I never got vax'd. Half my coworkers got first 2 shots believing they wd provide immunity per the propaganda at the time. They are bitter now - it hasn't spared them anything.

We are on a covid week off from work because over half the team is sick. I tested neg for covid (Abbott antigen), but am still sick - persistant fever, difficulty breathing. It sstarted w/vax'd team members. My vax'd team lead tested pos for both covid AND flu! I had what seemed like the flu in early fall - tested neg for covid. Was the first time in over a decade. Now, again, in the same season?!?

Last year, I got booted from the Quod Verum social media venue for being "anti-vax." All I did was explain that I had already lost a leg to a diabetes inspired clot & didn't want to risk spike inspired clotting. Their theory was that anyone refusing vax wd become modern day Typhoid Marys due to now disproven "asymptomatic spread." Maybe it's time to revisit that asymptomatic spread concept, cuz every time I get sick, a couple of my vax'd team members got sick first.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

I don’t typically follow Alex Jones, much less share his content, but his interview with Edward Dowd (former Blackrock analyst) is amazing. If Dowd is right, insurance companies and wall street are about to join the forces of good in a Normandy invasion against the Covid regime. The turning of the tide.


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I have been following Dr. Campbell for quite awhile now. His newer vid from Friday night (3/11) corrects an issue from the one you posted here. What I find interesting is while he has been a staunch advocate for getting up to date “vaccines”, in his Friday night vid he now calls them shots and vaccine is in quotes. He was, I believe, truly taken aback by the first 3 month report by Pfizer as he stated at the end of the corrected one. Here is the Friday vid


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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

CFP posted this which is long and frankly heartbreaking.


Also, this from the Dutch guy that had some keen insights:


As I'm reading these, I just don't know what to say to folks like my parents, brother, inlaws, and others who have gotten suckered. I just spoke with someone I used to work for who is in his early fifties and is in top shape and took J&J to be able to visit family in Canada. He's having chest pain now. I fear for him and his wife.

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"Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines”


A chilling new report from a country where children are virtually forced to have vaxxes in order to attend school or do any other normal activity. Parents pressured. The result is a substantial uptick in leukemia cases. Article details it.

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They weren't using mRna or DNA type vaxes I thought? Sinovac i supposed to be traditional attenuated virus???

To be very frank, if anyone asks me to ever take a vaccine, any vaccine. The answer from now on is hell no! I will never ever trust these folks with my health or my family's ever again. Thank you very much.

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Perhaps a mass impeachment of this entire incompetent, malicious, anti-American, installed regime is called for. If only that were possible.

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2 words: Where's Fauxi?

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