I don't know why CTH even bothers with this stuff anymore. No one seems to care and nothing will be done about it.

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While I understand that their wheelhouse is domestic policy, it has been a puzzlement to me that they haven't devoted more attention to the Global War. They're on the right side, but it seems such a huge issue for freedom and human dignity v. the global oligarchy and deep state that one would have thought they'd be more involved. Just for example, the GOPe campaign against Trump by CIA Bluto, McConnell and the rest is unquestionably connected to the Global War by the Deep State.

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Realize you are probably dealing with the news of Robert Hanssen's passing. Just passing along my best wishes to you and the Mrs. at this time. We here at "Meaning in History" really appreciate all you do for us and for our country. You're highly thought of and a man of integrity, honesty, and we are grateful.

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Thanks, AC. You'll understand that I won't be commenting.

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Yes. You wrote a bit about this years ago when you had the old blog. Best.

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That was very well said, I wasn’t sure about commenting so I’m glad you did. Nothing about that could be easy for the family but I too appreciate all that Mark does, his candor and providing this community of information. God bless.

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Page has been an intelligence operative since the day he graduated from Annapolis.

You don't just spend your entire career working for the Agency (and friends) and then supposedly 'F'up' an FBI spy case and all of a sudden, of all things, become a true-believing MAGA conservative Trumpster and get hired onto the only political campaign you have ever expressed any interest in (that the Agency despises but is desperate to penetrate) by another intelligence operative (Sam Clovis?) inserted by you know who into the campaign. And then get yourself named in a FISA warrant as a Russian agent when the FBI knows damn well you are not a Russian agent. The 'narrative' they would have us believe is not credible. To me anyway. Sheesh.

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What or who made Comey and Rosenstein so loyal to the messaging? The facts were clearly not aligned. But they kept doubling down. Why?

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I’ve bought books, I’ve read articles, I’ve followed bloggers, I’ve listened to podcasts, and tried to follow the ins and outs of the whole crossfire coup attempt since March of 2017. To this day, I’m still confused. What a tangled web of corruption and deceit. But I do know this, that whole caper is what opened my eyes to how thoroughly despicable our government institutions have become. I was never naive to the fact that a certain level of corruption existed, and that the government was doing things that the public was never aware of, but the absolute level of criminality and lawlessness that pervades our American system was overwhelming to me at first. In the beginning I was angry, and hoping that justice would prevail when the facts were exposed and could no longer be denied, but alas no such reckoning. I find myself today simply resigned to the fact that there will be no consequences for the evil doers that participated in this scam in this life here and now. But maybe, just maybe, Justice will be visited upon those in the end some other way. Maybe. Just maybe. Keep believing.

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Justice will be served, eternally, D F Barr. Yet God's will is that none should perish. He will forgive those who repent, and I am grateful for that. Without His mercy, I too would be consigned to eternal justice served against me. So although I hate what they did, I hate what they do, I pray they too will repent. And eternal justice will most likely be served to every cold hearted one, for they are the ones least likely to repent and turn to the Lord.

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Keep NOT believing. The consequences for the evil doers is that they no longer have a country they control. It is incumbent on us as Americans to preserve the American way of life, even though America as a Country no longer exists. Frederic Bastiat said centuries ago "“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”

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I'm very dubious that UCE-1 is same person as Male-1(Page). This was discussed a few years ago and, as I recall, resolved. To extent that CTH rticle is built on canard that Page was also UCE-1, that portion has false premise.

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You may be right, now that I think back. Do you have a ref? Employee does have a specific meaning and it doesn't seem to fit Page.

However, the main problems remain. FBI misreps of Page's role in the NY case, and Page's relationship to the FBI. He would likely have been what I knew in my time as a CW, cooperating witness. But possibly a CHS who was being debriefed regarding his numerous Russian contacts. One way or another and based on my own experience I think it's highly probable that the FBI had a file open on Page--meaning, an 'informant' or 'asset' file under one category or another. It would be hard for me to believe otherwise. This connection to the FBI couldn't have been as casual as it comes out sounding in the reports.


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Here is my own deep dive (Mar 9, 2020) into the nomenclature used by the FBI/USA in the complaint and in press releases.


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It looks to me that the alternative to Male-1 and UCE-1 being the same person, Page, is that Male-1/Page introduced UCE-1 to the Russians. Again, I doubt that Page would be used in this manner by the FBI without having a file open on him. In my day that would have been an OA, Operational Asset. That's a very significant relationship, which appears to have been concealed.

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Jun 5, 2023
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Shot down? Unresponsive.... Why do I always doubt the official narrative?

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