Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Another great piece, Mark...thank you.

Big fan of Jeane Kirkpatrick, especially after a college run-in with her. During my freshman year (late '80s), I had to take a make-up exam in the Government Department's offices and was told by the Chair just to use "the Ambassador's office" since she never really came in anymore. Sure enough, about an hour into the exam, already sweating bullets, I hear that unmistakable voice coming down the hall. As I scramble to gather up my papers and pens, she blasts through the door and, peering over a chin-high stack of books, and says, "who are you?" Before I could get it out, she saw I was taking a test and said, "sit, young man, finish your test...I'm going to tell [the Chair] to give you five extra minutes to get your heart rate down." She was a force of nature and she knew it. Great lady.

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She was one of a kind. The most sensible foreign policy expert of the Reagan era. We needed a lot more like her. And yes, one of her best attributes was that she was not a wallflower - she said exactly what she thought, always.

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Just when you think you understand all the levels of crazy...you discover there's another floor. This is a short, intense read - but worth the time, IMHO. Hopkins' quasi-rant runs through all the 'crazy' starting in 2016, and the 'pivots' up to the new 'enemy' in Putin, that have forever blown the cover off of our globalist totalitarians...

"OK, sure, the vast majority of humanity are suffering from post-traumatic stress, having been terrorized, gaslighted, threatened, bullied, and otherwise systematically mind-fucked by their governments, the media, and “health authorities” on a daily basis for the past two years, and we’re all exhausted and at each other’s throats, and many of our businesses and incomes have been ruined, and inflation is spiraling out of control, and a lot of us are still being gratuitously demonized, segregated from society, banned from traveling, and forced to submit to invasive procedures and wear medically-pointless symbols of ideological conformity on our faces, so we’re not quite in the spirit of the season … but, for GloboCap, things couldn’t be going any better!"


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No argument here that Barr stabbed Trump in the back. I’d just add he also stabbed America in the back, he stabbed the West in the back and he stabbed the entire free world in the back.

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Re Crazy Talk, Mark, and who let Motor Mouth Zhou run wild? Well, just speculating, but could it be that under the guise of “gaffes” and other improvs, such as the “go get ‘em!” outburst when addressing the 82nd Airborne, the Deep State is at work teleprompting Zhou, knowing full well the reaction, worldwide, to Zhou’s blatherings? Time to move him out? Winken Blinken’s reinterpretation was supremely ridiculous! How stupid can he be? Not very, methinks…The used-by date is fast approaching…all very worrisome developments…

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I wonder what impact the Ukrainian torture of Russian Prisoners will have.

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and the civilians. Hideous footage coming out of Maripoul.

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Jen Dyer did not cover the foreign Intel angle I am really interested in, unfortunately…

“not a comprehensive survey. Such a survey would at a minimum have to include British, Australian, and Italian involvement in human intelligence (HUMINT) threads, among others.”

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Not only do we not live in a "normal country'" as Jean Kirkpatrick said, we don't live in a "normal" world either. Poland needs to get real, Germany needs to get real, etc. The capacity to supply European gas demand with LNG does not exist now and likely never will. Turn on the Nord Stream 2 already. A "normal" world would pay no mind whatsoever to "President" Josef R. Stolen. Thanks a lot Bluto.

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Am I the only one who is wondering how much longer we can survive as a nation under these circumstances?

We can’t trust anything that comes out of the DC swamp, whether it’s from the Oval Office, the House, the Senate, the Pentagon, not to mention the MSM!

Attempting to remain hopeful becomes more of a Herculean task every day.

I keep reminding myself of Churchill’s words, “never, never, never give up.”

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What are you hoping for? Are you hoping things will return to...what? 2007? No, that was the Bush cartel. Uh...1999? Nope. Clinton crime family. And Bush again before that. 1989 Reagan? No again, still exporting jobs overseas and waging Neverending Wars.

