It is just one example, albeit nearly incomprehensible, of just how profoundly morally putrid so many of humanity have become.

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Why isn’t this criminal?

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I think I mentioned this before, shortly after the hysteria hit the fan I had a doctors appointment. He asked if I had or planned to get the jab. I told him I was a voluntary subject in the control group and I let him know how it worked out. He looked at me for a moment, then burst out laughing. He said mind if I use that line? Docs pretty cool.

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You’ll never convince the masked hoards wearing their masks driving alone, jogging in the woods, recovering from illness claiming it would have been worse but for the life saving fourth dose or fifth shot or whatever.

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I knew it, I knew it! From the start, the whole vaccine push seemed very fishy to me, but it was after I heard Dr. Simone Gold talk about the fact that there has NEVER been ANY successful vaccine developed for any of the common cold viruses, the coronaviruses and RSV that validated my suspicions. And of course, she was vilified and had to serve jail time, yet, for stating the truth. That sealed the deal for me. There was no way I was ever going submit myself to any mRNA vaccine. Fauci is only the most visible face of this travesty. Bill Gates, as the man behind the scene, should also be charged and face severe punishment for his role in this. This whole thing still enrages me, three years after the fact.

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Just one more outrage to add to an ever growing list!! I vividly remember Fauci pontificating on how important masks and getting the stab were in “defeating Covid”,

what a lying sack of bovine excrement.

The thought that this guy walked away with a giant pension intact is infuriating. Mr. “I am science” was and is nothing more than a two bit huckster who should immediately be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of law. Oh, I forgot, should have said prosecuted to the fullest extent of the “rules”. Guess that’s not gonna happen then, right.

Don’t know about anybody else, but my rageometer is broken from constantly being pegged.

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Via catturd:


Propaganda - Actors were hired in Australia to hype the Covid danger showing them in hospital beds.

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Well, speaking of frauds ...


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I’m in my mid-50’s. During my life prior to 2020 I was either blissfully unaware or living in a matrix of sorts. Seems like the country I thought I knew is not that and maybe never was.

Said to my wife last night, “do you remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing My Country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty...”every morning at school? She said, “Yes, I do.” I grew up in Massachusetts just north of Boston. Every morning we stood up, faced the flag, hands over hearts and sang. Can anyone imagine that now being done in school now??

Maybe I’ve said this before but guys like Fauci outta be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. Lock him up in stocks in the town square and throw tomatoes at his sorry a**. Too bad shame doesn’t really exist anymore.

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