Information is slowly trickling out on the issue from both expected and unexpected sources. While there is still plenty that remains unknown about the facts, as well as the intentions of the government and its agents there is a question I have regarding President Trump.
It is said he is playing 4d chess while Biden et al are playing check…
Information is slowly trickling out on the issue from both expected and unexpected sources. While there is still plenty that remains unknown about the facts, as well as the intentions of the government and its agents there is a question I have regarding President Trump.
It is said he is playing 4d chess while Biden et al are playing checkers. The President’s safe was reportedly empty when the hired safe cracker opened it on site. That begs the question, was he informed this was going to happen? If so, we’re the documents found (possibly in an underwear drawer) made to look good but not really helpful to the thieves? One doesn’t have to be a chess master to know that 1. The seized documents are probably now out of play permanently 2. Maybe were placed to be found to lead the thieves off target, 3. Know that all of them will be copied and studied for any argument that could possibly be made that threatened the perpetrators, even if they are eventually returned.
So if the raid was to remove incriminating evidence, were the confiscated papers what was really important for a future case against the conspiracy or were those important documents held elsewhere? Considering the depth and breadth of those wanting to keep him out of play, I don’t believe this was just to emphasize how illegally they would act to keep the power.
Information is slowly trickling out on the issue from both expected and unexpected sources. While there is still plenty that remains unknown about the facts, as well as the intentions of the government and its agents there is a question I have regarding President Trump.
It is said he is playing 4d chess while Biden et al are playing checkers. The President’s safe was reportedly empty when the hired safe cracker opened it on site. That begs the question, was he informed this was going to happen? If so, we’re the documents found (possibly in an underwear drawer) made to look good but not really helpful to the thieves? One doesn’t have to be a chess master to know that 1. The seized documents are probably now out of play permanently 2. Maybe were placed to be found to lead the thieves off target, 3. Know that all of them will be copied and studied for any argument that could possibly be made that threatened the perpetrators, even if they are eventually returned.
So if the raid was to remove incriminating evidence, were the confiscated papers what was really important for a future case against the conspiracy or were those important documents held elsewhere? Considering the depth and breadth of those wanting to keep him out of play, I don’t believe this was just to emphasize how illegally they would act to keep the power.