Big things happening in Durham-World:

>> https://technofog.substack.com/p/john-durham-michael-sussmann-and?s=w <<

>> https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1511183802982445056/photo/1 <<

>> https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1511186014563352580?cxt=HHwWiICyuY7r5_gpAAAA <<

>> https://twitter.com/Larry_Beech/status/1511200072318472194 <<

Durham repeatedly used the phrase "joint venture" to characterize the nature of the activity Sussmann, Joffe, FGPS, and Hillary's "campaign associates" were engaged in, in his filings with the court, referring to them as "co-conspirators."

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Also, Joffe is in Durham's cross-hairs.

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>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNgRKcdWQAEjHYx?format=jpg&name=medium <<

The question that is being ignored: who the Hell tasked DARPA to investigate the DNC "hack"?

DARPA is DoD scientific R&D outfit -- a "Boffin-Bureau" -- with neither a law enforcement nor intelligence gathering role.

The only way they could legitimately be brought into play on the DNC "hack" is if FBI or DOJ asked for technical assistance in interpreting something that was "over their heads."

We have yet to see any evidence that DOJ or FBI made any such request. Without it, somebody in DARPA appears to have gone ROGUE ELEPHANT.

Or so it seems to me.

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No I didn't ignore it. And, no, I don't believe DARPA would do this without the go ahead from someone in a high level official position. Not "informally" asked to, not "rogue".

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"Do you believe that DARPA should be instructing you to investigate the origins of a hacker (Guccifer_2.0) that hacked a political entity (DNC)?"

In my opinion, it's likely that some one official in DARPA informally suggested this investigation.

The suggestion was not from DARPA as an institution.

Of course, I am merely speculating about what happened.

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Wow. Leading ever closer to the cagey Russian known as Sethrenko Richevtsky. I was wondering if Durham would ever get to this. This could really shake things up.

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I thought 007 took out Sethrenko Richevtsky?

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Here I will speculate about this matter.

On June 21, 2016, a journalist named Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai exchanged e-mails with someone who called himself Guccifer 2.0 and who claimed to have hacked the computer system of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). I think that the journalist's location was knowable, but Guccifer's location was mysterious. I suppose that Antonakakis had special skills and tools that might enable him to use the first location to determine the second location.

In particular, was Guccifer 2.0 located in Romania or in Russia or in some other knowable location?

If someone at DARPA knew that Antonakakis might have that ability, then asking Antonakakis to study that problem seems to me to be a good thing to do. Perhaps that study might violate some rule in the contract, but otherwise I consider such a study to be in the public interest.

I wonder whether Antonakakis was able to determine the location of Guccifer 2.0.


I have argued that Guccifer 2.0 was an employee of the NGP VAN company, which managed some DNC databases. That employee was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and was trying to collect information proving that the DNC was favoring Hilary Clinton unfairly in the Democratic Party's primary-election race.


I would have to admit that my argument is wrong if it indeed were determined that Guccifer 2.0 was located in Romania or Russia.

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I wonder if there is some relationship between DARPA and the Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment (ONA). The latter Office gave a lot of money to Stefan Halper in an arrangement that might be a cover for funding of Halper's work as a secret investigator in special projects.

As part of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation, Halper socialized with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis and reported about their meetings.

Perhaps Durham is looking into some interactions of the FBI, Halper, ONA and DARPA.

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As I understand the situation, Antonakakis and his fellows were able to track the routing of some Internet communications. For example, if they were given relevant details about a particular computer in Trump Tower, then they could determine that that computer occasionally communicated with an Alfa Bank computer in Russia. Or they could do the opposite if they were given relevant details about an Alfa Bank computer.

Furthermore, Antonakakis could determine such routings that had happened in the past.

I suppose that someone at DARPA knew that Antonakakis could do that, and so that DARPA person informally asked Antonakakis to determine the routings of the e-mail communications between that journalist and Guccifer 2.0 that had happened on a specific day, June 21, 2016.

Maybe Antonakakis was able to determine some such routings, or maybe he was not able to do so.

If Antonakakis was able to determine something, then his findings must have been given eventually to the Mueller team.

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The "ability" to track the routing of internet communications is 1 % skill and 99% access to data, whether access to logged information about the traffic (at rest) or access to the data (email) itself in transit. Ie they're monitoring the routers at the hardware level. Thanks Cisco. The only thing "special" about these assholes is their "special" access to non-public data and their "special" willingness to make use of that access in the furtherance of fraud. These assholes were given this "special" access by members of our government seeking not to be implicated in the malfeasance. And apparently it's working.

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Mar 10, 2022
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I don't think that DARPA as an organization tasked anybody to look into the alleged hacking of the DNC computers. Rather, I suspect that some DARPA official was aware that Antonakakis might be able to determine where Guccifer 2.0 was located, and so that DARPA official informally asked Antonakakis to use his special skills and tools to study the matter.

Having thought about this matter some more, I feel sure that the US Government provided special tools and access to Joffe and his fellow researchers on the condition that they adhered to very strict restrictions against snooping on individuals. However, Joffe and his team violated those restrictions in order to snoop on Trump and Trump's supposed fellow conspirators.

Those violations are being used by Durham to compel Joffe and his team to divulge everything they know. Although Durham might not be able to use much of this information in court, the information gives Durham valuable insights into what happened.

Of course, I am just speculating about all this.

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Exactly Forbes. Exactly

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