John Helmer asserts it as fact, in a post republished by Naked Capitalism:
The Bornholm Blow-Up Repeats the Bornholm Bash — Poland Attacks Germany and Blames Russia
It’s an interesting thesis. The idea is that the primary target of the sabotage was Germany. The bottom line remains the same—the US is the actual responsible party. Nobody pretends that Poland did this without approval from the Neocon Junta in DC. In fact, Helmer claims that Poland did this with assistance not only from the US but also from the Danish and Swedish militaries. The intro from a much longer post:
The military operation on Monday night which fired munitions to blow holes in the Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II pipelines on the Baltic Sea floor, near Bornholm Island, was executed by the Polish Navy and special forces.
It was aided by the Danish and Swedish military; planned and coordinated with US intelligence and technical support; and approved by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
The operation is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces. That was a direct attack on Russia. This time the attack is targeting the Germans, especially the business and union lobby and the East German voters, with a scheme to blame Moscow for the troubles they already have — and their troubles to come with winter.
Morawiecki is bluffing. “It is a very strange coincidence,” he has announced, “that on the same day that the Baltic Gas Pipeline opens, someone is most likely committing an act of sabotage. This shows what means the Russians can resort to in order to destabilize Europe. They are to blame for the very high gas prices”. The truth bubbling up from the seabed at Bornholm is the opposite of what Morawiecki says.
But the political value to Morawiecki, already running for the Polish election in eleven months’ time, is his government’s claim to have solved all of Poland’s needs for gas and electricity through the winter — when he knows that won’t come true.
The motivation for the Poles is obvious. Poland has long been virulently, even violently (cf. the Bornholm Bash) opposed to a direct energy hookup between Russia and Germany, seeing it as the key part of a scheme to dominate Poland. Poland is, not unnaturally, wary of close German - Russian ties. For different reasons, the US finds itself in league with Poland on this issue—the US has also long opposed German - Russian cooperation, seeing it as leading to Russo-German domination of the entire Eurasian landmass. Russian energy combined with German industrial and technological know how. These Polish concerns are the explanation for Poland’s hyper-aggressive role in the Ukraine conflict—Poland will do just about anything needed to secure American cooperation in Polish security interests.
The article goes on to suggest that Morawiecki may also have taken this step—again, with US approval—for political reasons. Morawiecki’s Law and Justice party is facing difficult elections, based on increasing concerns not only over energy but also over the flood of Ukrainians who have entered Poland.
My view? None of this bodes well, no matter what the truth turns out to be. Tragically, the US is facing a crucial election in little over a month, and none of these foreign policy issues are receiving the attention they should command.
Nord Stream 2 requires military protection
This wasn't just an act of sabotage; it was an act of war. I agree, Mark. This doesn't bode well.