Well, I am going to pee in the punchbowl, just a little. South Africa was the first big country to get hit by what is described as Omicron, and for several weeks it looked like such infections didn't lead to anywhere near the level of COVID assigned deaths. However, there was this one caveat- everyone was using the 3 week lag in deaths vs initial positive test, and on that basis, Omicron looked far less lethal. I have carefully watched South Africa's daily COVID death totals, and they are still climbing even though new cases peaked over a month ago. I see the same thing in the UK this past week. I still think Omicron is less deadly, but I don't think it is anywhere near as less deadly as it looked like 2 weeks ago.

Just my two cents worth.

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Also, LATimes ran a story about Omicron is "underestimated." But:

'The deaths that we're seeing now are still from Delta': CDC chief [Rochelle] says the Omicron variant is NOT responsible for the 1,700 daily Covid deaths in the US

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For the US, absolutely true- Omicron is still not 3 weeks old in the US. I am just pointing out that Omicron might have a longer lag than weeks. I am still not really worried about it, but just cautious.

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Yancey, please don't fall into this trap! It's been 2 goddamned years and the scientific medical community knows every which way to Sunday about this virus - how it works and how to counteract it in all it's mutations. Prominent, highly respected physicians like Dr. Zelenko know and publicize early treatment protocols that neutralize the virus before it replicates. Treatments like Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin , and interferon defeat it. A healthy person with high levels of Vitamin D is virtually immune. There is quite literally no reason anyone need die FROM COVID. Period. For two years the so-called public health policy establishment has had these facts and has chosen not to spend any time or money promoting them, instead they have given us phony body counts and phony infection rates, and they're still doing it. I don't know exactly what the COVID response is in south africa but I do know that if anyone there actually died FROM COVID, it was murder. Not to mention it is really a bat vaccine that escaped the lab.

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I've seen that reporting too. OTOH, so far we're not seeing that kind of reporting out of EU countries like Denmark, which has been keeping very careful stats.

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One of the twitters comments was question if this was a good time for a booster -- because we all know that your immune system is hurting post-vax for up to 2 weeks. But I don't think the vaccine matters at all with Omicron. Not from what I've seen. During christmas is ripped through my community. Nextdoor app was all lit up people looking for tests. Lasts a few days. Most everyone has had it here now.

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Those are the types of numbers possible with Delta and alpha if only they were allowed early treatment. Think of all the people who could have been saved!

Damned Fauci and Co.

I hope that sob ends up in a tiny cell the rest of his life. I don't want him to die, I want him to live forever in a 7x9 foot cell, with bread and water and no visitors or anything to distract him. Leave him to his pertinence. Total silence.

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bombshell DoD Inspector General report obtained by Project Veritas.

Including such highlights as …

– Ivermectin has been known by the government to be ‘curative’ during ‘all phases’ of COVID-19 illness since April 2020

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Penitence, the root word of penitentiary

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