Yeah, there's something deeply wrong with "experts" who can't see what is clear to ordinary people. You don't start a fight you can't win, especially when the other side is wielding nukes. The Cold War planners understood this, preferring to use proxies, and when we did fight, it was against non-nuclear third-world nations (and we still lost!). But we could take a page out of the Chinese playbook, which requires that for every strategic loss the US must also suffer one (Gordon Chang wrote about this, but I can't remember the name for it). Just a thought which I'm sure will have people running for their vapors, but while Russia is fighting in Ukraine and China in Taiwan, why don't we make similar moves in our own region. South America is becoming a forward base for Iranian, Chinese and Russian hostiles. Let's take care of Venezuela while we have the chance. As I said, just a thought.

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The 'adults are now in charge' was just another lie proffered by the left and the neocons. But our thoroughly discredited news media still carries their water; but their buckets are leaking like a sieve as fewer and fewer believe their bald-faced lies.

Not one of these over-educated under achieving clowns (Blinken, Kerry, Rice, Sullivan, et al) is qualified to shine the shoes of a Hull, Marshall, Dulles, Kissinger, etc. They are truly lacking in any foresight and forbearance, as well as a spirited and strong executive to guide them. The bottom of the barrel has been dredged and as expected up came the dregs.

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I still lose sleep over the big question: stupidity or part of a plan? It could be either.

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You could view this, as Luongo does, as the US playing Bad Cop to the world, to try to keep Russia and China in line to be dominated by the Globalists.

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I don't see how the globalists will ever be able to dominate Putin and Xi. At the moment, the globalists are being outplayed at every level.

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So Davos is pushing on a string.

How about Powell/Dimon? If they are going to save the USA in order to save their place in the USA, what can they do about this latest unpleasantness? Can they pull on a string, yank on a chain?

Serious question.

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Exactly the point Henry Kissinger was making recently, like him or dislike him notwithstanding, endless provocation is not a helpful or productive foreign policy tool! “Hey, I’m bored with poking the bear, let’s go poke the dragon for a while.” I would submit that not only are we lacking “diplomats”, but it would appear that we are lacking “adults” who passed Western Civilization 101, let alone Introduction to World History. They continue to provoke two nations that could quite literally bring this nation to its knees without ever firing a shot?

No vitamin C, no antibiotics, no fertilizer, no rare earths and the list just goes on and on.

Maybe in these folks fantasy world you can make empty threats and expect results, but in the world I live in they only make you look weak, foolish, simple minded and clueless as to the kinds of imminent peril it can place your country in.

With apologies to Mark Twain, “ I wonder how they can keep making such idiotic mistakes? Result of practice no doubt.”

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A total lack of education at all levels for the past two generations.

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