You know in a split second a person either doesn't understand the CCP and/or doesn't want YOU to understand the CCP if he insists we must treat Russia as an unquestioned mortal enemy, and yet leaves the CCP completely out of the discussion, as if the one party didn't majorly factor into the other.

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We have an administration in full on melt down- a nice little war might seem a good idea to certain political advisors in the White House. I don't trust the people at all.

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I feel the same way. It would be totally nuts, but ...

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The question boils down to which war do we want to participate in? Russia marches into the Ukraine and China marches/sails/flies/parachutes into Taiwan. Are these nut cases willing to get us involved in 2 conflicts at the same time? I would bet on both but with that scenario money will be worthless in about 6 months.

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I doubt Russia invades. I suspect this is being staged to be a success for Brandon.

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Wag the Dog is what has been on my mind the last 3 weeks.

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Why do we insist on harassing Putin? Couldn’t China use our logic with Ukraine to plant a missive defense system and military base on the Rio Grande in Mexico? Why not treat Ukraine like Finland, especially considering Ukraine is even more culturally linked to Russia than Finland? All of these corrupt war mongers need to leave DC!!!!!

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Whenever the economy is ready to tank war always seems to follow. I hope not but some seem to feel differently: https://twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/1485041539218870273

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Putin is a Russian nationalist, how is that a bad thing? One would think that a nation's leader would always be a nationalist, for his own country, not some other country, folks just "can't handle the truth", apparently.

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Not the U.S. Trump being a nationalist pursuing our interests was completely unacceptable to the despicable U.S. establishment.

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This link goes to a great collection of quips which perhaps reflect just what Admiral Schoenbach was suggesting:


Two examples of many:

"October 2007:

“Look at Putin – what he’s doing with Russia – I mean, you know, what’s going on over there. I mean this guy has done – whether you like him or don’t like him – he’s doing a great job in rebuilding the image of Russia and also rebuilding Russia period,” Trump told Larry King on CNN."


Dec. 17, 2015:

“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” Trump said in a statement. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”

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And if he sounded like this, one would think very erudite indeed:


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Yet the German politicians are willing to buy Russian natural gas - until the price/cost becomes too high; which will then be too late.

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Who was Chancellor when that deal was constructed-?-Merkel.

Where did Merkel come from-?-East Germany.

East Germany's patron was-?-USSR.

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The Germans are already foolishly paying insane prices for unreliable energy thanks to the greenies whose dreams came true there. I say let 'em reap the rewards of their own stupidity. I further will state my opinion, the U. S. would be very stupid to export LNG to Europe, we should use it right here, now and far into the future.

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Eminently sensible.

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