BLOWN AWAY by Ruechel’s oeuvre. And so happy to finally get a coherent explanation for what has happened to flu and other non-covid viruses. Can’t yet be completely certain his explanation is correct, but it sure seems to fit the facts extremely nicely (as do his other arguments, btw), and it’s for sure where I’ll put my money till shown theres a better bet.

Bring on the flu! Here, there and everywhere.

Can’t recommend the piece too highly.

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How fast will the climb down from the Covid Fear Porn be?

Everything is political with this administration / allies. The NYT, stenographer and mouthpiece for the administration, has a reason to discover natural immunity two years in.

Why now?

A few Swag’s:

1. Empty grocery shelves

2. Inflation

3. Biden’s polls

4. Red states such as Florida etc doing much better without Covid restrictions economically.

5. Midterm fears of a democratic wipeout

6. Election “reform” that would ensure Democratic victory is dead due to Senators Manchin and Sinema.

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It's Omicron don't you think?

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And so we come to the assertions by Catherine Austen Fitts and RFKjr and others that the Central Banks/ Davosi/ Cabal et al are nowhere near beaten or dissuaded from continuing their program of controlled, societal demolition for instituting digital currency and totalitarian technologies. Buckle up. You thought the ride was over???

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This climbdown will be precipitous. Medical Industrial complex to implode in 3, 2, 1....

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Mr Wauck - your note about donating blood brings up a question: how much of the nation’s blood supply is tainted by the vax? If you receive blood from an individual who’s been vaxed then you are - for all intents & purposes - vaxed, n’est pas? Which leads to another question: is there/will there be a market for “pure blood”?

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

Molecular biologist here. I can give an answer to the question about receiving blood from a vaxxed person.

No, you won't be vaxxed if you get blood from someone who was vaxxed (with one minor and very unlikely exception -- see below). The mRNA molecules from the jabs will eventually get broken down in the body. It is claimed that the mRNA from the vaxxes last a few days, but whether this is true or not, probably few people really know at this point. Pfizer does, but we hopefully won't need to wait 75 years to get that info.

Nevertheless, we can look at the decline in vaxx efficacy over the 3- to 6-month range as evidence that the vaxx mRNA molecules are very likely no longer around in significant quantity after a few months, although some might get sequestered somewhere you don't want it to be (i.e., ovaries, brain tissue, etc.).

So if a person got jabbed on July 1, 2021, and donates blood six months later, there probably would be almost no vaxx mRNA present in the blood, or at least not detectable levels. Even if a few molecules are present for some reason, it is very likely not enough to cause any harm. It's similar to eating an apple -- every bite might have a few molecules of cyanide (which is present in apple seeds), but it's far from enough to hurt you.

The exception I mentioned above is the following situation: a person gets jabbed today, and donates blood tomorrow. If you got this person's blood, you would definitely have gotten some of the mRNA, but it would be very dilute, and chances of it hurting you are low.

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I can't answer your question, although it seems logical. I did note, not too long ago (in a comment?), that there was an article that pointed out an ad by a blood bank asking for unvaxxed blood.

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I think Steve Kirsch may have mentioned it in one of his articles.

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Yes, I also noted the same request, but cannot find the article. The news cycles are running quite hot and fast these days so it's difficult to keep track of all the information. The left is using the term "Pure Bloods" to smear those they erroneously call anti-vaxxers as Nazi's. The "Pure Blood" an obvious reference to Aryan racial policies.

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