I am officially a Korean War vet, and would likely have seen combat if they hadn't decided to station me in Germany instead. I had no input on that decision. That war ended with a tenuous cease-fire maintained by 30,000 American troops on the ground. In Afghanistan President Trump had total control over the Taliban with only 250 troops on the ground and control of the air, and for over a year there were no American casualties. I would call that a victory. The Biden pull-out, aside from being unnecessary, was unpardonably bungled. Biden bungles everything.

Far from being alarmed at all this overreach, I am amused at the 'woke' reality these politicians are operating under. Teachers need the cooperation of the parents to have half of a chance to succeeding, and even at imposing a modicum of discipline in the classroom. Parent-teacher meetings are conducted to foster this relationship. When parents don't show up teachers are dismayed. Now Garland wants to sever this relationship and encourage the parents to butt out. The little education the schools now provide will cease to exist. We will be left with expensive baby-sitting. Black students might just be receptive to CRT, but you don't tell any youngster he is inferior for being white. It's a shame, but in this day and age kids have no humility, they think the world of themselves, so you've got a really hard sell. Has everybody forgotten that even in a more polite generation kids have a tendency to revolt?

What about other measures the Administration is pushing on the economy and on Covid? It will all blow up in their faces, and the measures they will take to remedy situations will always be the worst possible in the real world.

Americans may suffer, but stolen elections have consequences.

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Logging conversations w/ students/parents and providing personal information in an online data base is unethical and tiptoes over the line of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).

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Please clarify "to log their conversations about Covid vaccines with students and the of students."

Did you mean "and the *parents* of students"?

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Get vaccinated or put on the domestic terrorist list.

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