Was just talking with an old friend on Saturday about "The Road to Serfdom" in context of current events when we realized that what was required reading for us back in college would be "harm" or "violence" if we brought the book onto our respective campuses just 30 years later.

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Elon Musk


The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters

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No. It’s called “Devolution”.

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A terrifying read - goes under domestic wars.

Links are informative, and mind blowing.

Will there be another Church Committee as there was in 1975? Sounds like one is way over due.

Controlled Opposition, Black Propaganda

Risk assessment, paranoia, strategy or reality?

Robert W Malone MD, MS


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The US military is very, very reliant on air power to conduct force operations. It was never an option to equip the Ukrainians with a NATO capable air power- this could only be done by using bases inside NATO borders and NATO personnel- a step we can't take without escalating the war to the brink of nuclear exchange. And yet, we do appear to slowly reaching that point of no return.

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China buys 25% of all Saudi oil.

85% of the worlds trade in oil is in US dollars.

China and Saudi Arabia are inching towards using Chinese currency for oil purchases. It’s a gradual process.

Related issue that has grown Chinese influence. Color Revolutions used cell phones and US based social media applications for organizing, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. China offers IT solutions to prevent that.

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"official liars of the Washington establishment"

Let's call them OLWE's for short, the official liars of the globalist establishment must similarly be OLGE's. If one asks them their names they will answer "my name is Legion" . . .

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Related insanity:

Decolonize the Green Movement!


Basically Western governments are bribing African Elites to destroy their countries economies, by going green.

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Thank you so much for quoting Hayeck, whose "Road to Serfdom" is essential reading. I would suggest , however, that rather than winning the'elite' have gone too far, too fast. Think of this phrase in your article: "the “oppressor class” is comprised essentially of all white heterosexual males" This comprises a very large segment of the population, including the most productive elements. "We have met the enemy and he is us" as Pogo put it. Without us just how do they propose to carry on? Also remember we will not just go away. Imagine a majority underclass fully cognizant that the government views us as the enemy. I don't envisage a French Revolution, but should we choose to surrepticiously subvert their efforts at dominance, they would be a government in name only. Add to essential reading "1984" where Orwell devotes the entire book to the tip of the iceberg, the ruling class, who know better than to start up with the 'proles' who are in the majority.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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