Black never heard of 'Florida Man'? DeSantis may be better at playing the game than Trump.

Part of Trump's problem was 1) He didn't understand how deep the rot ran and 2) he was literally being betrayed by everyone around him. The Dept of [In]Justice that was supposed to prevent the election steal was part and parcel to it just as it had been for the Russiagate fraud.

DeSantis hasn't missed a lick. The Battle of the Mouse may be the Waterloo of Woke. The Masters of the Universe just got reminded that they are way more vulnerable than they thought.

Black: That boy [Trump] is our last hope.

DeSantis supporters: No. There is another.

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A major problem for Trump was that he seems to have an idealistic but sadly unrealistic faith in generals. He ended up learning the truth the hard way.

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And of the medical establishment

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As we consider that the only folks not involved in the Trump/Russia collusion was Trump and Russia, keep also in mind that those working to save our nation do not work for the government.

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2024 is a long way away, and Trump will be 77 then.

His social and entertainment network / enterprise “the truth” may be his focus. There is huge $ potential there. And he may decide to just play king maker.

I don’t think Trump has decided yet. By being a potential candidate, it gives him a huge amount of power.

And by 2024, as Mark pointed out, the economy will probably be in even worse shape. The Democrats are acting as vandals destroying everything they touch, I’m not sure if this is deliberate, incompetence, corruption, or due to wokism / ideology. Or a combination.

Will the mid terms make much of a difference on out trajectory? The office of the President has a huge amount of power, and the gop is largely ineffective / co-opted.

Ukraine will probably still be grinding on in 2024. Russia has no reason to stop.

And by then Russia will have other markets to replace Europe. Pipelines will have been Built.

And what of the rest of the world?

The weakening of the dollar as the global reserve currency should be felt strongly economically by 2024.

Illegal Immigration is going to get worse as the global economy worsens.

And crt / trans agenda in schools will continue to be pushed by the left, and the department of education.

A black swan events so far are Musk and Twitter, Substack is another one, and the movie 2000 mules.

And Trump is continuing his rallies, that go around the censorship regime.

And can the Positive Covid Vaccine narrative be continued?

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Trump is too old and he’ll never change. It will be mostly if not always about him. He can’t help it that’s just who he is. If he’s nominated I’ll vote for him but it will be another sh&t show. The congressional leadership won’t support him. What needs to happen is a generational change throughout congress and the leadership from the top down.

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RemovedMay 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022
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It's conceivable that if he were to pull this off he would have more allies this time around.

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Trumps first term was a HUGE learning experience, and ripped the masks off exposing those opposed to him, along with lots of bias, incompetence, and lack of integrity. Both individuals and institutions. Not to mention the Covid Fraud.

The fallout has been mass Ultra Red Pilling.

A huge loss of trust in our institutions.

It has been eye opening.

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Sadly, Conrad Black like VDH, is way behind the curve. He lives in a world that doesn't exist (and it's increasingly difficult to say whether it ever existed), where voters at the federal level actually can elect people who will make a significant difference in uprooting the DC Regime.

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Agreed. It took decades to lose these institutions to the Left, and I just don't see the Republicans having the stomach for a decades long fight to get them back.

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Politics and culture war is never ending.

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Oz supported Trump, so Trump is repaying the debt.

I don’t enough of Pa politics to guess which candidate has a better chance of winning the general. All 3 GOP candidates seem to have negatives, looking from 2500+ miles away.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Trump was pushing the Therapeutics first and still but was pushed to get the Vaccine, he got put in a corner due to the extreme lack of abundant information. How anybody can point a finger at Trump with the entire Public Trough Crowd after him and doing about all in their power to pull him down while STILL making progress. No Mr. Black is correct, this Nation needs him to Ram Through the Gate as only he has demonstrated he can. He entered office the world was in flames, growth was nil and we were told to embrace the new normal by people with nothing more than Academic Thought and "0" experience, see where we are? Trump leaves office the Middle East is breaking out in peace. Look at how many turned on the Jan. 6th people who the more evidence that comes up the more it looks like a complete set up and yet people say What are you talking about? Charles Manson got more of the benefit of the doubt than the 6th people. This whole thing will destroy US or we will pull off a Phoenix, we will have to see what happens, a Great Leader once said.

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"Any chance the pres election is overturned after the midterms?"

Nope. None.

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1. Republicans win the House in '22.

2. Make Trump Speaker of the House.

3. Impeach and expel Biden for mental inadequacy.

4. Impeach and expel Harris for mental inadequacy.

5. Trump becomes president again.

If Trump becomes president before noon on Jan 20, 2023 he will be ineligible to run again. If it takes 3 weeks to impeach Joe and the Ho, Trump is eligible to run in '24.

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Pure hopium.

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And that should prove to be an existential threat to the Dems as a party. It's only been a year and a half of the Zhou regime and look where we are. 2024? Holy sh*t!

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

In the wake of the stolen election my one (very small) consolation was that the Dems would have to own the inevitable economic catastrophe that was sure to follow the Covid lockdowns.

However, never in my wildest nightmares did I think Zhou & Co. would F things up as badly as they have. And Mark is right, things are only going to get worse. So now my hope is that the Democrat Party, as we have known it for 50 years, could be destroyed and the GOP might be remade into an actual conservative party.

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I am genuinely impressed w your persistent optimism. I have no idea what it could possibly rest upon, but your dogged determination to see light in the tunnel is...really something.

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