"Zelensky ... has completely botched realpolitik. Instead of harnessing Ukraine’s power as a neutral buffer state, his government went all-in on becoming subservient to one coalition while antagonizing its more powerful neighbor." Z has been subservient primarily not to the Banderites but to the people who actually put him in power in the first place - people who never had any interest in the Ukraine remaining a neutral buffer state. Funny that. Thus while the Russians (Medvedev in this instance) decry the Nazi elements in Kiev, we all know the influencers to whom they are really pointing.

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Z is all in on his disposable countrymen being used like Dixie cups. So long as Z has his money and power, all is well . . .

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Methinks a clearly unhinged Zelensky will be fleeing the country within days - definitely before that ground starts to freeze.

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Days, weeks, or a couple of months, does it matter?

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Z , the unfunny piano 'player' comedian/president of the nation by force, rather than choice known as Ukraine, should get the Ceausescu or Mussolini treatment. I will also say that many other globalist tools deserve the same.

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Where will he flee? Romania may not be the best option. What about Poland? They seem to like him there.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t end up on Fisher Island. (Miami Beach)

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Norton tried to block me from coming here -- and said warning, this is a dangerous site (or words to that effect). The title and a few other places in your email were blocked off in red. When I tried to click thru on the title (which is how I usually come here to the site) Norton threw up a 'complicated' looking page and cited MIH for phishing, and this is a dangerous site. I clicked the 'go to browser' link and used it, too, but still couldn't get through. I did have the option of disputing their classification and it would be two days before I'd hear. I disputed -- said you were 'news'. Right at the moment I couldn't think straight because I was angry so I didn't really study the different categories.

Anyway, I had to finish lunch and came back and clicked on the email again and got through.

Stranger things, huh?!

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Get rid of Norton. Try the Brave browser.

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I use Brave. Just need to remove Norton.

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Wow! "A dangerous site". Seems like a pretty high compliment--I've arrived!

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Mark Danger . . . thank goodness you aren't Mark Delecto !!!

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Yes, this guy is now retired, but I suspect that this view is shared by others in the Pentagon:

"President Biden's language -- we're about at the top of the language scale, if you will. And I think we need to back off that a little bit and do everything we possibly can to try to get to the table to resolve this thing," Mullen told "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

(Trigger warning for neocons) Fmr. Joint Chiefs chairman Adm. Mike Mullen says he's "a little concerned about the language" from Biden on nuclear war & says the US should "do everything we possibly can to try to get to the table" to negotiate with Russia. pic.twitter.com/3FFrXAufO2

— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 10, 2022

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Wow... when the neoCons/libs publicly lose Mullen... definitely some behind the scenes action going on.

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This is a very rational appreciation of the situation. Let's hope that there are still people in DC, Davos and the Pentagon who are rational too. Nothing is off the tables with this bunch of maniacs. The next big question is, now that NS is not in fact kaput, whether the Germans will fold.

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…and if the Germans fold, will the Frogs follow? To think this is the 60th anniversary of de Gaulle and Adenauer’s vision for a strong Europe of Nations. And of course the US never wanted that…hence the delusional, feckless, incompetent and —- treasonous ( to their own citizenry) “leaders” we have here in Europe. Now gas shortages are appearing in France…

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I'm not sure the German government will fold, ML. Firstly, they've been selected because they are WEF drones who have no desire to fold anyway. Secondly, even if Scholz wanted to bug out, he wouldn't have the guts. As for France, it is a whole different kettle of fish and vastly more complex as a nation than Germany. They may well fold, but it won't be because they are siding with Putin and have woken up to the whole Ukraine scam, it will be because of the economic situation. It was pretty bad even before Ukraine, was made much worse by Macron's evil Covid policies, and is now, as you point out with the gas, about to get much worse. The French are much more volatile than the Germans and their unions are very communistic and powerful. I expect fireworks there for sure.

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Tx Steg for your take on things Franco-German. I hope you are right about the French - with a little help from the Gilet Jaunes!

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Mark, I really appreciate the information you provide.

Thank you.

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Ann Barnhardt has a post discussing the decades-long loss of executive function vested in our executive. Everybody knows that Biden is a puppet for other, unelected people pulling the levers of power. Everybody knows that our deep state is not letting Biden anywhere near the control room.

Per Michael Anton, 2016 was the Flight 93 election... and we stormed the cockpit... and all that's left of the Trump presidency is a smoking hole in the ground in Pennsylvania.

The deep state rolled out their plandemic regardless.

Everybody knows that Zelensky is a puppet, and not anywhere near the control room.

Ukrainians are getting chewed up and spit out.

On the other hand, from a distance Putin seems to be exercising executive power within his government. Can such a thing be true?

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We should fear a petulant Biden.

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He may be histories worst 'aggressive passive'...

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