Allow me to suggest an alternative hope: collapse which leads to rebirth. Our problem is that we don't want to admit that our current system is rotten and needs to go. It *must* die so a new, better, healthy system can be born. So let's embrace that the country we thought we knew has to pass away and hope that we can all be part of a 2nd American revolution that gives our children and grandchildren something glorious and true.

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I also follow Martin Armstrong, not for his "magical" forecasting software Socrates, but because he does has some keen insight in the past and present economic goings on. He posted this today which I'm really hoping he's dead wrong.


"Not only will they introduce ECASH which will create the digital currency NOT issued by the Federal Reserves, but by the Treasury. Now there have been the haters of the Federal Reserve because they do not understand the entire purpose of Elastic Money and that the Fed has been independent of the White House. For the Treasury to issue the digital dollar means that the power to create money will shift from the Federal Reset to the White House. On top of that, they want to restrict the amount of digital cash you will be allowed to have to $2,000. The object will be to force everyone onto the grid to be fully taxed. Then they will push to eliminate the paper money."

"The ONLY way to avoid this disaster of a 20% wealth tax, which would apply even to your home, is you can no longer invest. But it also means you should NOT take your company public or expand it for you will be punished for doing so."

I guess we'll see???

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The article is entitled Biden out to destroy the us financial markets, which he certainly does not want to do and make himself into Herbert Hoover II. This however will happen before we are affected. Time to worry when nobody has money.

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Wow. Total madness and yet I can believe it. If all of what he mentions comes to be it will destroy our economy and the world economy. I know the Dems had already tried to push the unrealized cap gains tax before but it went down in flames. (I need to look up the history on that.) Hopefully not all of our Congress people are insane and these things will not pass now either. The Republicans may be useless in a lot of ways but this certainly makes me wish they controlled Congress right now. Thanks for the info!

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Updated today. I guess he had an early copy of the legislation.

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Thanks! I agree with what he predicts about the impacts and the future intentions of the politicians surrounding this. Sort of surprising that the AOC (crazy socialist/communist) wing of the Dem party was chosen as the public face of the bill. That is I think a GOOD thing in that it will give Congresspeople (of both parties) some cover if they vote against it.

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Barr's treachery was not in simply concealing information, but in promising prior to the election that he was watching areas where he anticipated election fraud, even mentioning the counties where the suspicious activity did subsequently take place by name. For some mysterious reason in the biggest cover-up in American history nobody in officialdom was the least bit inclined in investigating and prosecuting any allegations of fraud post-election. Now the narrative is that it is all President Trump's fault that we are divided and cannot move on in lockstep. The cover-up is worse than the crime. It prevents me from regarding anyone in Washington as being on the level.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 27, 2022
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I remember him giving an impassioned interview on the dangers posed by mail-in voting. And then he prevents U.S. Attorneys from investigating the fraud. Nice.

My theory is that, as an establishment guy, he was working to save the presidency from the IC and to save the IC from itself. He was willing to let Trump have his four years without trying to eject him, but supported his removal by covering up the fraud.

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I remember Rosenstein giving an amazing speech before the Bar Assn on how the Law is the common man's defense against injustice. Ha.

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I suspect that when Barr realized that Trump would always be his own man, for good and/or ill, that was when he decided on betrayal. He may have initially thought Trump could be 'guided'.

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My theory is Barr was Bush’s man from the start. Mueller had run his course, so he ended that fiasco.

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To paraphrase the Godfather: "Mueller is a pimp. He never could have outfought Trump... it was 'Barr'zini all along."

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On the Crazy Talk angle, the story seems to have some legs. Check this out for discussion and links--the WH wants us to believe this was a gaffe and that Zhou wasn't reading from a teleprompter. Free the teleprompter:


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Removed (Banned)Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022
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Don't worry--my quoting anyone doesn't amount to an endorsement. It's simply handy.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 27, 2022
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Powerline has improved since a certain writer stopped posting.

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