Re: my comment on the Luongo post. Here is CTH and his take on Liz Truss and why she was ****canned so quickly. He makes a good case that this is all supportive of the Build Back Better agenda. CTH thinks these people, including our Fed, are deliberately reducing economic growth as a way of bringing down consumption of oil related products i.e., gas and oil and forwarding the electrification agenda.

To a layman like me it appears she tried a version of ole fashioned Reaganism - tax cuts, expand oil and gas exploration, etc - as an antidote to the malaise there. CTH claims that cannot be tolerated so, out she goes on her a**. Soon to be replaced by Boris or some other WEF flunky. Interesting.


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Agreed. Here in Europe, no leader is saying, "Okay, we've got to do a deal with Putin and turn the taps back on." It's all, "Well, get used to it because this is just the way it is", and lots of patronising advice about saving energy to help the environment.

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This one, half-inched from BTL @ Moon of Alabama, is prime memery


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2 things: Boris Johnson is apparently cutting short his vacay and hotfooting back to London with reports he will throw in for a second go (🙄).

I was trying to fugure out what news story was being buried by this chaos - then I realised that Covid shot injuries was finally scheduled for parliamentary debate on Oct 24th following a petition that garnered hundreds of thousands of signatures.

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Meanwhile, EU and CDC are recommending that kids as young as 6 mos. be shot up.

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Did you say EU? Because I have heard that several EUR countries were discontinuing (or dis-recommending) the jabs for people under 50, or thereabouts.

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I did say that.

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Her book will probably raise more money as holiday gag gifts than had she remained in power.

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Wow! Great gift for people you don't like! Think of office Christmas parties.

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Great idea! Even though I generally DO like my colleagues, we do a "white elephant" style, so, watching 3 rounds of who gets stuck with this turd will be a riot. Will probably need to throw in a bottle of booze to soften the blow.

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I'm in AZ so I'm used to this...


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Love that meme!

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Oh my. More Brutality. From Moon via the UK Daily Star:

The Lettuce Has Won. Liz Truss Resigned.

In the race towards the use-by date the lettuce persevered.

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The only one I’m aware of with a shorter reign would be Lady Jane Grey. That meteoric rise to fame book will be in the $1 bin by probably late today. 🤪🤣

Can’t wait to see what domino tips next. It all accelerating pretty quick right now. I believe that ultimately that’s a good sign. Rushing usually leads to poor outcomes; at least that’s my experience.

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Could become a collector's item. Imagine what an autographed copy could be worth?

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El Gato had a great stack published today about how we need to reclaim our laughter and joy. It’s good for us AND a potent weapon against their evil. The bad guys are surely doing their part with some of their inane behavior and moves. You can’t discount that this event could be a key indicator of more trouble to come, but one must skewer them for the witless fools they are.

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Asked about the surge of the right-wing political opposition, [von der Leyen, She Who Must Be Obeyed] threatened “we will see the result of the vote in Italy. If things go in a difficult direction — and I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland — we have the tools.”

Apparently the UK didn't get the message that this applied to them, too? Will Italy somehow be forewarned and thus forearmed? The US is threatening Turkey today re its ties with Turkey. With total political and economic chaos threatening in most of the West, the Neocons are pressing onward. Turkey, Saudis, who's next?

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By the way, the phil giraldi piece is an amusing/interesting take on what the average European man on the, uh, cruise ship thinks about the current mess.

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That was an interesting read. Very open-ended. My take is that many are fiddling away while Rome burns. Although there is an old adage my husband loves to quote which is applicable in certain situations: “Don’t just do something, stand there!”

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