To what extent was the Gubernatorial recall in California also rigged? That was my first reaction when Elder lost by so much…..

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I’m not an expert on Ca politics, but my take…

Larry Elder did not excite the base. He pulled a mulligan on Trumps election fraud. He did not go after the LA Times with hammer and tongs, like he could have using racism. He seemed to be playing Mr. Nice Guy, and failed to connect Newsom to how bad Ca is. And he failed to get the Black community to back him. There are so many red hot issues Elder could have used to hit Newsom hard (crt, school choice, homeless, crime, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, comparing Ca economic to Texas, water shortages hitting agriculture, illegal immigration benefits, etc). He could have gone scorched earth, but he chose the path of being accepted back into polite company after he lost.

The vote by mail, ballot harvesting, corrupt voter roll, and an election designed for no ability to audit did not help.

The gop party is near death in Ca, I’m not even sure they realized there was a recall. And the unions and other Democratic loyalists turned out for Newsom. Having a 2 to 1 advantage in registration. And Newsom outspent Elder I think by at least 400%. Probably more when dark money is counted in. Tech and Hollywood are to the left, and contributed a lot of money to Newsom.

Kurt Schlichter had a good analysis of what went wrong, but it’s pay walled at Townhall. The intro looked good.

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Great analysis. Totally agree, top to bottom.

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Yep. Elders campaign whiffed so badly you have to wonder if their strategies ever made it off the cocktail napkin. You mentioned dark money: considering Suckerberg spent a half billion poisoning the 2020 POTUS race - that we know about - how much do you think Zuck and his minions would spend to keep Kalifornia running Kommunist?

Elder was never reallly in the game.

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President Trump stated today "If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do." This was reported on Powerline blog, and the article and most of the comments took this as yet another chance to denigrate Trump. They misunderstood, so I will translate: "C'est la lutte finale..." These words from l'Internationale indicate we are at a crucial point. The Biden presidency seems to be a 'fait accompli', and if it is possible to steal an election in such a blatant manner and there are no mechanisms to challenge the steal, expect all future elections to follow suite. I assume the Rasmussen poll to be on the low side, and add to this that there are between 20-30% who are surely delighted that the election was 'fortified' to achieve the desired result. For me the most significant indication of the steal is in the cover-up, going all the way to the Supreme Court. In 2000 Gore held things up for weeks looking for hanging chads. In 2016 Jill Stein had full access to all materials, something President Trump couldn't get in Wisconsin even after putting up a million dollars. It is possible President Trump has a way to correct what happened, but I am not encouraged by the reaction of those who lament the Biden presidency, but are not inclined to acknowledge Trump as the leader they wish to follow. Why should he go out on a limb and invoke legal measures never before employed to save a country that doesn't want to be saved, at least not by him. He would need massive support when the enemy cries foul, and the Washington establishment will fight this tooth and nail. If Americans are comfortable with the status quo this occasion will pass, and Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24, not on his recommendation, but because it will make no sense to vote when the system is rigged, and maybe by not voting we can indicate that we do not give our government any mandate.

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What Percent does it need to believe the Fraud Happened in 2020, to have major changes?

More and more in coming out everyday. My guess is the strength of the feelings there was fraud has increased dramatically.

And what is interesting from a social viewpoint, is this is part of shifting the US from a high trust to a medium trust society. The voter fraud is only one data point. Belief about Covid from the CDC / Government / Experts. And belief in the press. And politicians in general. Belief in a fair justice system. The people that used to be the most trusting of all, play by the rules, etc. probably GOP, and now having their world view / trust, shattered.

I wonder what will happen if the Dominion Suits on Libel Fail. Supposedly the Dominion Employee that was antifa's deposition was a huge failure.

And more is coming out on how the 2020 election was tilted. Molly Hemingway's new book, "Rigged" helps:


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