If this whole thing doesn’t blow up in our face, I will be the first, second and third most surprised person in the world! Kinda like walking through a minefield blindfolded, only difference is that the odds of surviving are probably better in the minefield.

On another topic, is anyone else aware of Zhou’s move to try and do an end run an place control of the internet with the FCC? What little I’ve heard doesn’t sound good and the bill evidently comes up for a vote early next week. Sounds like something straight out of Seven Days in May. Hopefully it’s just a rumor, but with times being what they are.,………..

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... comments of Amichai Eliyahu, Israel’s Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister. Mr. Eliyahu appeared on an Israeli radio broadcast and said the following:

Speaking in a radio interview, the far-right minister maintained that “there are no non-combatants in Gaza,” adding that providing humanitarian aid to the Strip would constitute “a failure.”

Eliyahu was then asked if – since there are no non-combatants in his view – a nuclear attack on the Gaza Strip is an option. “That’s one way,” he responded.

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Wow. I’d like to be wrong, but my only question is when, not if, someone makes a move that truly starts the dominoes falling.

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Isn’t Netanyahu’s position simple? Make total war in Gaza and therefore yield to the hardcores in your government and therefore stay out of prison? That’s my math.

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Yes. What troubles me most is that failed leadership everywhere (Netanyahu, Z, Biden, Castreau, etc.) is so hopelessly compromised, that peacefully riding off into the sunset is not an option for the ruling classes. IMHO, it all has a "tear it all down with me" sort of vibe.

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Agree. The western ruling class has already chosen war. I believe they think they can control the chaos and come out on top.

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The question is if the US hits Hezbollah with cruise missiles, how can Iran respond?

Realistically Russia won’t respond as it hasn’t in Syria when Israel hit Hezbollah.

Unless Iran has anti ship missiles in Lebanon which seems unlikely, it’s free reign for US and Israel to pound Hezbollah into the dirt.

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There are anti ship missiles in Lebanon controlled by Herzbolla (Iran Proxy), which is why the U.S. ships are behind Cypress theoretically out of range.

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Nor would I count on Russia not responding, simply because they haven't in different situations. Russia's response to Israel attacking civilian airports in Syria was to give permission to Iran to fly into the Russian military base. I haven't heard anything about Israel interfering with that. Russia has also sent in 2k additional troops to Syria, and we don't know what other equipment may have been sent, in addition to the hypersonic patrols.

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Russia’s response so far has been non kinetic with the U.S. - they have applied pressure using other methods.

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It just means this string hasn’t been played out. Patience is no longer a virtue the west understands. Putin will do what is necessary but not before it’s necessary.

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Nevertheless, when they deployed the patrols armed with hypersonic missiles, Putin himself pointed out the range, and that they could reach the US carriers.

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Which in turn would further isolate the U.S. and Israel from the non-west which is forming a coalition of countries that include the strongest military, Russia, and the rising economic hegemon, China and the Islamic Middle East where precious oil lies. There is where the resources and muscle will rise as the west fades quicker due to it’s status as a global pariah and economically crippled as the insanity of it’s social structure strangles it’s citizens or moves them into poverty and misery.

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“Well, the Neocons will avoid negotiating with Russia as they would avoid being honest with the American people—in other words, like the plague.” There’s the real stalemate.

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Yes the peace option would demand the kind of character in very short supply among our leaders. War it is.

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Your conclusions make more sense, Mark, although nothing is off the tables where the neocons are concerned. As you say, the problem is Netanyahu. There are many similarities to Zelensky here. The guy whom the neoncons have placed all their bets on is turning out to be a rogue elephant. Finally, it's weird that MKB doesn't mention Russia. Even the third-raters in DC must know how this works out if Israel, backed by the US, goes head to head with Hezbollah, and drags in Iran. The Russians just aren't going to sit back.

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The Biden Administration is much more focused on stopping the bleeding with key voter constituencies, than of U.S. standing.

And they still dream of a grand nuke deal with Iran.

Their focus is on oil prices, and worries of the Middle East War expands it could be an economic catastrophe, which would destroy the Dems chance in 2024, beyond the margin of cheating.

Basically the Biden Administration is saying they support Israel publicly, while pressing Netanyahu for a ceasefire.

The “passionate” protests including at the Whitehouse are adding more pressure to the Biden Administration. I guess putting Kamala in charge of combatting Islamophobia did not help heal the Democrats internal civil war.

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It would be amusing if it weren't so tragic where oil is concerned, Ray. The first thing Biden did when he came in was to cancel Keystone. He's also been stomping on drilling licences left, right and centre. Now he has to do deals with Venezuela and try and control a crazed proxy to have any hope of winning next year.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023
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Netanyahu's cronies make the DC neocons look like John and Yoko.

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