Remarkable that nobody is talking about the unmitigated disaster that is Jake Sullivan.


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Maybe not so obvious but Sullivan's career spans multiple administrations including Trump's.

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I found it laughable as the article closes calling the Islamist group a death cult when that is exactly what our neocons, their financial masters, and the Democratic Party are. Once again projection is always a fundamental device of the left. Yes, Jake Sullivan is a disaster, but this is unsurprising.

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I dunno Dave with stupidity and incompetence being a qualifying attribute for ridicule, there are so many deserving people in the Neocon crowd that it’s easy for someone to get overlooked! Rest assured however that Sullivan has a prominent place on the “Needs to be ridiculed more” to do list. :-)

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Given the people in charge of the world, especially the US, I think it’s inevitable that WW3 is coming. I see no-one smart enough, or with sufficient good (rather than evil) intentions to stop it.

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Love them or hate them, Xi and Putin are at least trying to use reason and logic. However, that only works if the other side is doing the same thing. The neocons are upping the ante each time.

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I stopped short of admiration, but I laud the restraint of Putin as he has suffered for years (like Trump) from the onslaught of malicious and mendacious characterizations and accusations by the Democratic Party. Especially during the Russian hoax perpetrated by the harridan Hillary. I cannot feel anything but suspicion when It comes to Xi. The Chinese while always polite also exhibit a cultural superiority and a right to rule the world from their ancient culture to their communist underpinnings. Since this article featured Tom Freidman, you have to recall his admiration for the Chinese government and his longing for their style of government where they get things done without the messiness of seeking agreement via our constitutional process and the fantasy of governing according to the people’s will not the governments. I see the move by Russia away from trying to be part of the west to courting an alliance with the Chinese as a potentially fatal decision long term for Russia.

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I agree, Cosmo. For the moment, I'm locked in the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" viewpoint, and generally support anyone who wants to see the neocons in the US and UK ground into dust. However, I have no illusions about China. I saw how the CCP behaved during Covid and know that, as the next Empire elect, they will be just as bad if not worse than the US and Brits. As for Russia, it's hard to tell because there are so many factors at play. In the short and medium term at least, China needs Russia because of its natural resources. However, once they have global ascendency, I'm sure the Chinese will turn their gaze towards Moscow and ask why they have to pay for those resources when they could just take them. That's one for the future.

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Steg, I get it and share this viewpoint.

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I have to wonder where you draw your ideas from regarding China. Saying this, I acknowledge that I had the same assumptions until recently.

But they have literally never in their 4000yr history done what you describe. They have never sought world domination.

The Duran had a good discussion of this a couple days ago. While acknowledging that China has invested in corrupting many of our institutions and politicians, they concluded it most likely, given their history, that China is coming after those who were responsible for the opium wars and their "century of humiliation."

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In defense of China, why *shouldn't* they corrupt our institutions and politicians? Everyone else is doing it. When I was working I was aware that one of the major--and quite explicit--talking points Chinese officials used with Chinese Americans to get them involved in US politics was the example of The Israel Lobby. They would tell Chinese Americans, hey, if Jews and Israel can manipulate America for their purposes, why shouldn't China and Chinese do the same thing? It's OK in America to bash the Chinese for doing no more than others do. And please don't tell me about tech transfer--where do people think Israel got their nukes?

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I suspect your comment was directed toward Steg rather than me, but I disagree with you for the very reason that China has a stated goal to be the world's dominant player. All their actions on the global stage from their military build up, incessant spying and theft of IP to their various ambitions such as the New Silk road (Belt and Road) however; their strategy is to be subtle about it, but make no mistake they want to dominate. You cite 4000 years, but in that time frame much of the greater world was a mystery to the old world however where ever they went they sought to exploit others in their region and sought tribute as their due. I agree their is a revenge factor related to the Opium wars and the fact the Brits kept their society drug addled while they exploited their weakness for their own gain. We are no better in that regard. I have more concerns with China than Russia and the Neocon revenge war via Ukraine is a monumental blunder and a wasted opportunity to create the equitable and peaceful world they claim (all lies). I see it as what they say in sports they've done an own goal.

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Regarding IP theft, Richard Poe quotes a Chinese official from early 20th century describing how British only ever make friends with you when they want you to fight a war for them. In suite they haven't forgotten that.

So I can't fault them too much for taking the opportunity presented when western countries sought to use them for slave labor.

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I could make a very strong argument that Israel has the same ambition and uses the same means--to be a major player on the world stage by using the US as its proxy.

