Fantastic post. This post well encapsulates and summarizes so much of what you have posted about recently.

It makes me sick to think there is a 50+-year history of wars and insurrections and revolutions and coups and terrorism and killing of civilians and associated evil being done by "our" government using "our" tax money under the pretext of our authority and under the reality of our responsibility.

Our moral and religious founding as a country and our moral essence spiritually (as written by God in our hearts) should dictate that we act against this attitude of our government to foment evil and kill in the name and service of worldly control. That is Luciferian.

"No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God." - Romans 2:29

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Megatron @Megatron_ron


Israel lacks interceptor missiles for air defense — Financial Times, citing sources

So another confirmation that Israel's air defense system is drying up, so the US will try to make up for it.

A big problem is that the US has already spent a lot of its air defense missiles in Ukraine.

In a few months the skies over Israel will be open and we will see more and more strikes on important military facilities.

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Weird. I just noticed that a lot of comments have been going to my spam folder. That's in my email.. The comments get posted, but I monitor in the inbox for the most part, so I was missing them.

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Nap: I'm going to guess that you were not surprised and not happy when the IDF attacked the United Nations peacekeepers.

Sachs: There's something so VULGAR. It's as if Israel wants to say, 'We will do anything we want, violate any law, kill anyone we want.'

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Seems to me you have a Mexican standoff developing here - IOW, no single actor has the ability to end the conflict without risking its own destruction. This probably explains why Israel hasn't attacked Iran yet, despite their threats to do so. They are waiting for the moment they have overwhelming force behind them (AKA the USA) but that seems unlikely to happen.

Realistically speaking, the USA lacks the ability to sustain the conflict in terms of both men and materials. They've depleted their arsenals in Ukraine and lack the industrial base to supply the weapons needed to guarantee victory by conventional means in either theatre. Turkey has a large enough force to tip the balance perhaps, but they've wisely elected to stay out of it.

Meanwhile, the assault on the populations of Palestine and Lebanon simply provides the motivation for Hamas and Hezbollah to recruit from across the Muslim world, and even non-Muslim nations at some point. In short, Israel can only draw from a population of around 9M - realistically 6 or 7M, since many have left already, while the 'enemy' has an unlimited supply of fighters to replace those lost. Likewise, being a small country, Israel lacks operational depth and their infrastructure can be destroyed at will, as Iran has already demonstrated. Their only recourse to total defeat is the so-called Samson option, but I expect Russia would intervene in that case and remove their capacity to do that either before, or when they used it, since the means to do so already exist in Syria (Tartus/Latakia) only a few minutes flight time away.

In that scenario, which has to be considered given the irrational nature of Israeli leadership, would the USA risk total annihilation in support of a tiny cult of fanatics, or simply stand back and let Russia remove the threat to humanity once and for all?

Once you no longer have to commit to undying support for Israel, which made no actual sense anyway, that frees you up to pursue other goals, which could either be a continuation of the confrontation with Russia, China and Iran by other means, or a recognition of the new global reality with steps taken to adjust to that. By accepting that new reality, the USA could then set itself on a path of rebuilding its economy and become an equal partner in the new evolving global dynamic. Apart from a few billionaires (and who needs them?) no one has to lose anything in that scenario. Europe would also benefit and could once again become a world leader, although that would take more time than with the USA which has the internal means to quickly reconstitute itself as a genuine republic. Only the will to do so is lacking at the moment.

Trying to be optimistic here.

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“It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.”

― Henry Kissinger

Could never stand the guy but he was a pretty good realist as far as realists go.

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This is an ugly road. But you took it because it is an ugly reality. Larry Johnson states the obvious, yet the forbidden conversation. But the sky is still blue and one is not guilty of anything for saying so.

A historical anomaly:

1. A minority group of people are held in a closed-in urban environment. Their ability to leave is severely restricted.

2. This group is given a margin of freedom, but still oppressed and mistreated by the Control group who put them there.

3. The Control group sees the minority group as sub humans who eventually need to be done away with.

4. The minority group finally has had enough and lashes out in a violent attack against the Control Group.

5 The Control group launches a brutal Military operation against the minority group.

I am, of course, speaking of the Warsaw Ghetto. The Nazi's killed about 50,000 people there.

I had a conversation the other day when i was at the store. I was talking to a guy in line about the War in the middle east. The guy said...

" Well you know what the difference between the Israelis and the Nazis is don't you?"

I asked...what is it???.

He said

"The Nazis had better looking uniforms."

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Brilliant. Thanks Mark. Is the hatred of Christianity still a thing? (I have a number of Jewish friends. None are Zionists. I’ve picked up on disdain and mockery but not hatred.)

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Yes, it is. Sometimes people will hide their true feelings (of hatred) by using more simplistic methods such as mockery or exhibit a haughty disdain for the group they hate. How do I know this? My son-in-law is a non-religious Jew who despises the religious especially Catholics. These, are your friends, so I am just simply theorizing as to the absence of such feelings as you described, Enoch.

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The hatred of Catholics goes back to the expulsion of the Sephardim from Iberia in 1492, and the subsequent inquisition, which was primarily aimed at the 'conversos' - Jews who converted to Catholicism in order to remain in Iberia, but who were suspected of being 'secret Jews.' Probably true to an extent, but by no means justifying the extreme measures taken against them.

At some point you have to write it off though. As a person of British ancestry, I could still be angry at the French (Normans) for their invasion of 1066, or going back further, the Romans or the Vikings. How far back do you have to go in holding a grudge?

