What’s Tulsi’s angle? Full disclosure—I like her; I’m a GWOT veteran who turned anti-war after my last deployment, and though I’m as white as they come, I’m married to a Desi woman. So she’s an easy sell for me—reminds me a little of myself and my wife. But what is she trying to get out of this? Someone who has been elected to the Congress of The United States of America multiple times is not a Saint or a prophet—except perhaps Ron Paul, PBUH—trying to save our souls. She wants something; just tell me what it is—there’s nothing wrong with transactional politics. The rub is when I have to figure out how the idealist pitch guy is actually trying to profit.

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I make no judgment about her ambitions or her motives at this point. What I WOULD like to know is who in the GOP (and/or which GOP donors) invited her in? And what did they promise her? Someone most definitely did, as this is a planned effort for specific purposes. Else she would not be endorsing midterm election candidates a mere one day after she renounced her Dem party membership.

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At a guess I'd say she wants to influence policy. Something she hasn't been able to do before.

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I keep a wry eye on here. She's been maneuvering for over a year and I'm wondering. Some have said she could be a Trump VP, I do not know if we are ready for that nor if she is full on MAGA. She's pretty but folks, she is married and you are not getting in, so make your plans based on something real?

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Tulsi is a great pick up by Republicans as a campaigner. That NH senate race is winnable and none of the pollsters seem to have given it any notice.

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Let us hope so (though I doubt it having lived here for 20+ years) because if she wins again, she'll be dug in like a tick.

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Oct 13, 2022
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Joke's on us.

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Seems to be a Dem thing, what with HRC dodging sniper fire at Sarajevo and Danang Dick Blumenthal smelling the napalm in 'Nam. What a crew!

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Please write a biography of Joe Biden - your turn of phrase is superb :)

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Oct 13, 2022
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I have always been a Republican, but my views align more closely with Tulsi Gabbard than many of our Republican leaders begging for my cash.

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Oct 13, 2022
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We shall see.

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