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I don't want to damn China in advance, Mistcr. Maybe I'm wrong about their ambitions. However, we can only judge by looking at their behaviour and human nature. The CCP policies during Covid were brutal, and it is clear that they have a distinct liking for coercive and intrusive technology. As for human nature, if they become the new hegemon, they will follow all the others in their behaviour patterns, moving from relative wisdom and rationality through to hubris and nemesis. Even their history and the horrible treatment they suffered at our hands suggests that if they ever get their hands on us, they will not act benevolently. Of course, the CCP and Xi may be toppled at one point but a more democratic force, but I don't see that happening. My tuppence worth!

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Removed (Banned)Oct 28, 2023
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China has never been completely inward looking. In centuries past their fleets actually reached Africa. However, the complexity of Chinese society and the internal difficulties caused by its geography and sheer size have always kept China focused on internal problems rather than seeking conquest outside its region. Seeking to trade with the outside world--a necessity--is not an entirely new thing for China. China has long had a large diaspora population throughout SE Asia, but has not followed that up with attempted conquest, preferring to simply exercise its outsized influence both commercial and cultural. The sources of Western aggression follow different cultural dynamics.

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Free, I wish I could find grounds to disagree with your conclusion, but like you, I think we are at the “not if, but when” stage and my sense is sooner rather than later.

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The spokesman said, "The success of this joint test represents a critical step in defending against multiple targets in a realistic raid scenario.” I suppose it depends on how multiple "multiple" is going to be in any conflict. There are a lot of drones and missiles out there.

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Yes, and staged tests are different than real combat. For example, Patriots passed all sorts of test. Then they were deployed in Kiev. Woops!

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While Crooke has a point in suggesting that panic and overreaction can have horrible and unintended consequences, I think he fails to fully appreciate the unbridled hubris and arrogance of the Neocons. When you have a group of people who are fully persuaded of their own brilliance and who are in point of fact nothing more than a bunch of halfwitted wannabe amateurs who are fully committed to seeing their suicidal plans through to the bitter, bloody and body strewn end, seems like the logical outcome is; they will have their war and everyone else be damned!

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I think both you and Crooke are right, SMH: the neocons are hubristic and arrogant, AND they are panicked. World watch out.

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If the US is worried about escalation in Syria, they'll leave the RF base in Latakia alone--only an attack there would drag Russia into this scrum, which the neo-cons at State are salivating over.

Russia plays long ball... all they have to do is wait out the current admin in DC, whose bullies tend to be cowards who will not want to give up their power/$$/beach house/good life in exchange for ashes, some of which will come across the Atlantic.

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Al Jazeera is showing the destruction of Gaza tonight. It's horrific. They are reporting the Israelis have begun an incursion. It was like watching Desert Storm.

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In this day and age, we know that photos can be faked or dramatised. However, considering the IDF weapons expenditure and sortie numbers, I can fully believe that what we are seeing is correct. This is looking like a genocidal action and the US are providing cover for it.

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So is Britain. Al Jazeera is reporting today that Israeli settlers are attacking Palestinian olive farmers in the west bank with the Israeli military providing protection for them while they do so. Not a word of these attacks on the other channels. It's shameful.

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The Brit press is something else, isn't it? I use to work on the newspapers there around the time of the First Gulf War. The one I worked at was in a giant glass fortress on the banks of the Thames. Even back then, young and naive as I was, I couldn't help wondering how a bunch of public school toffs in a glass box were qualified to tell the rest of us what was happening in the world. My dad, meanwhile, worked for The Sun. I used to tell people that he was a drug dealer to make him sound more respectable! Thank God that we have alternative news sources these days.

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Ah! You worked in Wapping which is where all the papers moved to from Fleet Street - it was after that move that the nature of our press began to change into what it is today; a waste of good paper. The Sun was pretty good at exposing corruption and nosing out good stories back in the day so your Dad was ok. Drug dealer lol!

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Fox has it too

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With the number of forces already in position in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE (some 50,000) it seems like a likely assault will be directly along the coast through the gulf.

Syria will most likely involve Turkish troops and the US airforce in Jordan, Azerbaijan is a potential axis and the insurgency in Iranian Kurdistan and Balochistan is a flash point.

This is not a haphazard campaign, assets have been pre prepared for a long time.

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This administration just does haphazard for anything military related with lots of micromanagement by civilians, but at least they are A+ at using the correct pronouns!

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What's the correct pronoun for "dead" these days? "Biotically challenged"? "non-texting"?

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If this becomes an overriding religious war, it will be impossible to contain. The secular west will be internally torn apart having to “pick sides” in such an existential conflict.

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Not to mention college campuses.

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Maybe at this point that is exactly what we need.

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Great report. Thank you.

