I heard that Mook was contemplating suicide...

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"Is it the case that Charles Dolan, a Hillary Clinton friend and supporter, was coincidentally feeding false information to Christopher Steele’s primary sub source?" No evidence that Dolan was feeding "false information" to Danchenko. Better to say that Dolan provided innocuous information to Danchenko e.g. that he had a tour of Ritz Carlton with hotel manager and female staff member (re planned October YPO convention.) Danchenko appropriate the tour with himself as lead and falsely said that he talked to these hotel staff about Trump 2013 visit. Similarly with later innocuous information from Dolan about a Russian diplomat returning to Russia after finishing his term. Danchenko transformed this into a narrative about dossie.

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The US cannot be said to operate under the rule of law until both Clintons are in jail.

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I'll trot out my theory of the Great Persuader or Great Negotiator only to note the way in which this development could fit neatly into the persuasion war concept. Trump, playing some 5-dimensional long game or simply hewing to his gut instincts announces a fact and waits and waits and waits for his opponents to finally utter that same fact which they have denied vehemently up to that point, and voila, the needle is moved the window has shifted, we all find ourselves just a little more persuaded (or a lot) of Trump's version of events. Case in point: Elon.

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"Turley referred to Durham’s style as 'either painfully methodical or positively glacial as a prosecutor'.”

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

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There is some strategy behind Mook fingering Hillary.


1. Mook played it safe, and gave up Hillary, which he believes will be treated as Harry Reid’s admittance on lying about Romney’s taxes “he lost, didn’t he”. No consequences.

2. Sussman is threatening to open up a can of worms by mentioning, he who shall not be named, as a way to apply pressure. Basically stating he will not be hung out to dry / scapegoated.

3. Defensive approved action by Hillary to threaten the fbi and deep state, if any more digging is allowed, she will act like Samson and bring down the entire temple.

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If I recall correctly from just a few weeks ago, by Mook responding on behalf of H for A, to the request for "in camera" review he put himself and H for A in play. So I assume he was a defense subject for the trial vs. Prosecutors. (I can't remember exactly).

When in Spain the rain falls mainly on the plain or in Mook's case hideaway...

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