<i>"It is not enough to simply to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again."</i> -- David Plouffe tweet 2:03pm 13 June 2016

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I've been watching these cases and the Jan 6th carnival that's on going in Congress. I think many are dismissive confusing this as "get Trump". In reality it's far more sinister.

It's become more of an all out attempt to very specifically and selectively stomp down any leading voices of political discontent. It reminds me historically of the American colonists extradited to England for trial by King George III in some way.

These things tend to fail and fail in spectacular scale once people have had enough. The subject of the "enough" part has been the debate lately, "what is considered enough?". I think we're going to see that subject grow very long legs here in the near future.

I am also reminded of another set of rights we have as Americans that for whatever reason seem to consistently (conveniently) be historically swept under a rug. Everyone is generally aware of the enumerated rights granted to us in the Declaration of Independence "...that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.". However there are two expressed other rights we rarely hear of and those are.

"... it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


"...it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,..."

Historically we seem to like ignoring those though even the shrewdest of scholars admit the Declaration and Constitution are separate but standing documents each containing very specific powers granted to us.

If you take the time (and I encourage you to do so) to read through that beautiful document I would ask you to specifically read through the list of grievances between the colonists and King George and ask yourself in today modern terms how many directly related to our current political list of grievances. Because when you get down to it and honestly think out the militarization of police, trial by district, taxation, election fraud, the DOJ and perversions of the courts I, at least draw some pretty stark parallels.

I think we are currently hampered in representation by our quasi two party system. We need states to stand up meaningfully against federal over reach and we don't have that happening in the scale required though we are seeing it increase slowly. Most would point to the covid jabs and states like Florida or the current 6th circuit fight but I would say that Oklahoma Guard situation carries far more gravity because it's not a civil court pissing match but a matter of both national security and military strength.

We will see where this goes but Florida will be faced with standing up their own OSHA and throwing off the shackles of federal funding to do so. While Oklahoma now has to debate funding and providing for it's own State Defense Force... I say that could be far more interesting as those laws dusted off.

I don't think either of these two situations are going to be major developments. But I do think they are going to put some very interesting light on certain processes we've long forgotten about in the relationships between our states and federal governments, and that's a good thing if we can keep the submissive nature of red states to their beloved party masters out of the picture!!!

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I'm surprised that "John Pierce" is Ship's co-counsel, as "John Pierce" is one of the attorneys (along with Lin Wood) that Kyle Rittenhouse accused, in his interview with Tucker Carlson, of making unethical decisions in his case, such as raising money ostensibly for Rittenhouse's $2M bail and refusing to use the money toward bailing out Rittenhouse so that he could return to his family before trial and then converting that money to his own use. Of course, there is probably more than one "John Pierce" practicing law. But if so, Chansley's "John Pierce" needs to make that plain immediately.

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If that's the case, we'll be seeing more about Pierce.

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We're seeing it, Lyn's name just seems to eat up the headlines.


I'd love to see more of these false idols outted and removed for the profiteering jerks they are. The election fiasco made about dozen of them quite rich peddling snake oil and false promises.

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