MacGregor just confirmed it: iff anyone needs an "off-ramp," it's the current occupant of the White House, certainly not Putin.

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Reality and sanity is at last starting to kick in concerning Covid. When will it happen for this Ukraine clown show? And will it arrive in time?

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I am not surprised by Japan's decision. The relationship between its corporations and government is tight (even tighter than in the U.S.) and they work in concert for the economic welfare of the country. Much more mercantilist in that respect than the U.S.

Given the negative impact on multiple Japanese corporations of abandoning this project; and given that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is directly responsible for the procurement of industrial materials and the distribution of resources, including energy; and given the country's dependence on foreign sources for energy, why would anyone think they would cut their own throats over the Ukraine? The next G7 will be great fun.

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Col. MacGregor is a voice of reason, he calls out maniacs and ideologues, he identifies correctly that senators are bought off and that the house of ignorants is just that, ignorant.

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