Personally, I wouldn't screw around with anyone with a name like Hans von Spakovsky. Great news about the anti-Woke crusade. Of course, the usual suspects will continue to push the crazy DIE stuff, but the difference now is that they can be challenged and faced down in court.

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I’m throwing this out because I’m more than a little concerned about the possible outcome; when this rogue judicial attempt to hamstring the Trump administration winds up in the Robert’s court, how confident are you that they won’t just punt like they did with Obamacare? Given Roberts abhorrence at the idea of the court appearing “political”, this case would seem to be his worst nightmare and finding in favor of the Executive Branch will send the Democrats into apoplexy wherein they will start screaming “rogue Supreme Court and a purely partisan and activist decision”.

This seems like a ticking time bomb to me, but maybe it’s just me.

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Depends of who heads the DOD, FBI, CIA.

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Here's the thing. I've basically stopped paying attention to what goes on in the conciliar church. From my perspective this represents a new religion that claims that a distinctly unholy Spirit--disturbingly akin to the Hegelian World Spirit--speaks through a guy who lives in a city state within Rome. In a situation such as that, law becomes meaningless. Only the latest revelation matters. You can get a clue as to my own views by searching terms such as "apostolic tradition" on this substack. Below are two examples.

The article you link is entirely correct. Bergoglio's pronouncements are those of a new religion, not derived from the Apostolic Tradition and therefore having no binding power on the conscience of Catholics. Which also gets us into the whole issue of another pillar of the new religion: hyberueberultramontanism.



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Might have to pay more going forward for my annual Jesuit retreat. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/02/archbishop-vigano-exposes-why-pope-francis-is-pushing/

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Bergoglio seems oddly irrelevant these days.

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Revolver, hmm…

“Darren Beattie confirmed in a message to readers of the conservative website Revolver for which he worked that he would be taking up the post of acting undersecretary of state for public diplomacy.”


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The AP asks readers 3x for donations to “independent, fact-baded journalism” in this short piece on Trump’s hiring of a “hard-core MAGA ideologue” at State. Running out of sous?

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The Raskin wife revelation is a gift for the new Attorney General to do some investigating of her own. "Hello Mrs. Raskin. Just a few questions about your tenure at Treasury." It is always better when the enemy has to fight a two-front war.

Keep digging DOGE, as you're not only finding corruption but generating some fantastic headlines with each passing day.

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Congressional hearings for Mrs. Raskin would be nice.

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Yes, look forward to the Senator from Louisiana’s line of inquiry!

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No one more deserving of Doge revelations than Rascal, the most vile and vitriolic of the Dems…and now we see why…

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True, but did you see Schumer today? He comes over as demonic. What a horrible human being!

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Forgot “six ways from Sunday” Schumer!

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It's a globalist oligarchy.

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Yep. Interesting that Schwab, the globalist Führer, suddenly dropped out of site a while back. Like Zuck, he probably saw which way the wind was blowing.

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I saw that article and thought exactly the same. The question is how many of these 'public servants' and their family members enriched themselves from the government trough? Too many to count would be my bet.

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Yup, we all know of those who made plenty! And even those who didn’t, but continued to vote for such sleaze and corruption (hello Palisades…)

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