I’m sure that I’m not the only one who sometimes just sits down and puts their head in their hands and quietly wonders how much longer can this blatant, pernicious and pervasive contempt for the law of the land by agencies and individuals who have sworn to uphold those laws continue before the entire system simply collapses beneath the accumulated enormity of the abuses?
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who sometimes just sits down and puts their head in their hands and quietly wonders how much longer can this blatant, pernicious and pervasive contempt for the law of the land by agencies and individuals who have sworn to uphold those laws continue before the entire system simply collapses beneath the accumulated enormity of the abuses?
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who sometimes just sits down and puts their head in their hands and quietly wonders how much longer can this blatant, pernicious and pervasive contempt for the law of the land by agencies and individuals who have sworn to uphold those laws continue before the entire system simply collapses beneath the accumulated enormity of the abuses?