
Again, sounds like a plan. Americans reflexively recoil at the notion of a conspiracy. It's a plan.

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There's a fascinating podcast by Tom Luongo at Gold Goats and Guns. One idea he floats is the possibility that it's the European Central Bank and CCP (in conjunction with their toadies here) that are behind the Scamdemic. He bases this on the fact that Fed Chairman Powell was raising interest rates in 2019, sucking out massive amounts of capital from EU and CCP. The Scamdemic forced the Fed to reverse course and return to QE and zero interest rates because the Fed couldn't raise rates in the face of the lockdowns and economic paralysis. This is also largely why TPTB must find ways to keep the crisis going, preventing the fed from raising rates. War w Russia? That'll do it. New scariants? Yep. Pivot back Climate Emergency (fka Climate Change)? Yes.

And doing everything possible to wreck the US economy and society w drug addiction, crime waves, class and race war, Afghanistan debacle, forced Death Jabs gutting the military.

It's a war alright but one being waged against us by the ECB, Davos, WEF, CCP, and their ilk in an attempt to ensure EU/ globalist supremacy.

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Hunter's gotta be loving this. Free paraphernalia for his habit brought to you by father Zhou.

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Can you order the crack pipes from USPS like you can the Covid test kets?

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Made in China too?

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Just imagine the uproar in the media if Trump had promoted such a policy! But the Dems just keep on digging themselves a deeper hole (“holing” one commenter suggested)…I hope the recall to remove DA Gascon in LA succeeds…

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I know, right? Wow. If this is his idea, he's making Jared look not-so-bad-after-all.

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Jared was not all bad all the time, unlike Zhou's miscreant spawn.

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Meanwhile the nation’s decline continues asunder.

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