Nobody born today bears any responsibility for what happened back then, just as today's Germans have no responsibility for what happened in 1939-45. Bearing a historic grudge only undermines your own culture and leaves you isolated from the mainstream of humanity, which by and large seeks to avoid the mistakes and excesses made by their less enlightened ancestors.

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Another Unz article that explains why the world appears so crazy at times:

“I’ve also noticed another interesting parallel case in which extremely bizarre theories have been used to disrupt legitimate conspiratorial investigations in both the U.S. and France.”

Basically decoys. Sydney Powell was a victim of this in the election, along with Alex Jones on Sandy Hook.


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You see this effect writ large in the vaccine skeptic community. All sorts of nonsense being promoted at the fringe, but also the almost complete capture of rational scientists and clinicians by the likes of Sen. Ron Johnson and RKF Jr. both of whom keep that crowd spinning their wheels while running out the clock on criminal indictments.

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Criminal indictments by the doj only happen to Republicans and scapegoats, unfortunately.

The lack of indictments for Russiagate shattered my trust in the doj under both parties.

At least RFK jr. Is building awareness of vaccine, big food, big pharma, etc. issues. That is the first step and a major crack in the Overton window.

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Speaking of Russiagate, and therefore Powell, therefore Mike Flynn, Lavrov, his interlocutor, still works for Russia doing Russia things...

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Ron writes

"Although I doubted that Flat Earthism would ever attract much of a following, I was concerned that some of Mathis’ apparent disinformation might. In many respects a tendency towards conspiratorial thinking is a personal trait much like a tendency towards alcoholism, and the conspiracy-community is naturally overflowing with such vulnerable individuals, many of whom are attracted to our own website. I suspected that the likely goal of Mathis and his website project was to deliberately distribute unlimited quantities of hundred-proof conspiracy-whiskey in those circles, with predictably devastating consequences."

I have used that same analogy in trying to talk a commenter out of swallowing an Everclear-grade theory about life ending when the Earth's magnetic poles flip suddenly, soon.

Cognitive infiltration is sabotage, is terrorism.

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"Always with the negative waves, Moriarity, always with the negative waves." :) I'm sorry I brought up the geomagnetic poles the other day. Seems like they are here for good or bad now.

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I now firmly subscribe to the Ray-SoCa doctrine, "both sides lie" (though not all the time and not about everything). It keeps me out of trouble.

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Welcome... I'm a lifetime member as a Charter member years ago.

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Scott Ritter @RealScottRitter

At some point in time the silence coming from the American Jewish community about the ongoing genocide being committed by Israel against the Palestinians must be viewed as complicity.

“Never again” has a different meaning when you arrogantly believe you are God’s chosen people.

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The cognitive dissonance must be close to a breaking point with liberal Jews. Considering the mythology they've been raised on has now been exposed as a lie, and the consequences of that which are now manifesting, what do you do if you're a member of that culture? Continue as if nothing were happening? Can't do that. Denounce Israel and become an outcast in your own community, similar to someone leaving the Jehovah's Witness? Cut off forever from friends and family? How does an individual Jew with genuine humanitarian instincts cope in this situation, given the impossibility of reining in their fanatics?

We've seen the Muslim response to their own fanatics, most of whom were created by the USA dating back to Afghanistan, or by the British from Lawrence of Arabia days. They stamp them out with extreme prejudice because they recognize the threat to their entire culture. This is the point that's missed in the West. Every time a secular leadership supported by the majority of Muslims emerges, the USA destroys it in favour of the fanatics. Even a theocracy such as Iran has a foundation of rationality and acts in concert with that impulse, couching it in religious terms, but to the same effect.

So where's the Jewish equivalent? As a matter of their own cultural survival that should be happening as we speak, but where's the evidence of that, apart from a few protests here and there? This is an existential crisis for all Jews, not just Israelis. The masks are now off and what passed before as a beneficial relationship can no longer be sustained. So where do you go from here if you're Jewish? Is the flame even worth the candle at this point, or have things gone too far for them to survive as a culture, with the assimilation they've always feared being the only remaining option?

Jews will never be safe in Israel - that much is clear - in fact the safest place for them is in the USA. Accepting that fact, and replacing the myth of persecution with the principle of Tikkun Olam, they could actually turn their situation around and become a benefit to all mankind as the principle suggests, but to do that requires new leadership. It's not something that can be done on an individual basis, it has to be a collective effort. Are they up to the task? I really don't know, but I do have a certain amount of sympathy for rational Jews, having been in the same untenable situation myself with regard to current western leadership, a point I think most here can identify with.

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Likewise ‘christian zionists’: gullible, useful idiots who have missed Christ’s message by a mile - and who should also be viewed as complicit.

This is to me the most illuminating and important post I’ve read in a long time. Thanks again Mark.

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I totally agree with you, Mike about the vital importance of Mark's post.

And I also agree with you about the gullibility--and the blinders-on ignorance--of Christian Zionists.**

Would that many people would read Mark's post, including all of his included links. Hopefully readers here who send the post on to family and friends will be successful in many more eyes being opened to the truth and its history.

**Knowing what we do now, isn't it wild that there is a term that pairs Christianity and Zionism?

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Worse than I ever imagined. Nothing less than a cabal of traitors to our founding, the State Department utterly capitulating to this madness. And the part about the usefulness of “Scoop” (his name always evoked for me a newspaper delivery boy in old middle America…gees!) not being Jewish. Masks and more masks. When will the proxies wake up?

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Masks. Yes, Unz and Shahak are talking about masks.

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Neocons like Douglas Murray and Glenn Reynolds used to praise Jackson frequently. Dont know if they still do, but I can’t imagine they would not, given they are both warmongers.

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