Alex Krainer has a magnificent essay today that left me hopeful. It starts by talking about horrorized Israelis living through Gazan bombardment and how this is just unacceptable and must be stopped. He contrasts this with what the Russkie oblasts in Ukraine lived through from 2014-2022. As you write, Hamas leadership was in Moscow meeting with Putin. The US is in no position to make peace; but the Russians are, and the Chinese can as well. https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/courting-armageddon-vs-cultivating

As far as Israel being "revenged in a biblical way:" The Jews would be well advised to remember why they were promised the Promised Land, as Moses explains in Deuteronomy 9.

4 After the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “The Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is going to drive them out before you. 5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 6 Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.

It says elsewhere (can't find it right now) that the wickedness of those nations was centered largely around sexual immorality, especially homosexuality.

Let me just say that it is not a bet that I would want to make; that my own wickedness and sexual immorality would be overlooked by the Promisor of the Promised Land "just 'cuz."

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For how the US was subverted by the money power and the Neocons see "Our Country Then and Now," Clarity Press, Richard C Cook.

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Alex Mercouris has thrown his hat in the ring and believes that the US forces are too large for deterrence alone. I tend to agree with him. Past is prologue here. The neocons are in charge and they have only one way of operating.

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Air and Naval used only. No ground troops unless for evacuation purposes.

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I've heard the evacuation argument a lot, Cardi. I don't see the US forces in the ME acting as if they are there for that. We shall see.

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And that would be the same mistake the US has repeatedly made since Viet Nam.

1. Overestimate air power

2. Underestimate the resolve of 'the locals'

3. Villify opposition leadership making entry to negotiations all but impossible.

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We can argue the motives behind the US moves till the cows come home, but the perception in Teheran, Moscow and Beijing will be the same: the neocons are at it again! Anyone who has read Barbara Tuchman's magnificent "The Guns of August" knows how this could turn out.

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TPTB want us all cold, poor, and hungry... not to mention largely dead. It's for the environment doncha know. As a consequence, the brainiacs in WDC, Davos, and elsewhere have no problem with a very wide and deep war... it is just what the Environazis hope for, i.e. a massive reduction in population.

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Israel and US decisions are being driven by politics.

I’m sure this is driving the Biden Administration response trying to staunch the bleeding in the polls.


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I'm sure that's on their minds, Ray. After all, these are Democrats, so destroying the whole world is okay as long as it helps them get re-elected. However, a key worry for Team Biden has been gas prices. Even these buffoons know that Joe Public doesn't vote for people who triple the bill at the pump. That's why they raided the strategic reserve. However, their actions in the ME could well push up oil prices. I'll leave you to untangle their twisted logic on that one.

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Good point but don't forget USA and Venezuela are buddies again. For six months to start with. Some price-locks might persuade Unky Sam to look the other way if Maduro insists on being re-elected.

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Thanks for reminding me, Karen. I forgot about Venezuela. Thank God that they've never been our enemy and that transporting oil from them won't have any environmental impacts! /s. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

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"Israel and US decisions are being driven by politics."

And money which is at the heart of all this including power. As for Biden, yeah he's worried about himself and his re-election (or should I say the ultimate social climber Dr. Jill is worried, Joe's out to lunch and can't be reached for comment)

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While Putin is making public remarks and all the hubbub with bombing Syria yesterday here is yesterday's public schedule for Zhou.

26 Thursday October, 2023

10:00 AM

Pool Call Time

In-Town Pool Call Time

The White House In-Town Pool

11:00 AM

Official Schedule

The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing; the Vice President attends

Oval OfficeClosed Press

1:00 PM

Press Briefing

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard, and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby

Here's the link to Zhou's busy day today.


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That's the work schedule of someone who's not in charge.

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I’ve been looking for a cushy retirement gig like that. No luck so far though.

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And there's the hair-sniffing and ice cream for when you get bored, DF!

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Certainly not the schedule of someone who wears Ray-Bans and a bomber jacket…

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Sadly ML, that's how they roll. Look good, be stupid... Hope you're doing well! (WrH)

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Could this be used as a justification for more action against disinformation and mal-information?

From the Axios Article:

“Some experts estimate that more than 90% of content on the internet will soon be fake or manipulated.“

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Is the NYT expanding its internet presence?

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Isn’t it there already?

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Rule 34?

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

If only the information, now instantly-communicable, was so thoroughly vetted and considered as is the alleged 'dis/mal information' so much attention is given to. Like, make good decisions not based on power, money and how they make the President's butt look in the mirror. Gheesh. A world of instant access to information - current and historical - and we're looking at Neocon running the 'worlds greatest ever power' military like buffoons. With the world on Nuclear-war edge already due to Neocon buffoonish running of said military in Ukraine. ***B-52's (even tho' harrassed by Chinese Fighters) will be pulling banners that say "Vote for Democracy! Vote for Biden Again (and again and again)!" Sarcasm because this seems so avoidable, so stupid and so dangerous. Regards all. (WrH)

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