This strikes me as being another indication that amateurs are running things and are just too damn stupid to realize that our naval vessels are sitting ducks. A massive barrage of drones and missiles and everything we have is resting on the bottom of the sea.
The loss of life would be staggering. The loss of prestige would be irretrievable.
The damage to the country, I am afraid, would ultimately prove fatal. We are well and truly on the thin end of the wedge in this situation and the idiot who is “playing President” isn’t able to do anything to fix it.
I’m guessing the Iranians are biding their time before their underwater drones make a show. Seems like the cruise missiles are the jab while the right hook is below the water line.
Do we see Putin’s influence in this? Putin’s slow boil to war as a last resort is one way to look at his method. If these are warnings to back off and/or probing shots to test/demonstrate our weaknesses to the world including us then perhaps we see the slow approach taken by Putin after many years of shenanigans in Ukraine. A lot of warnings and when finally those fail to change behavior what turns into an overwhelming military response. Combined with the scores of attacks on our bases, in particular the ballistic missiles direct from Iran, it seems like someone is telling us to get out. Is anyone in authority discussing a prudent approach? Is anyone measuring the balance of ends and means? The Houthis and the rest of the world now know that one cruise missiles will penetrate to within two miles of an Arleigh Burke. What about ten? Someone has to be telling the suits that they have X number of launchers and can fire X number of various missiles/drones/etc simultaneously. Can they deal a fatal blow to this ship? They have shown that they can interdict escorted transport carrying war matériel. Are they warning us off or are they testing their systems for the hammer blow if our leadership orders the navy to sail into the ambush?
Very well done, Mark. It is much appreciated how you are perceiving this; you are not locked into any one's viewpoint. I agree that the Houthis are playing nice and expressly avoiding killing people. Hopefully, the message can get out of the Pentagon and over to the CIA, State Department, FBI, the rest of the National Security Council, and the executive offices that this will end in tears for us if we keep pursuing it.
What's so utterly incomprehensible is the two-faced style of the neocon geopolitics. The Zhou regime gives Iran money, they give Israel money and weapons and we expect peace to break out in the Middle East. Who's the loser? We are.
I'm not sure if "sensible policy" is the right term but war is the goal for those who make money from war. And there are PLENTY of those. War is the most profitable venture undertaken by government. It allows them to justify endless spending, inflation and taxes. And it gives a convenient excuse to trample on individual freedoms as a bonus.
Yes, you have articulated the prime reason poor leaders always go for war when they have screwed the pooch like our political and elite class have done.
Thanks, Cas. I am so surprised at how uninformed many Americans are with the growing threat to our way of life and our lives itself. The people who demand war are the same people who want to be rid of the inferior people whom they term useless eaters and hackable animals and that's us.
Yes. Was it Macgregor who said the other day that in fact the US has no foreign policy - it’s all been programmed in advance by Israel. So as you say, payments/arms/empty promises going left and right…pathetic, and as you say, not a way to peace.
Called an old boss who was a “ship driver” all be it last on board in the 90’s. His take was, “we always wanted to use the CWIS on less dangerous targets but usually didn’t get the ok, now I’ve been out for a while, but a million+ dollar missile on a drone seems excessive, but what do I know, I wasted tax dollars on less”.
Thanks for that. Your posts are always a nightmare. Yesterday I got this, it helped me understand a bit more about war. Disgusting money greed Always the money.
This strikes me as being another indication that amateurs are running things and are just too damn stupid to realize that our naval vessels are sitting ducks. A massive barrage of drones and missiles and everything we have is resting on the bottom of the sea.
The loss of life would be staggering. The loss of prestige would be irretrievable.
The damage to the country, I am afraid, would ultimately prove fatal. We are well and truly on the thin end of the wedge in this situation and the idiot who is “playing President” isn’t able to do anything to fix it.
I’m guessing the Iranians are biding their time before their underwater drones make a show. Seems like the cruise missiles are the jab while the right hook is below the water line.
Do we see Putin’s influence in this? Putin’s slow boil to war as a last resort is one way to look at his method. If these are warnings to back off and/or probing shots to test/demonstrate our weaknesses to the world including us then perhaps we see the slow approach taken by Putin after many years of shenanigans in Ukraine. A lot of warnings and when finally those fail to change behavior what turns into an overwhelming military response. Combined with the scores of attacks on our bases, in particular the ballistic missiles direct from Iran, it seems like someone is telling us to get out. Is anyone in authority discussing a prudent approach? Is anyone measuring the balance of ends and means? The Houthis and the rest of the world now know that one cruise missiles will penetrate to within two miles of an Arleigh Burke. What about ten? Someone has to be telling the suits that they have X number of launchers and can fire X number of various missiles/drones/etc simultaneously. Can they deal a fatal blow to this ship? They have shown that they can interdict escorted transport carrying war matériel. Are they warning us off or are they testing their systems for the hammer blow if our leadership orders the navy to sail into the ambush?
Did I say leadership? Apologies. I meant ‘leadership.’
Very well done, Mark. It is much appreciated how you are perceiving this; you are not locked into any one's viewpoint. I agree that the Houthis are playing nice and expressly avoiding killing people. Hopefully, the message can get out of the Pentagon and over to the CIA, State Department, FBI, the rest of the National Security Council, and the executive offices that this will end in tears for us if we keep pursuing it.
Pardon the expression, but it looks like Iran is calling the shots.
What's so utterly incomprehensible is the two-faced style of the neocon geopolitics. The Zhou regime gives Iran money, they give Israel money and weapons and we expect peace to break out in the Middle East. Who's the loser? We are.
If you assume that war is the goal, the policy makes a lot of sense.
To whom is war a sensible policy?
I'm not sure if "sensible policy" is the right term but war is the goal for those who make money from war. And there are PLENTY of those. War is the most profitable venture undertaken by government. It allows them to justify endless spending, inflation and taxes. And it gives a convenient excuse to trample on individual freedoms as a bonus.
Yes, you have articulated the prime reason poor leaders always go for war when they have screwed the pooch like our political and elite class have done.
Thanks, Cas. I am so surprised at how uninformed many Americans are with the growing threat to our way of life and our lives itself. The people who demand war are the same people who want to be rid of the inferior people whom they term useless eaters and hackable animals and that's us.
Yes. Was it Macgregor who said the other day that in fact the US has no foreign policy - it’s all been programmed in advance by Israel. So as you say, payments/arms/empty promises going left and right…pathetic, and as you say, not a way to peace.
Well put!
Called an old boss who was a “ship driver” all be it last on board in the 90’s. His take was, “we always wanted to use the CWIS on less dangerous targets but usually didn’t get the ok, now I’ve been out for a while, but a million+ dollar missile on a drone seems excessive, but what do I know, I wasted tax dollars on less”.
Thanks for that. Your posts are always a nightmare. Yesterday I got this, it helped me understand a bit more about war. Disgusting money greed Always the money.
It is very interesting;