


* "Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., is a member of the U.S. Eastern Province of the Society of Jesus. He is the host and producer of The Catholic Current, and he is on the National Ethics Committee of the Catholic Medical Association. His latest books from Ignatius Press are Real Philosophy for Real People: Tools for Truthful Living (2020) and Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian Era (2022)."



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This FBI "Domain Perspective" employs the language one uses to describe the spread of a disease:

"increasingly observed interest of RMVEs in RTC ideology almost certainly presents new opportunities for threat mitigation through the exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development,"


"overall the RTC community is likely to remain relatively stable or show modest growth, providing RMVEs with a persistent Catholic-oriented base with which to interact."

Well, Pope Francis himself rails against ideologies, without ceasing. And Fr. James Martin accuses an outfit like LibsofTikTok of inciting hatred for transgenders and putting LGBTQ people at risk of physical violence. So I guess the FBI is doing the Lord's work?

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The... Remnant???

"First they came for the Remnant, but I did not speak up because I didn't read the Remnant, though I tried watching Michael Matt's videos on 1.5x speed. Then they came for the Wanderer, but I did not speak up because I didn't read the Wanderer etc."

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Let's see how many watch lists I can get myself put on:

I, X X X, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Texas against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of Texas and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.

Don't tread on me

Come and take it

From my cold dead hands

Cui bono

I admit to having downloaded a PDF of The secret history of the Mongols on my computer.

Sufficiently extreme? Only time will tell.

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Mark, Your first paragraph on this post was amazing. And completely frightening. Thanks. I think.

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Let me get this straight...

They are encouraging millions to illegally immigrate from the countries representing ~40% of the worlds Catholics....and simultaneously planning to target...Catholics... in a scheme of political persecution...

Some super*sharp cats running around DC these days, eh?

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Seraphin says he joined the USAF looking for a career path to the FBI. I guess he didn't know about this easier way:


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I saw this article a couple of hours ago and wondered to myself how long before you posted some thoughts Mark. You didn’t disappoint.

Every time I think that the bottom of the “bad news barrel” has been reached, some new outrage surfaces!

I chose the “smh” handle because honestly, shaking my head is about all I can muster up when another travesty of some sort is uncovered.

From plotting terrorist operations to blow up a Russian pipeline or “suddenly” discovering that anyone who holds traditional religious preferences is a threat to the republic, I do not recognize what this country’s government has been morphed into.

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"We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. " Frederic Bastiat

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What happens when their “lists” eventually number over 51% of the population?

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