Maybe having the case thrown on because the Magistrate could not Constitutionally issue the searcjh warrant is exactly what the Biden DOJ wants since they could then claim that Trump was let off on a technicality. They could then say the only reason he was not charge was a technicality and thus make him look guilty.
Maybe having the case thrown on because the Magistrate could not Constitutionally issue the searcjh warrant is exactly what the Biden DOJ wants since they could then claim that Trump was let off on a technicality. They could then say the only reason he was not charge was a technicality and thus make him look guilty.
Maybe having the case thrown on because the Magistrate could not Constitutionally issue the searcjh warrant is exactly what the Biden DOJ wants since they could then claim that Trump was let off on a technicality. They could then say the only reason he was not charge was a technicality and thus make him look guilty.